June 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Earizona+robbins+%28humanrainbow%29'

Jul. 4th, 2018



I have some news to share with you.

Ellis and I got engaged tonight!

Can you let me know when you're free? I have something I wanted to talk with you about.



WHO: Arizona & Ellis.
WHERE: Their home.
WHEN: This evening.
WHAT: A proposal.
STATUS: log; complete.

It's not enough. )

Jul. 2nd, 2018



Group Text to Arizona & Ellis

Hey moms, both of Michiru's friends from home seem to have gone back and she's feeling really down. Is it alright if I spent some time with her? She said that I can go home whenever you want me to.

Jun. 29th, 2018



I love my crazy, weird, time-and-reality displaced family so much I feel like my heart can't hold it all in. This place has found ways to give me back my formerly deceased aunt and father, let me connect with my soulmate, gift me with two different versions of the most amazing daughter I could ever dream of, and and then give me both another daughter AND her daughter from the future.

It's crazy, it's weird, it's unbelievable... and I'm so happy it's mine.

I need to talk to you... are you free? I'll get outta bed and come to the hospital just to see you.

Hey sweet pea. I know you won't see this till morning... but I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, and how proud of you I am. You're my child and you're everything to me.

Can I take you to lunch tomorrow? I'm dying to find out more about you, honey.

So I hear Michiru wants to make things official, hm? Just remember to take it only as slow or fast as YOU want.

Jun. 25th, 2018



Just a few months ago, I was living in 1996 and I wanted to see if there was a future where I wouldn't feel like a freak. Now here I am in 2018 and I haven't felt like a freak the entire time that I've been here. I'd like to thank everyone for that. Because there are a lot of you, whether you know it or not, who have made that possible.

Love wins over everything.

Jun. 21st, 2018



Private to Dr. Arizona Robbins

Hello, ma'am. Would you mind giving me a moment of your time?



I didn't think that I had it in me to be this angry.

No, I don't want to talk about it. I just wanted to make it known that I am still upset.

Jun. 18th, 2018



texts to Ellis & Kate. )



Oh. My. God.

Am I the only one literally BUZZING with excitement right now? I thought the technology we already had here was breathtaking. But now?

The things Princess Shuri brought to us today has me more excited and hyper than I've been since I was a kid. I never EVER thought we'd live to see these kind of advances. I had to hold myself back from hugging her!

Jun. 17th, 2018



So... 2018, huh? My parents haven't even met yet, but Cosmo said that I'm far from the only one. In fact, I'm late to the party.

In saying that, my name is Kylie and well... if you're around Gus Peterson-Marcus? Happy Father's Day, daddy.

Jun. 13th, 2018



Watch out 2018, Maddie Robbins is here.

Ick, I did the third person thing but I have to be bold.




I have something tiny that belongs to you.


Guess who has another grandchild? ( not from me )

PS: There was a lot of kissing.


Love you.



[Dylan & Elliot]

Out. Gonna bring dinner home. What you want?

[Girls into girls]

I need some advice. How do I please a girl and not make a fool out of myself? Don't ask questions, just gimme the advice.

Jun. 4th, 2018



So I've been here for a few days but I haven't seen my moms yet! Come out come out wherever you are, Ellis and Arizona. I'm over here at Aunt Zola's waiting for you to come and get me.

May. 17th, 2018



We're going to have some guests for breakfast on Sunday morning. Sloan and Kaleb are going to come over for waffles.



Callie and Arizona

Kaleb wants some grandma time.


We're going to over to Arizona's for breakfast on Sunday. She said you're invited too.

May. 13th, 2018



Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there. Especially to those beautiful ladies in my life.

May. 3rd, 2018



((backdated to the morning after this.))

Hey, you. Do you have some time to talk? I wanted to run something past you to get your thoughts.



Private to Arizona Robbins

So... I talked to Erin and Zola. And as long as you don't mind Erin keeping her puppy, looks like you ladies have two new roommates.

May. 1st, 2018



Filtered to all doctors at Xavier Memorial Hospital

I was approached today by a man named Eugene Thompson, a former Sergeant in the United States Army. He lost both of his legs fighting in Iraq. For the last few years, he'd been "whole" again by being bonded with what is called a "symbiote", from a world called Klyntar. Recently, the symbiote, for reasons undisclosed, abandoned Sgt. Thompson and he is now once more confined to a wheelchair.

Sgt. Thompson came to me inquiring about the surgery I helped develop that allowed Dr. Robbins to replace the leg she lost in an airplane crash. He is looking to have a double leg replacement done. Now, we would have to do some initial tests first, to make sure that the point of amputation is still viable. But if it is, we could have a truly historic surgery on our hands here.

So, I ask you all... thoughts? Concerns? Opinions? Offers of assistance?

Apr. 29th, 2018



Private to Arizona Robbins

Hey you... do you have time to talk for a few? I just kinda wanted to ask you something.

Apr. 12th, 2018



Anyone else up for getting dressed up and going for a night out on the town? I could use a night out.

Apr. 3rd, 2018



Filter: Arizona and Shepherd siblings

Guys, I'm freaking out big time. Help me? I wanna meet Daddy. I've wanted to meet him my entire life. But I don't wanna upset or confuse him, and I know the minute I see him, I'm gonna have a nuclear emotional meltdown.

Apr. 2nd, 2018



This is definitely not where I went to sleep last night.....

Where am I?

Mar. 31st, 2018



Okay, last thing I remember was a semi coming at me. I must have hit my head or something. This is crazy.

Mar. 28th, 2018



Hello? Is this message going out to anyone? Is this pamphlet for real?



Has anyone seen Rachel Berry?

Mar. 2nd, 2018



It's time to wake up now, I have things to do.

Feb. 28th, 2018



Private to Derek Bailey Shepherd

So. Brother-o-mine. I think it's time we finally have "the talk".

Private to Arizona Robbins

I think I just broke my poor brother's brain.

Feb. 26th, 2018



So um... this is new?

Does this wireless, screen-only computer really connect to the internet?

Am I in the future, or something?

Feb. 23rd, 2018



Filtered to Zola and Sofia


Filtered to Arizona

Well... looks like you get to meet MY brother now...

Feb. 21st, 2018



So, for those of you who haven't already heard, my brother Timothy arrived here the other day. Currently I'm resisting the urge to drag him all over the hospital to personally introduce him to everyone, so we're trying this instead.

Everyone introduce yourselves. Tim, these people are my family.

Feb. 20th, 2018



Addison I'm blaming you for my hangover.

Feb. 19th, 2018



(sent last night shortly after Tim's network post)

» I need you to watch my patients for me.
» My brother just showed up here.
» I need to go be with him.

» My brother is here.

Feb. 18th, 2018



I'm not supposed to be here. Not that I'm mad about cool weather and lack of being shot at. People need me in the field.

Feb. 13th, 2018



Private message to Arizona Robbins

So, I know Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow, but I just wanted you to know one of your gifts will be waiting for you in your locker at work in the morning.

I figure it's about goddamn time you get to wear these again, baby. )

Feb. 4th, 2018



[Crew of Arizona's surgery]

You all did great. It was an honor to observe it.


How you doing, champ?


Hey you.



Who: Ellis and Arizona
Where: Xavier Memorial Hospital, Freedomtown
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: PG/PG-13

Changing a Life )

Jan. 26th, 2018


public message to anyone interested

Hello, everyone.
I'm looking to brush up on my skills and haven't had much of a chance to learn new things lately with everything else going on.
So, if you have anything that you might know that I might not, such as a language, or philosophy, or particle physics, or an activity, or whatever else, and you have an hour, please let me know. I'd love to master a few new things in the upcoming weeks.
Thanks in advance!

Jan. 22nd, 2018



Filtered to Arizona Robbins and Meredith Grey

I'm so excited... I had to share this with you two before anyone... I'm gonna be a mom! Erin wants me to adopt her!

Jan. 4th, 2018



How is everyone's Thursday going?

» Hi. ♥
» Love you.
» What do you say we get your dad to play babysitter so we can have a girls night?

Now that we're all getting settled here, I think we should sit down and come up with a set custody schedule for Sophia.

Hey you two. Just checking in on you. Are you both settling into the new place all right?

Jan. 2nd, 2018



Well, this isn't Scotland. Which means something is up here.

Dec. 26th, 2017



Dad, Arizona, Callie, Sofia

[backdated to early morning]

Merry Christmas from myself and Kaleb. Dad, you can pass this onto Lexi too. I guess. Give Sofia a kiss for me. We'll be over to see you two later.


After we go see family, we're stopping at your place. We have gifts for you.

Dec. 20th, 2017



Ok, so now that we've got actual cities and everything here... the question of the day is: what does one do for fun around here?


Hey sweetie... what would you like for Christmas? I wanna get you something nice, but I kinda have no idea what to get you other than one gift I already paid for.


So: Christmas bash? Invite the whole clan? Also... we need to talk. I'm about to do something that could either be spectacular or completely blow up in my face.


So... got a couple questions for you.

1. Another date. This time with a little romance sprinkled in. Y/N?

2. Want to come to our big Christmas dinner? The whole family's invited, obvs.

3. How much kissage would a nice big sprig of mistletoe get me?

Dec. 18th, 2017



[Dad, Arizona, Callie]

I'm on my own with him again. My roomie moved in with her boyfriend. I'm so glad all of you are here.


Kaleb misses his Aunt Amber already and I do too. Come visit soon and tell me all about moving in with Buddah Boy.



Filtered to adults only

Anyone else really having to try hard to act happy about Christmas for the sake of a kid?

I love Erin. I do. And I want her to have a great holiday.

But god, this is tiring. I so badly want to just be a grumpy, drunk humbug for Christmas. I guess this is kinda what being a parent is, right? Putting a child's needs before your own.

Dec. 4th, 2017



Hi Quinn,

My name is Arizona Robbins, I was asked to be your guardian. Would that be all right with you?

Nov. 19th, 2017



[ backdated to after Buffy's post ]

Ellis? Zola? Can I come hang out at the hospital this weekend? I don't wanna be kidnapped.

Nov. 16th, 2017



I have a surgery in 30...this is bad.

Hello? Is anyone out there?

Nov. 13th, 2017



Awful of you to kidnap a pregnant woman.


Where are my people? Where are my friends?

I demand answers.




Am I dreaming?