June 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Eamy+juergens+%28juergensamy%29'

Jul. 12th, 2020



Thanks to everyone that came to me and my double's birthday party on Saturday. It was a great time.

Jul. 3rd, 2020



Freinds and family of both Amys

Me and my twin have a birthday coming up on Tuesday the 7th and we're going to have a joint party on the 11th. The location will be the pool at my mom and dad's house in Freedomtown at noon. I'll be turning 19, she'll be turning 16. Hope to see you there!

Jun. 27th, 2020




We have a birthday coming up soon. How about a joint party?

Jun. 22nd, 2020



We got Zander enrolled in his new daycare and we're now on the waiting list for a preschool. I can't believe my baby boy is almost school age already! Where did the time go?

I should probably start planning his birthday party now. Turning three is a big deal.

Jun. 19th, 2020



Does anyone know if there are any jobs in Chicago that are hiring?

Jun. 16th, 2020



Who just got her first normal job (IE, one that doesn't involve killing things)?


Chloe's Sugar Shack opens tomorrow in Freedomtown, and I'll be working as a barista! Yay!

Jun. 6th, 2020



Chicago here we come. Does anyone want to help us move?


I've got a box of baby things for you.

May. 25th, 2020



Amy Juergens

Do you have a minute?

Apr. 26th, 2020



Jamie & Adrian

The other me is flirting with a girl and going out a second date with her. I've never been more confused in my entire life.

Apr. 9th, 2020



Zander and I are hanging over at his dad's today and he's having a blast being as loud as he can ...

[ pretend this is a video ]

Apr. 8th, 2020



Ok, so... being here is not what I would choose, but if I'm stuck here? At least I seem to have a lot going for me.

Both of my sisters and our best friend are here, and I just became guardian of a completely great kid. Things could be a hell of a lot worse, you know?

Apr. 2nd, 2020



Wow. Ok, so... apparently I'm being given a ward.

Is there a new girl here named Amy Juergens? Apparently I'm your new guardian.



Is it June yet?

Mar. 29th, 2020



If any of you ever need a photographer, I'd like to recommend Jimmy Gibbler. He did a wonderful job of photographing us. He is very professional, listens to suggestions and doesn't disappoint.

Stark Family and Friends
I have the pictures, the are wonderful. There isn't a bad one in the bunch. Posing in front of the Weirwood in godswood turned out to be a smart idea. The blood red leaves really make the pictures pop. I posted one of the pictures Jimmy took of John and me.

All of the Starks are so photogenic. I know you will be pleased.

I am on my way to Westeros to bring them to you.

Mar. 1st, 2020



I'm thinking about enrolling for next semester. There's always more to learn.

Feb. 28th, 2020



So I am about a month until I am a grown adult, I will finally be 18 and in May I will be graduating high school. I don't even know what to do with my future. I would like to attend a University or something, majoring in Psychology like my mother. I just don't know what school to attend. But, in other news to keep me smiling, I have the best boyfriend ever. Jack knows exactly what to do to keep me smiling....Love you Jack!

Jan. 21st, 2020



Hello, I’m Esme Cullen. I feel so blessed and thankful that my family is here and they are all doing well. As a mother, that is very relieving. I’m also pleased to see my love Carlisle here!

Dec. 30th, 2019



Thank GOD Rachelle has The End Zone here. At least I have somewhere familiar to drink myself stupid on New Year's.

And lest you think I'm some alcoholic, I just meant that it only takes like.... three or four drinks to have me on my pale ass.

I don't do the whole 'resolution' thing, but damn. I gotta get me a girlfriend or something in 2020.

Dec. 17th, 2019



I can't believe my last Christmas band concert is tomorrow. I started off doing marching band at home and I debated giving the French horn up when I got to Storybrook nearly four years ago but Jamie encouraged me not to and I'm glad I listened. Playing in concert is different than marching band but a good kind of different and I still love it. Zander does too, which I guess is fitting considering he was conceived at band camp and his father is a drummer. Music is in his blood.

Nov. 30th, 2019



I wonder if I ever ran around without a diaper while potty training because that's all Zander does now.

Oct. 26th, 2019



Crap! I still need to get Zander his Halloween costume for Liz's party. I suck so much as a mom.

Sep. 3rd, 2019



I think I want to go to college. It's not too late to apply right?

Aug. 2nd, 2019



Crap! I need to start planning Zander's second birthday party. Mom, Jamie, Isabel- Help!

Jul. 13th, 2019



Being 18 is pretty cool.

Jun. 30th, 2019



Alright, does anyone know how to get a toddler to stop biting? I have to get it under control or she can't go back to daycare.

Jun. 16th, 2019



Dad and Jamie

Happy Father's Day! [attached are handmade father/papa cards from Zander that he made in daycare]

May. 14th, 2019



I decided to apply at the XMH daycare after hearing they meet help. Wish me luck.

May. 12th, 2019



The daycare I have Mercy at made little hand print cards for all the moms. I never thought I would find baby art so cute.

May. 10th, 2019



filtered to teenage girls (+14 plus)

Late notice invite, I'm having a sleepover tonight. So I'm hoping a lot of people will come.

Apr. 12th, 2019



Won't be too long before Zander is officially a Valenti. I can't wait to become one too.

Apr. 4th, 2019



(( backdated to directly after this. ))

Family dinner at dad's tonight. Know anyone who might be interested in joining?

Mar. 1st, 2019




Can you watch Zander tomorrow night?


If my parents can babysit, want to go out with my me and my sister tomorrow? She's planning something but I don't know what.

Feb. 28th, 2019



I'm now accepting applications for anyone who wants to come out with me this weekend.

Feb. 18th, 2019



We moved Zander from a high chair to a booster seat tonight. Where did my baby go?

Feb. 6th, 2019



Filtered to family and friends

Hey. So... there's kind of someone here I should probably introduce you all to.

Jan. 18th, 2019



First good mood in months.

Bloated af, though.

Jan. 16th, 2019



Hello everyone!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Melinda Halliwell. Just shy of a year ago, I reached out to other parents here on the network to set up a playgroup. I wanted my young son to have some children his own age to play with. Initially it was for children around ages 4-6, but I know we have a lot of parents here with children of all ages. So if you're a parent and would like to be included in our little group, please reach out and let me know. We get together for playdates and often use one another for resources in a variety of ways.

Dec. 30th, 2018



It's my birthday on Saturday. I was thinking we could meet for dinner and then come back to the house for some games.

Dec. 29th, 2018




How do we get Zander enrolled in the daycare at the hospital?


I love you.



[ooc: forward-dated to Sunday morning.]

Baby Hershel Glenn Rhee was born Thursday, December 27th at 5:48pm. He is 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and 18 inches long and is getting stronger every day.

His Mother, Margaret Josephine Rhee, went home to God and her husband on the same day. Funeral services will be held at noon on New Year's Day in Freedomtown.

We love you, Maggie. Rest well. Say hi to Mama and Daddy for me.

Nov. 25th, 2018



Zander and I had a very productive Sunday.

cut for images )

What night are you free to come over for dinner this coming week?

Hey, sweetie. How are you feeling?

Nov. 12th, 2018



Why did I take home economics for my elective?

Damn you past JB!

I can't sew to save my life. So doing chorus or band next quarter.

Nov. 4th, 2018



Is it safe to go out now? Zander is so cranky not being able play outside.

Oct. 14th, 2018


[ posted after Kat's video ]

The Crashdown Cafe is closed for the day. Please everyone be safe.

[To the Roswellians that aren't fighting]

I would feel better if we're all in the same place so if you're not already at the Crasdown, please come here ASAP.

Oct. 12th, 2018




I don't know about you guys, but I feel the need to go help Monstopolis tomorrow. Who's with me?

Sep. 20th, 2018



We have a guest coming over for dinner tonight, so please try to make it home on time if you can.

Her name is Cassie, and she's a young girl going through cancer here on her own. I offered to be her person while she's dealing with all of it.

Sep. 18th, 2018



I am 16 weeks pregnant and my bump seem so to be getting bigger. I want some maternity pictures taken. Does anyone do them here?

Sep. 12th, 2018



Parents can be so embarrassing....

Sep. 3rd, 2018



Hoooooooly shit this is bloody chaos. Is this kinda thing normal around here? The Moms are freaking out, Neely can't shift, Morgan can't use her magic...

Jesus Christ.

Filtered to all HP characters
I'm not a wizard or anything (although I have been dipping my toe into some magic), but I haven't seen London in a terribly long time... any of you willing to take me on a tour of this New London?

Aug. 29th, 2018



My little boy is one now. How did that happen? It seems like he was just born. Thank you Peter for taking this picture of him so I could always remember him being this tiny. Here is one I took of us before I laid him down for the night. Thanks to everyone that came to his party and a special thank you to my mom for helping me plan it. I wouldn't have been able to do with you.