May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'haley+wilson+%28papillons%29'

May. 9th, 2021



Gotta love the conversation I had with Peter Quill yesterday at the Mos Eisley Cantina:

Quill: "Alright, Sammy-Boy. I guess you're wondering why I asked you to come here."

Me: "Honestly, Star-Lord, sir... I have no idea."

Quill: "You just turned 18! Time to take you out for drinks like a man!"

Me: ".....Mr. Quill? That's 21. I'm not old enough to legally drink yet."

Quill: "Wait. Seriously?"

Me: "Yep."

Quill: "................well shit."

May. 7th, 2021



I can not wait to have my daughter home when school is over for her. Mother/daughter dates are always the best. And regular classes will resume next week in my fitness studio, pole fitness, yoga and I will also be offering zumba classes as well.

I am also looking to hire a few instructors if you are interested let me know.

Apr. 27th, 2021



Filtered to The Omegas

Hey. Not totally sure which of you I need to talk to, but... I'd like to join you.

Apr. 6th, 2021



I just wanna throw some thanks out.

Thank you to everyone who attended me and Emily's wedding, and to those who weren't there but sent their well-wishes.

Thank you to my friends for being there to witness my special day.

Thank you to Emily for marrying my crazy ass.

And thank you to Stephanie Whitmore and Danny Lawrence for getting so into each other that they literally fucked on my property. Yes, the cameras caught that. And yes, I enjoyed every moment. Encore, please.

Apr. 4th, 2021



You know, I'm just gonna be the guy to finally say it. That royal wedding was surprisingly classy, considering Bea's history.

Hey babe... I'm not always the most spontaneous person, but I kinda wanna run off and just get married.

Mar. 31st, 2021



This could be fun. Since I came from New York in the year 2099 to in up on Galador.

Mar. 24th, 2021



Get used to this gorgeous face, people. Because in just over a week, she's gonna be my queen.

Mar. 18th, 2021



My birthday is right around the corner and I have everything I have ever wanted.

On the other hand? Baby me is about to turn one. So get her ALL the things.

Mar. 1st, 2021



You know, I'm cocky enough to be the one to say it:

The Young Avengers are the shit. We kicked SO much ass against those Imperial fuckwits.

Haley and Kassie
What're my girls up to today?

Feb. 7th, 2021



Filtered away from Laura Kinney (lil_wolvie)

Alright. So.. as a queen, I try not to show weakness. And as part of that, I try to keep the help I ask for to a bare minimum.

But I'm shit outta ideas here.

My primary goal as queen of Monstropolis is to take care of my people. But now I feel like I'm failing one of the people in my innermost circle, and it's killin' me.

We all lost people in the purges. ALL of us. And granted, some are taking it better than others. But Laura Kinney's been a part of my dysfunctional little fam since Tea first hired her as her bodyguard. Even after Tea was taken, I kept her on as Em's bodyguard once we got together. But this chick is breaking down badly.

The longer her sweetie's gone, the less she's the Laura we knew and loved, and the more she's the Laura who had literally not a second thought about tearing my still-beating heart right the fuck outta my chest.

I can't seem to get her to talk to me about anything not work-related. She's just... lifeless. I've seen robots with more life in them. If anyone reading this is good with psychological shit, maybe try to get through to her? If anyone else reading this is either a friend of hers or even someone who just feels bad for her, do this bitch right here a solid and go talk to her.

I dunno. I'm just out of ideas. I don't know how to help her.

Jan. 27th, 2021



Guess it's time to test run the Omegas.

Jan. 10th, 2021



Just wanted to hop on here to wish a very happy 19th birthday to one of the two women I love.

Haley Wilson, you are gorgeous, sweet, sarcastic as hell, and completely hilarious. And I couldn't be happier to have you in our lives.

Gifts, cake, and nudity to come later tonight.

Dec. 18th, 2020



I feel like my world is a (more fucked up than usual) Lifetime Christmas movie.

"Lifetime presents, A Very Deadpool Christmas."

"What happens when a wise-cracking merc loses everything, but lacks the emotional maturity to sulk and mope like everyone else? Join the handsome and dashing Wade W. Wilson as he navigates the emotional trials of spending Christmas without his sexy goth wife, encountering laughs, tears, and lots of pornography along the way."

Nov. 19th, 2020



Private to Haley and Kassie

What're my girls up to? Just got done training with my old man... anything you want me to bring home with me?

Nov. 18th, 2020



I keep hearing stories about people in their 20s & 30s on Earth having so much trouble finding exactly what I have...

An amazing job, love, and happiness.

Nov. 9th, 2020




America is Red, White, and Blue... NOT ORANGE )

Oct. 21st, 2020



Well... I've never been accused of being patient or of taking my time with things.

If you're planning on coming to the Royal Halloween Party on the 31st, be aware that it's now the Royal Engagement/Halloween Party.

That's right, this bitch right here just asked Emily Fitch to be my wife.

Sep. 12th, 2020



Private to Haley Wilson and Kassie Thompson

So. Ladies.

Since the gem had it's latest mass eviction and took Eve away, I've gotten really... really attached to you. Both of you.

If you're both interested... I'd like to talk about working something out where I don't have to choose between you.

Sep. 1st, 2020



New timeline, new reality, whatever you want to call it... I get here, look at the register, and what's the first goddamn name I see?

Wade Wilson.


Aug. 16th, 2020



Kassie Thompson
Hey, Kass. Mind coming home a little early tonight? Couple things I wanted to talk to you about.

Haley Wilson
Hey, gorgeous. You busy?

Aug. 10th, 2020



So apparently the dating pool is very small here. Any guys bored today? I was thinking about heading to the beach.


You busy?

Jul. 15th, 2020



LE SIGH. I was re-watching The Crow (because really, if I ever go two full weeks without watching it? Shoot me, because it's clearly a pod person and not really me), and OMG where is that level of love, devotion, and undying loyalty in real life?

Where's my Eric Draven? That person who's love for you is so pure, so true, so entire that they would come back from the dead just to avenge you?

Jul. 7th, 2020



Haley Wilson
Hey you. Never really got to talk to you at the fireworks party.

Wanna remedy that?

Residents of Ms. Robichaux's
Alright, ladies... who wants to help a girl pick an outfit for the first real date she's had in an age?

Jul. 4th, 2020



So, who's coming over for my annual fireworks display?

This year, we're gonna use a Skrull multi-missle launcher that I cobbled together and REALLY knock this outta the park.

Wanna make this one super special, so who's with me?

Jun. 1st, 2020



I heard someone was starting a superhero team.

May. 27th, 2020



Me this morning: "Yeah, I'm totally used to being here now. Novelty's worn off."


Ah well. Back to the drawing board, I guess!

April Kepner
Hey there, new girl! How're you holding up? So, I was thinking of going into Commerceport and getting all new makeup and haircare stuff. But I'm SERIOUSLY in the mood to give someone a big time glow-up. Wanna come with me, and be my muse?

May. 6th, 2020



Flarkin' HELL!

It's hotter than SoBo in a bikini out there! I'm sweatin' like a Kree in a room full of Skrulls in here!

Private to Tundra
Hey gorgeous, you ok? I'm working on something that might help you if this lasts more than a few days.

Apr. 26th, 2020



What's everyone up to tonight? I'm feeling all energetic and bouncy and in the mood to make some new friends and catch up with old ones.

Mar. 11th, 2020



Takin' a break from work before I scream at Stark. Great dude (usually), but he won't stop blastin' out that damn album the chick from The End Zone put out. Nothin' but screaming, and I can't hear my Dre over it. If I wanted to hear noise I'd go hang out with my kid.

Feb. 19th, 2020



Save the Date:March 17, 2020/Sexual content with Merlin.

I would like to include the kids at the Group Home a part of our St. Patrick's Day activities.

May I ask a favor?

Students and Faculty of the Jean Grey School for higher learning and the Charles Xavier University;with a BCC copy to Lux:
I'm giving you enough warning, so everyone should be able to participate in our Saint Patrick's Day festivities on Tuesday, March 17.

Everyone should wear green. (There will me no pinching of people not wearing green. The tradition is to wear green from top of your head and your shoes. Almost everything edible in the cafeteria will be green. From green milkshakes to green pasta, even green eggs and ham, we've got it all.

After breakfast, we will go to the front of the Methodist Church to line up for the St. Patty's Day Parade.

After lunch, we tentatively have a pot-of-gold game.

Dinner then a movie. The younger students will watch The Gnome Mobile. There will be a variety of movies to chose from for the upper school and University students. I'd love a peak at what you choose as your costume or green clothing for the day.

Dress accordingly.

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Feb. 4th, 2020



Well, I just saw something in my parents bedroom that I never wanted to see. I can’t unsee what my mom plans on doing with it. Ew, next time I’ll just put the laundry basket near the door.

Hey how are you? Got any plans for next Friday?

Jan. 6th, 2020



Hey Dad.

Where is you?

Dec. 7th, 2019



All Students

For those of you taking exams, good luck. I know you've studied hard. I'm proud of all of you.

This Saturday we are taking buses to Arendelle for those of you who want a tree may get one. There are all kinds of activities for you to partake.

Our Christmas dance is December 21. Each campus will have their own dance so that it is age appropriate.

We are going to be showing Christmas movies every night from the 22 until the 25. On the 23 we will be visiting the children's ward at our hospitals. We have tons of activities for the holidays. If anyone would like to suggest a movie to show or an activity you'd like to do during this two week break please respond to this message. For a list of everything please consult the web page.

As per usual it is your choice to attend.

If you are going home, but still would like to attend any activity that is fine. Remember to check lower school or University on the web page.

If you want to participate in secret Santa, please see my secretary, Ginni. She is handling all of that.

Dec. 5th, 2019



So... I have a whole new life now. It's just a matter of figuring out what I want to do with it. I'm still rather new here, so I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Notes: I'm 18. I prefer girls, but I definitely wouldn't turn a guy down. I was a gymnast in middle school. ... And I'm a blood-sucking zombie.

Nov. 27th, 2019



Note to self: the new Sacred Reich album is a perfect soundtrack for blowing stuff up.

Nov. 18th, 2019



Okay, but for real. Monstropolis is the coolest! And Liv is so great. If I had to get kidnapped by a magic gemstone, this is a pretty best case scenario.

Hi, everyone! I'm Zed. I'm new here.

Oct. 28th, 2019



Isn't this a quaint planet.

Oct. 1st, 2019



Filtered AWAY from Gar Logan
Soooo I need some advice. Is it perfectly okay for a girl to ask a guy out? I don't know, I've been debating this and I just don't want to come off as being awkward. But, I had a great time on the blind date and I don't know if he likes me to same way, but hanging out again sounds like fun. How do I go about doing that? My mother is no help because she hasn't done that in her life, she always waited for the guy to ask her.

Sep. 12th, 2019



To all of Wade spawns.

How would you like to spend a day with Auntie Wanda at Disney?

Sep. 1st, 2019



And Your Paintball Champion is...

Thank you to everyone for coming out with us for Paintball this past Sunday. A special thank you to the people who helped proved food and drink, as well as our volunteer referees and medical staff. We had a few cases of heat exhaustion, some bumps and bruises and one mild concussion. So all in all, not a bad day.

Each team won a point, so as it stands all three teams are still even.

Haley Wilson gets special commendation for her performance in the final round for her skill in tagging almost everyone (including her teammates, but that wasn't against the rules) and only getting tagged twice herself. Haley Wilson, you are hereby declared Paintball Champion.

Watch this space. We'll be announcing another game in the near future.

Aug. 26th, 2019



C'mon, people... if you haven't already, vote for Penny St. Clair for the first ever Universal Idol. She deserves it so much, and she's the best singer and most amazing person you'll ever see.

Let's all make sure she wins this!




Man, screw the Welcome Center. I was flying by, minding my own damn business, when I saw some new kid appear in the park. I followed him into the Center to make sure he was ok, and the bastard punched me right in the face!

To make things worse, kid's a face-double for Brandon. Ugh.

Aug. 23rd, 2019



Anyone my age range wanna hang tonight? I feel like getting a group together.

Hey you. You ok? I'm flarkin' livid over you getting eliminated. Anything I can do for you?

We haven't seen each other in almost three days. Totes unacceptable. Think your mom would mind if you come out with me for a while?

Wazzup, Elsa? So when we hangin' out?

You seriously think I could be tough like you, even without my guns?

Aug. 22nd, 2019



Paintball Day

SO sorry to have postponed.

Food poisoning is something that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy... I'm looking at you, Wade.

I understand we have a big weekend ahead. A lot of dates.

So... Sunday. Oahu. Everyone's welcome to join. Well, 18+ unless you have parental permission.

Sign up here. Let me know if you're on Team Hawkeye or Team Iron Man.

Amendment: Or Team Black Widow.

Private to Tony Stark

You're going down, Old Man.

Aug. 10th, 2019



New School Year

All students grades 1-12.
Just a reminder: our first day of school will be held at the Galador zoo. Remember to check with your English teacher for your Rubrics. Please be there by nine.

Grades 9-12
The all school dance is Saturday, September 21. The dance will be held at Hogwarts. The dance starts at six.

University students
Report to the new University campus in Freedomtown. [Gives address]
You'll spend your first day enrolling in your classes. There will be a mixer at the Quad at five. Dinner will be served there as well.

We hope you have a great school year.

If you need anything please feel free to contact me or Charles Xavier.

Aug. 1st, 2019



To all the principals, headmasters, etc. of all the high schools on Galador. Merlin, may we still have the joint dance at Hogwarts? I've scheduled the dance the third Saturday after school starts. The two themes are school has come up with are United and Starry, Starry Night.

To all students
I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome all the new students and transfers. Don't ever hesitate to call on me or Charles Xavier if you need anything. We will have a dance with the other schools once school starts. It's about three weeks after the beginning of school. Returning Students, please welcome our new students.

The two themes from our school, for the dance, are United and Starry, Starry night. Please vote on your choice below.

When you have a chance I need to talk to you. I have an idea to run by you and other questions.

Jul. 30th, 2019



Students of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning

School will be starting soon, so just a few heads up.

Login to the school website. There you'll find everything you need.

Please review the question and answer section.

Find your name on the roster to locate your English teacher. They are running on summer hours. (Summer hours are listed on the website as it varies from teacher to teacher. Choose a time to come see them) Our first day of school will be off-site. We are going to the Galador Zoo. Your English teacher will have your ticket and the English rubric for the paper you will write about the Zoo.

Remember there are animals not common to your zoo's from home. There are many rare species at the zoo as well. We should all enjoy it.

Dinner will be at the zoo as well. The summer dance class will be the evening entertainment as well as the show band will perform. There was so much interest in the dance and photography classes that they will be offered during the school year. These will be semester classes.

University students - this year you will start on the [gives date] the same day as the high school and elementary. Psychology majors the head of psychology will have your rubric, English Majors the head of the English department will have your rubric. You'll also spend the day at the zoo. Each department head has tickets for that discipline. Please go by during their office hours to get yours.

To all students we have new teachers and new students, please greet them warmly! Let's make this the best year ever.

(The multiple school dance information is on the activities page of the web site. [lists a web link])

A rubric tells you exactly how you are graded on a paper.

Jul. 21st, 2019



Hey everyone!

So, what did we think of Idol this week? Each week, I'm going to put a special thread up on here for us to all talk about it. The performances, the judges, the eliminations (once they happen), all of it. This show is really a big deal, especially for a world like Galador that's trying to have a rebirth, so let's all enjoy the hell out of it!

May. 30th, 2019



Finally I can delve into my romance novels and not my schoolbooks, I missed my books too much.

May. 5th, 2019



Filtered away from Thanos

So..... Thanos is here. And supposedly Mr. Cool Guy now? Like, we're just supposed to buy this?

I feel like someone said "Wow. Nothing's EVER gonna be harder to believe than dragons and Jedi..." And the Reality Stone was like, "....hold my beer."