April 2024



Posts Tagged: 'brianna+parker+%28little_weirdo%29'

Feb. 16th, 2021



Filtered away from Bode Knight

Ok, to anyone who's even talked to me once or twice: I have to ask this.

And pleeeeeease be 100% honest.

Am I just completely unappealing in every way or something? Because I'm starting to feel that way.



I've attempted to expand my music a little. I know that it's not the best, but I'm working on it.

[Song: "I Don't Know My Name" by Grace Vanderwaal; performed by Sicily Rose.]

Jan. 31st, 2021



It's weird celebrating my birthday without the rest of my family here. By the way, nineteen doesn't feel any different than eighteen.

Jan. 14th, 2021



I'm bored.

I missed signing up for that blind date thing so... Is there anyone else free to hang out this weekend?

Dec. 29th, 2020



Is this real? The people at the welcome center swore that it was but I don't know.

Dec. 28th, 2020



Ok. So, I was sitting around thinking to myself.

I said, "Self? Why are you so nervous about not making any friends here? You had literally two friends at home, and both are here as well. And nobody's been able to find you even remotely dateable, so it's not like you can be less pathetic, right?"

I mean, I could be. If I started standing on street corners holding a sign that said 'Will Work For Friendship" or something.

Which, TBH, doesn't sound like an altogether bad idea.

ANYWAY. Point is, may as well get myself out there and try making a few friends.

So what do not-at-all-pathetic people do for fun here when they wanna meet people?

Dec. 17th, 2020



Oh my I love the snow. It's so beautiful and I heard that it's everywhere. Isn't that great?!



AHHHHHH! This is the coolest thing ever!!!!

Ok, so, not having my fam here? Not so cool. But a real multiverse!!! And all these cool people and places are real here!

So, the Welcome Center (which is SUPER cool, btw) explained to me about the network and how the phone they give us kinda uses it as a form of social media, and I'm totally here for it.

I'm Brianna. I'm 19, a freshman in college (well, I mean, not anymore I guess?), and I'm kinda obsessed with video games and comic books.

I see there are some real-life Final Fantasy characters here... I apologize in advance for the absolute idiot I'm probably going to make of myself when I meet you.