April 2024



Posts Tagged: 'carly+mcdonald+%28dr_mcdonald%29'

May. 23rd, 2021



I've been doing a lot better recently. With my grieving, I mean. But today's been rough.

Not even sure why. Today isn't any kind of special day, nor the anniversary of anything. I just had this... horrible feeling of loneliness when I woke this morning, and it hasn't gone away.

It's like all day, I've just been craving the feeling of being held, of someone who loves me reassuring me everything's gonna be alright.

Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Hey, Whit. Think we could get together for lunch this week sometime? I miss my sister.

May. 2nd, 2021



Text to Wichita

>> Hey you.
>> Any plans tonight?
>> I was thinking we could just hang out and talk.

Apr. 20th, 2021



Hey, y'all!

So, as many of you know, while I personally don't date anyone, I'm in love with the concept of love.

I love hearing about it, reading about it, and seeing it.

So with so much stress and tension around here lately, let's revel in love.

Are you dating someone? Tell us all about them. What you love about them. How you fell in love. Anything you like.

Got a crush? Tell me about 'em. What makes you like them? How do they make you feel?

Let's hear it, folks! Don't let me down!

Apr. 12th, 2021



Who: Wichita & Dr. Carly McDonald
What: The start of something
When: Sunday evening; April 11
Where: The End Zone in Freedomtown
Warnings: language

They're both in the mood for something different. )



Huh. I guess it's never too late to discover new things about yourself. Even when they're things you kinda knew for years and just didn't want to admit.

Either way... I feel like maybe, just maybe, I took my first step toward healing today.

Jan. 21st, 2021



It's getting harder and harder to even make myself get out of bed in the morning. I thought I'd be getting a little better by now. Healing a bit. But I just feel emptier and more lonely by the day.

Private to Jack Damon
Jack? Just wanted to let you know... I'm taking a hiatus from work. I'm not sure for how long. If you need to replace me in the meantime, I understand 100%.

Dec. 12th, 2020



When someone has been sleeping in your bed and they disappear, how do you get over it.

I come home, look at his side, and get all depressed again. I miss being in his arms.

I thought I was over this, apparently, I'm not.

Dec. 8th, 2020



It's so weird how you can be single most of your life and do just fine, but then after only being with someone a year or so, when you become single again it's like you can't remember how to even function like that anymore.

Sigh. I did not want to be *that girl*. The one who has to be with somwone to be happy.

Yet, here we are. And to make it worse, I can't help but think every guy I meet just doesn't measure up to the one I lost.

Nov. 29th, 2020



Being lonely sucks, let me just say that upfront. Especially when I find myself unable to even look at any guys without thinking about Noah.

Aug. 20th, 2020



I've always prided myself on being a positive, upbeat person. No matter what life threw at me, I stayed that way. I think life finally won the battle. I don't feel like being happy and perky anymore. I'm tired.

Any chance you want a few extra days off? I was hoping I could take a few of your shifts, just to keep me busy and not thinking about the shitshow my life suddenly turned into.

Aug. 11th, 2020



Carly McDonald

So I have something to say to you.

Jun. 13th, 2019


I get both of my little ones this weekend! It's going to be great.

Mar. 11th, 2019



Kinda loving this place already... XMH is the most amazing hospital I've ever worked in, my coworkers are fantastic, and not only do we have a killer sports bar right by it, but we had cupcakes delivered this morning that made my sweet tooth feel the way I can only imagine someone feels after mind-blowing sex.

Mar. 5th, 2019



After weighing my options and trying to decide where I would be able to best help, I've decided to take Chief Webber up on his offer of the open position as Head of Cardio at Xavier Memorial. I can't wait to meet all my fellow doctors, and it's gonna be great working with you all!

I wanna go out tonight and celebrate my new job. Who's with me for drinks?

Jan. 16th, 2019



Took me a few days to be able to process all this without having either a massive freakout or a panic attack, but nonetheless, I'm dealing better now.

Hi everyone. I'm Dr. Carly McDonald, trauma surgeon for UCLA Medical Center.

Well... I mean in my world I am. In this one they've probably never heard of me.

Which kinda freaks me out all over again. Omg.