May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'axel+metz+%28notanalien%29'

Jun. 4th, 2021



This weekend couldn't come fast enough.

Mar. 7th, 2021



Happy Birthday to my favorite lady in the entire universe! Maggie Grimes, you and Martin are the two halves of my heart and I am so completely blessed to have you in my life.

You're the coolest, sexiest girl I've ever met, and I love you.

Jan. 6th, 2021



Hi everyone!!!

So, I'm in a super great mood right now. Not only am I getting serious with one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met

For real, folks:
Look at this woman. )

But I've been hard at work since leaving Idol to self-produce my first single, in hopes that maybe it'll get me signed. Here it is... please let me know what you think, and if you like it? Don't be afraid to let tell people!

Dec. 28th, 2020



Ok. So, I was sitting around thinking to myself.

I said, "Self? Why are you so nervous about not making any friends here? You had literally two friends at home, and both are here as well. And nobody's been able to find you even remotely dateable, so it's not like you can be less pathetic, right?"

I mean, I could be. If I started standing on street corners holding a sign that said 'Will Work For Friendship" or something.

Which, TBH, doesn't sound like an altogether bad idea.

ANYWAY. Point is, may as well get myself out there and try making a few friends.

So what do not-at-all-pathetic people do for fun here when they wanna meet people?

Nov. 12th, 2020



This year I am thankful that I have my brother here with me. I miss my mom and dad, but I am thankful and grateful to not be alone here. I know it is early to post something like this, but I wanted to put it out there.

Can I invite my friend Finn over for Thanksgiving dinner?

If my brother says ok, do you want to come to Thanksgiving dinner at our house?

[Kayla, Sage]
Hi girls. Want to hang out this weekend?

Nov. 2nd, 2020



I gotta say... no disrespect at all to the amazing singers on the show, but I'm not feeling a 'connection' to anyone on Idol this season. Last season, I was damn near obsessed with Penny St. Claire, and loved SoBo Wilson and Enid almost as much.

I'm enjoying everyone this year, but... none of them are grabbing my heart like those three did.

Oct. 12th, 2020



Well. That was therapeutic. Hopefully I'll get a few more weeks to do that.

Sep. 8th, 2020



Of all the things I've dealt with, ending up on a different planet is a first.


Aug. 25th, 2020



I am loving senior year, so far. Between that and work on my brothers food truck, and the couple of friends I have made here, it's going well. I don't know what I want to do when I graduate high school, though. I am glad I have some time.

Jul. 20th, 2020




[ right before Brooklyn's post ]

I know you're probably getting ready for work right now but I've got a question for you.


We're getting a new family member.

[Robb and Isla Stark]

You two are on my list to be guardians. Are you up to take in a teenage girl?

May. 29th, 2020


It's in those little moments when the kids are being quiet and playing with each other that you just have to be with each other, am I right?

May. 8th, 2020




Baby Simon and I have something to tell you ...

May. 6th, 2020


Her people

Remember those few days when it was unseasonably hot when we were teenagers? This weather is making me thinking about those days.

May. 2nd, 2020



Axel, Sam, Simon, Tasha, Scout, Harriet

[backdated to early afternoon]

Family dinner at the the Leaky Cauldron? Axel, you'll eat free.

Apr. 22nd, 2020



I am such a dope. This is what I get for reading too fast. I am so sorry.

[Axel, Lux]
I screwed up. I think I made a new friend upset with me. I feel like an idiot.

Apr. 17th, 2020



CHANCE!!!!! Me and mom are SO proud of you!! Way to go. You kicked ass.

Apr. 13th, 2020


As Max and I approach eighteen years of marriage this summer, I wanted to share a picture from when we began dating back in 1999 and a picture of us now in 2020.

The one from 1999 has traveled with me from home to Storybrooke to here and I'm so thankful because it reminds me of when things were simple. Of a time when were just kids from Roswell who's only worry was passing AP biology. We did not yet have to worry about the FBI or enemy aliens or saving the world. Life was easy.

I wouldn't take back anything we experienced between that picture and the picture from the current time, though. Everything we went through made us who we are today and I think we're right where we're supposed to be, surrounded by more family we ever imagined having. We're safe, we're happy, and we're back to the point where things are simple again. We've come full circle and I think some days deep down, we're still those kids from Roswell.

Mar. 26th, 2020



I am all settled in at Axel, (my brother) and Lux's house, with my adorable little nephew. I also got my device all hooked up now online, so I figured it was a good time to say hello world.

I am Scout Metz and I only just arrived here. I start school on Monday so I hope to meet a lot of you then. But in the meantime, hi. I hope everyone here is nicer than back home.

Mar. 25th, 2020




[ around the time of Scout's arrival ]

Guess who is here?

Mar. 15th, 2020



I already love being Mrs Metz.

I'm going to be in Oahu for a week on my Honeymoon. No one try to need me, alright? Unless there is need for an emergency placement and no one else can do it, I trust the ladies at the Welcome Center and my bosses can handle things just fine while I'm away.

And to our kids, look after each other. No parties, as Bella will be house/babysitting and she shouldn't be put in that position. Be good and text us if you need us! Love you.

Mar. 2nd, 2020



I am totally that mom that misses her little guy when he goes down for his second nap but also that mom that is happy about it so I can get some work done. Yay for the ability to work from home most days. My bosses are the best.

Feb. 22nd, 2020



There are exactly 3 weeks until I become Mrs Metz and 3 months until Simon turns one.

Feb. 7th, 2020



Is it weird to have my daughter as my one and only bride's maid? I don't really have any close female friends here.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Night out last night with my Mama!

Jan. 18th, 2020



[backdated to the morning of January 14th ( because I forgot to follow up ) ]

Guess who's getting ready for heart surgery? This girl.

Jan. 10th, 2020


I know I’m not the best mom ever. But, I need some parenting advice. Anyone want to help?

Dec. 17th, 2019



Christmas might have just early but I'm not saying anything until I'm sure.


We got a new arrival today at the home and I think it's our boy. He's finally here.

Dec. 14th, 2019



Mom and I were talking this morning over pancakes and of course Christmas came up. (Sorry not sorry.)

We were chatting about some fun activities and basically, does anyone want to get a caroling group together next weekend?

Dec. 13th, 2019


I'm a dad again! Kailyn Amanda Dean was born yesterday at 9:11PM. Mom and baby are doing well.

Dec. 11th, 2019



So apparently I was born here, and this glitch in the gem is still going on sometimes because I was born in 2030 and yet here I am back in 2019 not born yet. I do not even think my parents are married in this time yet.

Anyway, my point is that I need someone to come get me please. I guess I should tell you my name so the right family comes to pick me up so I do not have to go to the group home.

I’m Hayleigh Tory Bob Scott. I am looking for Riley Matthews or Jamie Scott, please. Those are my parents and I can’t leave here without a guardian. If you see Jamie or Riley can you let them know I am here? Thank you. I’ll be waiting.

Nov. 27th, 2019



I hope you kids are the group home don't mind store-bought pies for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner. I get my lack of baking ( and cooking, I know. You don't even have to say it Axel ) skills from my mother.

Nov. 25th, 2019


The Crashdown Cafes will be closed on Thursday but never fear, we're open bright and early for all of you Black Friday shoppers. The Sunnydale Crashdown will offer a special on breakfast items while the Commerseport location will be opening at 8am with an offer on pastries, doughnuts, and drinks. Stop in and see us to get fueled for your day of shopping!

[OG Roswell fam]

Buffet or family style?

Nov. 4th, 2019



I always knew one day this job would give me a shiner. Where do I pick up my social worker badge?


I'm at XMH making sure my nose isn't broken.

Nov. 2nd, 2019



For anyone that knew him, Clark Kent has returned home. He wasn't in his room when I went to check on him and all of his things are gone. I've been here long enough to know exactly what that means.

Sep. 12th, 2019


I'm happy to announce that starting tomorrow, pumpkin is back at The Crashdown Cafe!

From Friday, September 13th to Friday, November 29th, we will be offering pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread/muffins, pumpkin pancakes, and a customer favorite; pumpkin spice latte. Ask about what Spaced Out Soups we're offering on any given day during that time and pumpkin may just be one of them.

Due to the hours of the second location in Commersport (11am to 8pm), the breakfast items will not be offered there. Pies will be going there but probably only one or two a day so remember when they're gone, they're gone!

I will start baking in a few hours so let me know if you want a special pie order.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



Isabel ( open to Axel )

Axel and I have an important question for you.


I have a maid of honor job for you.

Aug. 24th, 2019



So I go to the office today to grab some papers so I can work from home and what do I find? My dad's bong lamp on my desk. Talk about making my day. I figured it was forever left behind in Storybrooke. Question is now do I bring it home or leave it here?

Sunnydale Crashdown Staff

I volunteered the Crashdown to provide food and drinks for the Paintball Event happening on Sunday.

The plan is that I will stay back to hold down the fort for the Sunday rush while Maria goes out to the event. Jef is going to man the grill so now I need two volunteers to go along to serve. You will be paid for your time.

Additionally, if anyone wants to stay late tonight and help me bake desserts to take, that would be applicated. Many hands make light work, after all.

Aug. 16th, 2019




I wanted to talk about somethings about the wedding.



It's FriYAY and I put in an application for an apartment. Who wants to celebrate?

Aug. 13th, 2019



Well all the excitement going on around Tasha showing up, I almost forgot today was my birthday until she woke me up today singing as she gave me homemade muffins and coffee. If it wasn't for her love of beanies I'd be sure that this kid wasn't mine because she definitely didn't get her skills in the kitchen from me.

Aug. 12th, 2019


Roswellians ( minus Tess ) + Mom Group

Isabella's third birthday is this Friday and it's going to be a cookout at our house. Bring your own dish to share if you wish. It will start at 2 and go until Sunset.



Oh come on! You couldn't pull me back to the past after I graduated? Now I have to start all over again! The only good thing about is that I can finally get my apartment.

I know there's a list here at the Welcome Center but I want to do my own call out. I roughly know who all is supposed to be here right now but this is a good way to double-check.

Tasha Matz here and I am seeking out my parents ( Lux and Axel ), brother ( Clark), Grandpa ( Max ), Grandmothers ( Liz and Tess ), and Uncle ( Sam ), Aunt ( Isabel ).

I have a lot more family but let's just start there. Everyone else can chime in.

Aug. 3rd, 2019



[The Society household]

Just checking in to see how things are going.


How are you doing?


Hey mama. How are you and the little one settling in?

[Her kids]

I request a mom and sons day.


Breakfast date tomorrow?


So are you counting down to when school starts?

Jul. 22nd, 2019



This whole Idol thing is sooooo fun! I used to just do karaoke, I never imagined ever doing something like this!

And even if the judges didn't like my last song, I had a blast mixing things together and trying something new. I get it though! Stick to one thing. Message received and if I go through to next week, I won't let you voters down!

I'm trying to decide if I'm confident enough in my guitar skills to take it on stage with me or just keep up with the pre-recorded tracks. Hmm.

Jun. 29th, 2019



Saturday night out with my favorite guys? Yes, please.

cut for picture )

I know we're not even on Earth anymore, let alone in the United States. But I'm hosting a 4th of July barbecue this year. Let me know if you can make it.

Just checking in. Everyone okay? Alive? Things going well? I figured I should keep up with my AU selves.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



Roswellians and friends

Lux and I would like to tell everyone that we're getting married.

Jun. 14th, 2019


Roswell Dads + Kids

Kyle and I were talking and we decided a BBQ should happen on Sunday for all of us dads and our offspring. I'll be manning the grill and Isabel will be making plenty of sides so you don't have to bring anything if you don't want to. Just come, enjoy the comradery and take a load off. It's our day after all.

Jun. 11th, 2019



Who: Lux and Axel
What: Getting engaged
Where: Their place
When: Backdated
Warning: TBD

Read more... )

Jun. 3rd, 2019



This is a friendly reminder to everyone: there are children as young as 13 ( that I know of ) on this network and they read everything. So next time you want to talk about hook ups and sex, do it under the appropriate filter for the sake of not corrupting young minds. Let them stay innocent for a little while longer.