May 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Emalia+rodriguez+%28newvegastownie%29'

Jun. 6th, 2021



Madam Zelaria and Lia Larson

Madam, you already know me, but hello Lia, my name is Malia Rodriguez. I've been here just under two months, happily living in and working in the brothel, but I would like to expand my horizons. I was wondering if we could work something out where I work at both Euphoria and EMC Pictures.

Jun. 1st, 2021



My bestie Lita might not be here anymore... but dammit, she loved having a big Pride party every year, so I'm keeping her tradition alive.

Next Thursday, 8pm, the top of Stark Tower in Freedomtown. We're gonna call it Young Pride 2021, and it's a special party for anyone between 16-23. Obviously no booze will be involved, but we'll have good music, good food, and TONS of fun. Let me know if you're interested, because depending on how many people RSVP, we might need to cap it.

Apr. 15th, 2021



So I just got here a few hours ago, and now that I fully believe that I didn't somehow contract Captain Tripps months after everyone else died from it, I guess that it's time that I find myself a new life in this really cool, semi-futuristic place.

So hello Galador! My name is Malia, but my stage name was Rainn. I was told that I should get in contact with a Madam Zelaria if I want to continue the work I had been doing. Which I totally do!