June 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Estephanie+gibbler+%28midchildblues%29'

Jun. 28th, 2021



Nothing like fertility treatments working too well.

Apr. 4th, 2021



Happy Easter, everyone!

... In other news, it seems that I won't be having at least one of my kids this year.

Jan. 30th, 2021



Hola Tanners, Gibblers! I am here! I hear the Tanner/Fuller house is here, too. I am on my way.

Jan. 21st, 2021



Oh, Stephanie, kids! I found these adorable kittens at the shelter. Can we keep them my Steph-a-roni?

Uncle Monty's Sandwich Shop coming soon to Freedomtown. The door is open, well, not yet.

Nov. 10th, 2020



You know...

For someone who had been told that they wouldn't be able to conceive, and definitely still hasn't gotten pregnant... I have a LOT of kids.

Oct. 20th, 2020



I am now the new owner of The Dot. I feel like it's a piece of home I was missing, and when my stepson Craig asked me if I wanted to run the business I said ok, went to see Maya Matlin, and discussed transferring ownership. So here I am.

That being said, we now have an over 18 night on Saturdays. Friday is still for the younger under 18 crowds.

I am looking for servers, busboys, security for upstairs in the club. Inquire within.

I am also looking for live performers, DJ's for the club.

I am looking forward to see what I can do with the cafe and the club.

Sep. 25th, 2020



[Barron, Dani, Steph]
I got some passes to Disney for us, for working there that we have not used yet. Want to make it a family day and go there?

Jul. 20th, 2020




[ right before Brooklyn's post ]

I know you're probably getting ready for work right now but I've got a question for you.


We're getting a new family member.

[Robb and Isla Stark]

You two are on my list to be guardians. Are you up to take in a teenage girl?

Jun. 2nd, 2020



Parents of Future Kids

Have you ever gotten the distinct feeling that your kids are hiding things from you that are kinda prevalent?

May. 22nd, 2020



Let's go to this party tonight, the one after the parade. What do you say?

Apr. 19th, 2020



Sometimes... MOST of the time... it's easier to just make yourself be a dick so you don't have to worry about things like feelings or regrets.

But that's the bitch way. I'm better than that and it's about damn time I realize it.

Mar. 20th, 2020




Just so everyone knows, if you let the battery die on your device and let it stay that way for a few months, you do stay in the resident list.

There have been a ton of new people here since I was last on this thing. It took forever to update.

So! Hello, I am Stephanie Tanner. I'm a DJ at Northern Soul. You should stop by sometime. What have I missed since... Early October?

Mar. 17th, 2020



Radio silence. )

Dec. 10th, 2019



I got us a dog.

[Barron, Tanner]
When you get home you will meet our newest member of our family.

Oct. 7th, 2019




So, one thing I just learned - hangovers? Horrible, terrible things that should be avoided at all costs.

Oct. 1st, 2019



Filtered against family

I'm in real need of fulfillment. Is there anyone out there who might be able to show me what I'm missing?

Sep. 3rd, 2019



I would like to take you out on a date. When are you off next? Barron and Tanner will be alright alone for a couple of hours.

Aug. 31st, 2019



Girls into girls ( Excluding Ginny )

Anyone up for a no string attached hook up tonight? I need to feel sexy and wanted.

Aug. 9th, 2019



How are you feeling with Barron being here now? We haven't talked about it yet, but this is huge. It means you are well enough to carry a child with me. We are his parents. So I was curious how you feel? Emotionally, that is. How do you feel about me maybe staying more in the house then in my RV, trying to be a family of sorts?

Have fun at your sleepover tomorrow. Maybe you can spare a day for your old dad soon and have a daddy/daughter ice cream day like when you were really small. What do you think?

I apologize for being so busy with work, photography. How are you holding up here in Galador? Do you like it? Are you ready for school to start? I do not know how to do this being a parent thing, but bare with me. I am here for you, son, if you need anything.

[Scarlett] [info]ondevilsnight
I feel like it has been awhile since we have spoken and I wanted to check in with you with the twins. How old are they again? I am sorry I have been so busy with my photography I have not been around more often. Although you are used to life without me, but that still doesn't make it right. If you need more for anything let me know.

[[info]kicksass and [info]falc0n]
Hey guys. As my photography business goes through a little slow period I wanted to check in with you both. How is everything? How's things at home?

Aug. 2nd, 2019



filtered to Stephanie and Jimmy

Is it okay if I go to a sleepover?

Jul. 29th, 2019



My gig as a mentor on Idol isn't for another week or so... at least I have that to be excited about. I love trying to mentor up and coming singers.

In the meantime? I see a lot of sad movies, Chinese food, and wine in my future.

Jun. 23rd, 2019



Oh, sweet irony.

My mum and dad were both sent to this place years ago... now I do as well... new timeline, which means new reality, and just.... UGH.

Sup, everyone? I'm John.

Jun. 3rd, 2019


In honor of pride month, I am happy to announce that I'm bringing alive my favorite club from home and making it a thing in New Orleans with a possible second location in Chicago.

There will be a gay night, straight night, come at you are night, human night, supernatural night, and two free for all nights. There's something for everyone all accompanied by Northern Soul and other under-appreciated music from the 60s to the 90s. No modern music here, folks. We're all about the classics.

I'm aiming to have the first location open within a few weeks. The only rules I have: Don't judge and don't break shit.

If you want to work for me, reply here. I'll need two bartenders and a bouncer to start out with.


You looking for a perm gig? Cause I got one for you if you want it.

May. 28th, 2019



As Galador's resident roaming DJ (because I could never commit), I feel like I should be the one to bring up the fact that it seems that we don't talk about music enough. What is everyone into. Not just genres, but artists. I can't properly do my job if I don't know what everyone's into!

Apr. 30th, 2019






So on the scale of 1 to bazillion, this falls at like a gajillion for weird. Last I knew, I was grooving to Queen, eating a rations bar and BAM.

Smoke. Lights. A welcome centre telling me I'm stuck here, ain't going nowhere, all I got is what I'm wearing.

So what I'm saying is, I picked a really bad day to not wear underwear.

Also, anyone have a Zune charger? Anyone? No one wants to see me without music.

Apr. 17th, 2019



Any word from your doctor about us having our own child someday? You never told me what the doctor said.

Apr. 8th, 2019



This is the craziest shit I've ever even heard of. Don't get me wrong, the folks at the Welcome Center were great, but this is still some pretty weird shit to process...

Feb. 12th, 2019





Jan. 30th, 2019



Filtered to medical professionals

So back home, I was told that I would not be able to carry a child. Since then I have two different surrogates carry children for me.

Would there be any way that I could get a more advanced opinion?



Tanner, Daphne, and Scarlett

Jimmy wants to get to know his kids, as well as the lovely woman who carried some for the other us. So I was thinking lunch at The Crashdown? When is good for everyone?

Jan. 27th, 2019



Guess who are now one month old! Daphne and baby Johnny. I can't believe it's been a month since my two on the hour alarm clocks came into my life. I certainly didn't expect this to be my life but they are the reason I'll always be glad this happened. Storybrooke, Galador. I thought ghosts and 'vampires' were shocking.

Jan. 15th, 2019



This wasn't on the schedule for today.

Definitely not. I got Tommy, but boys are you out there?

Step? Michelle? I see your names. Do you have my sons with you?

Oh Mylanta!

Dec. 22nd, 2018



filtered to Holden and Stephanie

It's time.



text post: ramona gibbler

This is so unbelievable.

Dec. 17th, 2018




This girl is turning 21 soon and Christmas is overshadowing me.



Stephanie Tanner




The list said Stephanie Tanner weird, that's it's not listed as... is here.

*possible spoilers discussed

Dec. 7th, 2018



Another now that I've settled in post incoming...

For those who missed it when I showed up, I'm Stephanie Tanner and I am well passed due on going out for dancing and drinks. Only I don't have... alright, it feels weird saying "She Wolf Pack" here, seeing as that I'm a human.

Where is a good place to go and who wants to go with me?

Nov. 5th, 2018



Um... I'm good with new reality, new planet. Just... why does this dog that kind of look like mine talk?

But this is a dream, right? I know that my life is surreal, but nothing like this.