April 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Ehadie+%28alittledark%29'

Sep. 12th, 2019



[Filtered to: Mal, Hadie, Persephone]

Family dinner. This weekend.

Be there.

[Yeah, that's all you're getting]

Aug. 14th, 2019



This is problematic.




Aug. 13th, 2019



I don't want to die and go into my next life with no memories. I know I have no choice but I still don't want to. Last time I accepted it was going to happen and I was ready for it but I'm struggling this time. I don't want to forget my Anti Christ and our entire life together. He's the love of all my lives and it's not fair that I have to live part of my life without him in it while I'm a kid.

Aug. 12th, 2019




I saw you talking to your mom, I'll offer a trade of spells if you get me out of this center.



voice post: persephone

This is an unexpected surprise.

Aug. 9th, 2019



At the rate people from Auradon are showing up I am half expecting more Isle kids. Course that would mean the universe would have to give a shite, right?


How are you adjusting to this place?



Well this is a new kind kind of magic. Can’t say that I don’t mind it though. That was until I got this new device and I find a dozen names that I know on it, and possibly those who would rather be happy if I want here. The only name I didn’t see was my grandmother or my mother. I will not give up hope that I will see them both again.

But anyways hi I’m Audrey. Daughter of Princess Aurora and Prince Philip. Should have been queen..I hear school is starting up soon so any info about what school to attend would be helpful. Preferably with magic since I recently discovered that I have magic and would love to develop it. So many choices...

Feel free to say hi. I just hope I can navigate myself around here...

Aug. 3rd, 2019



Spoilers for Descendants 3 )