May 2024



October 12th, 2018



Voice Post

[strange voices demanding their gold back]

I have no gold. Who are you? What the f...

[screaming and laughing and sounds of a fight]



I think I’ll be staying inside until everything is gone. I can’t risk my unborn child to these monsters.



No fucking way am I going to let some god damn gummy bears attack me. And I hate dolls.......



I just had a vision. A giant monster is going to show up in Monstropolis tomorrow. I'm talking Godzilla huge. It's going to rip through the city and cause major damage.

[Coordinates to where it will show up]

There's going to be a major monster attack here in Monstropolis tomorrow. It's going to be bad.

Bella, you need to take Renesmee and get as far away from here as possible right now.

I'm going to stay in the city to see if I can offer any help to Bea and the Queen with fighting this thing.



Somebody help me! I’m trapped and surrounded by gnomes who won’t go away.



I need help getting to the hospital. I was attacked by something and I can’t move. I think my leg is broken.



Ummm I didn’t know I could do that. I was fighting off some monster. And I literally set the thing on fire....I’ve never experienced this power before.



Does anyone need any help or assistance?



I don’t like this at all!



Okay. All Peterson/Marcus/Kinney clan stay inside where it’s safe. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.



Gummy bears? Evil fucking gummy bears, all you do is rip the, apart and kick them. No need to be afraid of gummy bears. Bunch of pussies.



There has to be a spell or something that we can do to get rid of these monsters. Come on, it can’t be that hard.....right?




Alright, listen up, motherfuckers.

This is Princess Beatrice, here on official goddamn business.

Our resident future-seeing vampire has let me know that tomorrow, a big-ass fucking monster is going to show up in Monstropolis.

I'm talking like some Godzilla-level bullshit here, folks.

So here's what needs to happen.

ALL CITIZENS OF MONSTROPOLIS - We're beginning an immediate emergency evacuation. If you got friends/family in other places, go stay with them till this passes. If you don't? Fuck, go live under a bridge like a goddamn homeless person or something. I don't fuckin' care. Just DON'T BE HERE.

This is not optional. Everyone here who is a citizen (i.e. not law enforcement, royal staff, and the like) is being ordered to leave the city now. Don't worry about packing shit, don't worry about whether or not you have that pretty dress you like, or your fuckin' PS4, or anything. Just get out now. This thing could arrive anytime from midnight tonight on. So I need you all gone before then.

CITIZENS OF OTHER LOCATIONS - I need you to have any kind of armies, protection, whatever-the-fuck that you have at the ready. If we can't contain this bitch, and it gets loose, we're looking at possible cataclysmic damage and death-tolls. I'm talking more horror and brutality than an Adam Sandler Movie Marathon. So seriously - get your shit together ASAP.



Alright Rangers! Time to put our Ultra Mega Zord confirmation to the test. I need all hands on deck starting a midnight because we don't know when this thing is going to strike. There will be an endless supply of coffee and food at the ready because no one will be sleeping. Better get a nap in now while you can.






filtered to Hayley (Mom)

Something attacked Nathan. We have to find him.




I don't know about you guys, but I feel the need to go help Monstopolis tomorrow. Who's with me?



This place keeps amazing me!

[chants incantation to blast away some tomatoes]

So many fun things to do.



Zan and Andra

I think I'm going to Monstropolis tomorrow to help them fight.



[Family -- Halliwells et al]

Watch out for the tiny demon doll from hell and his very large knife.


Be careful out there. I was just stabbed and it's not fun.



I just blew up several things that were all fur and teeth out in the park so people should beware they seem to be convening there. I blow up one and two more show up.


You ok?



I'm not a fighter, but I am here to help heal anyone that is injured and needs help no matter what time of day or night it is.



Private to Alisha Strange

Some demonic doll just attacked your mother.

I'm gonna guess you want to come with me to find and destroy this thing, because now?

I. Am. Pissed.



filtered to alex.

I love you. Thank you for being you.