May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'brayden+bale+%28brayden_bale%29'

Jul. 3rd, 2021



This weekend should be a good one. Except for people that are already blowing off fireworks as if people still don't need to get up early and go to work.....but you do you I guess.

Jun. 26th, 2021



Let me just tell you, losing this baby weight is hard!! But at least there is no nausea, no wearing big dresses that look like circus tents, my boobs are still tender, but at least I was able to help a couple bring life into the world and that makes me very grateful.

Jun. 15th, 2021



No offense, but what the screaming hell is this? I was super in the middle of something important.

Apr. 26th, 2021



I'm sorry that I'm so used to being hurt that I didn't cry publicly when my whole world was shattered. I guess that makes me a bad person.

Apr. 12th, 2021



I know I'm not always the best person. I can be self-centered as hell, I've used a few too many women in a few too many ways... but volunteering at Open Arms is good for my soul.

I feel good about myself every time I help someone there.

Laura? Lito? Carmilla? All of you? Thank you for letting me be a part of this.

And to anyone considering going there for advice/comfort/guidance? You can come to me any time.

Jan. 18th, 2021



Private to Gertie Holloway

That migraine isn't getting any better, babe.

Private to Sin Stone & Brayden Bale

Something's coming. Something bad. Take care of yourselves.

Sep. 24th, 2020




Hey. I've been jamming with Barb and Bella recently at Madhouse, and got to thinking... any chance you'd be interested in joining us and turning it from a jam session into an actual band? I already have a bunch of shit written and ready to be played or messed around with. Name's Brayden, I'm Ben and Skylar Bale's son.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



A Better Place

Who: Brayden and Talia
Where: Their Home
When: Early August
What: Discussing ideas
Rating: Medium, for mentions of nudity and sex
Status: Closed; Complete

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Aug. 14th, 2019



After talking with The Mrs, I decided that I'd like to volunteer at the new LGBT center. So, who would I need to talk to about making this happen?

Cassie Sandsmark
Hey, babe. How's everything? Haven't heard from you in a while, just checking up on you.

Jul. 22nd, 2019



[Filtered to all those in Westeros and what few friends she has made here]

So it would appear that I'm getting married.

So help me, if I hear anyone of you laugh....

Jun. 21st, 2019




We should talk.

Jun. 3rd, 2019



Been a while since I bothered checking in on here... anything interesting going on?

Feb. 27th, 2019



Found You

Who: Brayden, introducing Talia Portman
Where: Brayden's Apartment
When: Let's say between here and here
What: Talia coming home
Rating: Mild; Some colorful language, mentions of sexual situations
Status: Closed; Complete
Note: Characters are welcome to mention the lights flickering during this point, and discussions are welcome after the fact between Talia and heads of state

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Feb. 7th, 2019



Private to Meredith Delany

Yo, Mere - guess who went balls-deep in an Amazonian goddess last night?

Wonder Girl is definitely a fitting name. YOWZA.

Feb. 5th, 2019



[NSFW - Not viewable to those under 18]

So... this is a thing.

And really...



Now that my sister and I have had sometime to settle in and get acclimated to these modern times, I want to introduce myself.

I'm Catherine Dollanganger-Sheffeild but please call me Cathy. I am posting because I am seeking both a job and a nanny for my four month old son. Back home I worked as a ballet teacher and I would like to continue the here if possible.

[Edited in later] Are there any sewing shops here that my sister can work at?

Feb. 4th, 2019



So, who what is there to do around here?

Any ladies out there looking to have some fun tonight?

Jan. 17th, 2019



Meredith Delany

Not to brag... but I think I'm pretty close to getting to smash with a Twilight vampire. High-five?



I don't understand.

Mama? Daddy? Mama Rose? Aunt Alice? Esme?



Jan. 16th, 2019



Alright... cool.

So assuming this isn't a dream (and judging by the lack of nude women, I'm gonna guess it's not), this is pretty fucking crazy.

I'm seeing a few familiar names on the citizen list... not the one that means the most, sadly... so if you guys are seeing this, hit me up so we can talk.

Also, if this is serious, and all these fictional people are real here? If Wonder Woman is out there, gimme a holler. You won't regret it.