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Posts Tagged: '%7Ethe+13th+doctor+%28wasscottish%29'

Sep. 10th, 2020



Anyone fancy a game of 20 questions?

Aug. 23rd, 2020



There's no way...I am not drunk enough for this.

May. 6th, 2020



[The Doctor is wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, and has removed her ever present coat]

Blimey, it's warm today. Just me, or is anyone else feeling really hot?

Apr. 20th, 2020



Cut For Spoilers )

Apr. 7th, 2020



13th Doctor

'Ello Luv.

How about you + me = Disney?

Apr. 1st, 2020



I've spent almost every waking moment since arriving here trying to atone for the things I did in my world. For the lives I destroyed, and the misery I brought on the entire galaxy.

And today, as I looked through the Jedi Temple in Galactic City, for the first time I felt like maybe I'm actually starting to make things right.

We're actually beginning to rebuild the Order.

Myself. Two versions of my son, Luke. Several versions of my grandson Ben. Obi-Wan. Ahsoka. Rey. Jacen. Finn. And all the others. I'm finally helping to restore what I once helped extinguish.

Mar. 27th, 2020



Alrighty, it's Friday night. So time to settle in with some popcorn and a film. Any suggestions of any good funny movies?

Mar. 18th, 2020



[The Doctor seems... exhausted.]

Well... that was something.

Feb. 27th, 2020



Hello Galador!

Caption Jack Harkness here, I'm ready to explore you!

Feb. 23rd, 2020



The more I see here... the more I see my parents in their youth, my grandfather in his... it becomes cleare and clearer how deeply and completely Palpatine had his hooks in my family from the beginning. It sickens me on levels I didn't think possible.

Feb. 9th, 2020



Aw. Got given a box of chocolates.

Anyone fancy one?

Jan. 31st, 2020



I've been hanging out with my kid a lot and it's bittersweet. Sweet cause I get to be in her life but bitter because it's a reminder that I'll never get to be pregnant with her or see her grow up. I get pregnant and that's a final death sentence for me. There's no coming back from that and I'll go into Valkyrie heaven like my mom. The only way I'll ever get to hold my own child is if we go the surrogate route and I'm not even sure I'd want to do that cause it wouldn't be fair to Michael to have to juggle raising our child and his wife over and over again for the rest of our lives. Sometimes being what I am really sucks.

Jan. 27th, 2020



I feel so torn, being here.

On one hand, it's the first time in more years than I can remember that I feel as though I can truly experience inner peace. A clean slate. A fresh start. The chance to rewrite my story.

But on the other hand... I don't feel I deserve it. Any of it. All the death I caused... and the one I failed to prevent... why was I brought here, instead of her? I deserve to know pain. To know torment. She was the one who deserved to know peace and love.

Why am I here?

Jan. 15th, 2020



Odd question here... but what are the chances of one of the genius minds here being able to create something they really should have no way of making in this reality?

Luke Skywalker
Master Skywalker. You don't know me, but my name is Finn. In my world I'm with The Resistance and my friend Rey was trained by you. Would you be willing to talk to me about something important?

Jan. 3rd, 2020



So New Year! And a lot of files updated!

[Yes, the Doctor reads up on all the different worlds. She likes knowing things!]

Anyone got anything fun planned?

Nov. 26th, 2019



You know what? I've never done Thanksgiving before. Well, the first one, sort of. I was in the area. I mean I've never done the meal and the trimmings and all that.

Nov. 5th, 2019



So. Been here and there. Mostly... doing that whole thinking thing again.

The Gems seem to create their own continous paradoxes. A thing has never been here before, until it's brought, and suddenly it's always been here, it was never not here. The big problem with that is that... Well, actually maybe let's not point that bit out. Pretty sure reality's tenous enough here already.

ANYWAY. ... What was my point again? Oh! Now I remember.

Force Users - can I study you? I've never gotten the chance to study the Force before. Not properly. Would love it!

Sep. 28th, 2019



Oi! Idiot spaceman! What did you do?

Sep. 24th, 2019








Sep. 8th, 2019



I've just returned from a long expedition of exploring this planet. I'm very... puzzled by some things.

While I understand that this gem is combining pieces of various realities... according to that logic the Jedi should be "fictional" in this world. Yet... all over this planet, I feel the presence of The Force. In everything from plantlife to native beings. Is it possible that The Force is powerful enough to exist even in realities in which it shouldn't?

I left looking for answers... yet I return with more questions.

Jul. 1st, 2019



You know why I wish the TARDIS could travel through time? I would love to go back in time to see the Declaration of Independence being signed. I learned about it in school and it just seems like a fantastic thing to witness. Among other things through history.

Jun. 14th, 2019



Spoiler )

Jun. 2nd, 2019



This is the worst day ever. I went into space, right? Fought these crazy battles against this big purple guy called Thanos. No idea what he did, but I literally turned to dust. Poof. Right in Mr. Stark's arms.

Next thing I know, Doctor Strange is there, and he's bringing me back to help the other Avengers (Oh, this apparently was like, five years after I poofed. But it felt like one big day to me, so let's roll with that), and next thing I know, Mr. Stark...

Anyway, I didn't even get to process what was happening, when I show up here. Don't get me wrong, everyone's been super nice at this Welcome Center, but this is still the worst. day. ever.

May. 18th, 2019




So, I've been thinkin' about these Gems that brought us all here. An' while I'm still mostly sure that they're not something Rassilon made, there is some stuff about them that... is curious. Namely, the type of people it's brought.

See, if you've got multiverses to chose from, you'd be bringin' all sorts, wouldn't you? Anyone who could help to make your place become... stronger or feared or a Utopian example of what a planet should be. But... there's no rhyme or reason to it. We got people with powers, an' without. People from the past, present and future. Those who know each other an' those who are complete strangers. Different versions of the exact same person an'... there's no real connection.

Except that, generalisin' here, we're all humanoid. Most of us have that same basic shape, an' are capable of interaction with others.

It means something. I'm just not sure what, yet.

May. 16th, 2019



text post: yaz khan

After all the traveling with the Doctor, it's awfully strange and maddening to be stuck in one place so long.

May. 13th, 2019



This place is too... complacent. So much power on one world, yet it is all so unprepared.

I have seen enough in my lifetime to know that this kind of calm never ends well. Complacency breeds contempt. Rulers will end up with nothing to do but compare power, and grow resentment to any who may have more than they do.

To secure peace, one must prepare for war.

To this end, I offer my services to Queen Daenerys. Preparing your land for inevitable conflict.

May. 12th, 2019



I miss traveling. Even with Melody, Tony, and Felicity I still miss that part of my life.

Apr. 29th, 2019




Apparently the wrongs I set right have sent me to a reality where once more, I am enemy to all life in the universe.

The beings in the... "welcome center" were certainly terrified when I arrived.

To those who do not know me... I am Thanos, of Titan. I come merely to search for redemption in the eyes of my beloved Death.

Apr. 23rd, 2019



[filtered away from Amy and kids]

One of my friends got sent home, and it's really sad. But it's kind of a bit worse because his wife an' kids have been left here without him. The kids aren't all old enough to understand properly and she's worried and sad and...

Okay, priorities. Need to give the kids a lot of happy to help cope with the sad. Problem is, it's been a long while since I dealt with little kids. Disney's still popular with them, right? Anyone got ideas? I'm thinking maybe a bouncy castle.

Oh, kites! Love a kite, do kids still like kites?

Apr. 22nd, 2019



Voice post

I'm Lady Sansa Stark of Winterfell.

Are my siblings here? allies?

Apr. 15th, 2019



My husband's gone. He went back to our reality.

Mar. 8th, 2019



International Women's Day! Brilliant!


How exactly do we celebrate this one?

Feb. 17th, 2019



So I found out that I'm having a boy. It's kind of crazy.

Feb. 10th, 2019



[more rambles with the Doctor]

So, Valentine's Day soon. Great holiday, all about the love and the friendship and not the remembering how someone died horrifically and people use a crude rendition of a heart to symbolise it. Likin' the cherubs, by the way, though they look a bit cold. Are they cold? They need warmer stuff...

Anyway. Valentine's Day. The whole idea of celebrating love isn't unique to Earth but this holiday is and... well, Earth colonies and apparently here but what gets me is the variations on how people within this one world celebrate it. Men give to women, women give to men, men give to men, women to women, non binary to non binary... All the aspects of life sharing this idea of love.

But... why's it always romantic love?

Okay, I mean, I get why. The saint was killed for performing marriages during a time that certain marriages weren't being allowed so the idea of promoting romantic love is great but... isn't there kind of a lot of promotion and celebrating of that? What about platonic love? Though what people consider platonic, well, Plato wouldn't be impressed, that's not what he meant. Not the point.

Lots of love in the world. Should be celebratin' all the kinds, not just one.

Jan. 11th, 2019




Where's the TARDIS?

Jan. 7th, 2019



[The Doctor has been thinking again...]

Who's stupid idea was it to take away pockets in female clothing? Pockets are brilliant - you never know when you're going to need a pocket - and these people just take them away? Oh! Or they make those fake ones that are just little slits that you couldn't fit anything in. Not even a nano-sim. It's bonkers, it's like they all decided that half the population don't carry anything.

Oh! An' why are all the sizes so odd? Like, are you trying to make people feel bad for not fitting into a... what do they call it? Pre-determined idealistic view of what a small minority consider to be beauty but because that small minority decide what fashion is, what they say goes?



... Also there should be most biscuit dispensers in places. Who doesn't love a biscuit?

Dec. 11th, 2018



Sweetie, what have you done now?



[don't let the doctor think too much...]

So I've been thinking, about these Infinity Gems, yeah? And they're mad. Brilliant, and mad, and even though I know they're not... they just sound a bit too familiar.

See, back where I'm from, there was this bloke called Rassilon. Brilliant mind, basically managed to bring on a whole industrial space-time revolution with the help of a mate of his. But... the problem with some brilliant minds if they get bored too easily. Once you've figured out the secrets of the universe, you start looking for ways to play with it.

And that's what Rassilon did, he made these elaborate death games and used whoever he wanted as his playing pieces. Even found how to make himself immortal, though he didn't want to share that little trick with anyone. But these Gems... they're a bit like his games. Making people do whatever the person controlling them wants, like little pieces on a game board.

And I know, I know it can't be Rassilon and his mates because we're fictional here.

... But I still can't help thinking 'what if'.

Dec. 10th, 2018



Oh my goddddddd.... word to the uninformed: if you're gonna get hammered, don't let Asgardian mead into the mix, no matter how strong you think your tolerance is.

First? The hangover is what I imagine it feels like being struck in the head with a hammer multiple times.

Second? IT WILL FUCK YOU UP. Honest to god, by the time I left, Jonathan was picking my drunk ass up off the floor while I mumbled "fuck all you motherfuckers" and threw wild punches at nothing.

Fuck my life... if my boys play like this next week against New England, someone's getting kicked in the goddamn balls.

Nov. 20th, 2018



text post: yaz khan

Um...Doctor? Are you out there? Ryan? Graham?

Oct. 26th, 2018



This is my current situation, it's very repetitive and won't let me get a word in.

[Suddenly it shoots, she screams, both her and the cam clatter to the floor.]

Oct. 13th, 2018




So! New planet, without a TARDIS. Bit odd that. Bit odd to be somewhere I've never heard of. Everywhere's new to me, but usually I've heard of a place before I end up there. It doesn't help, travelling without a TARDIS. You end up missing little things and I really need to find her before she goes and gets herself into trouble - she's very good at that and -

No, wait, hang on, there's a word. Something I should have said first. It's right there, tip of my tongue, I'll get it... Why is it always so hard to remember words? You think they'd come easily.

No! Yes! Wait, that's it!
