May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'lucy+weasley+%28notbuttonedup%29'

Jul. 1st, 2021



Guess what guys? There are three of me here now!

Apr. 6th, 2021



You guys, If you have not gone to the musical at least once if not multiple times, I highly recommend that you do. I have a very talented boyfriend in it. Plus, I have more exciting news, I got accepted into the University in Ohau. I will be surrounded by sunshine and beaches all while obtaining a business degree. I can't wait for graduation from high school.

Mar. 18th, 2021



Since I'd pretty much do anything that would make my Katiebear happy, here's me trying to post more on here.

So, today's a fairly melancholy day for me. This would've been my parents' 22nd wedding anniversary if Daddy was still alive. In our world, my dad was a superstar. A legend in pro wrestling. So I know there's still a lot of fans who miss him... but none of them will ever miss him like I do. I was Daddy's Little Girl and I idolized his goofy ass.

He never existed in this reality, so... I don't even have a photo of him. Luckily I still have the necklace he got for my sixteenth birthday. It's something I can cling to when I think of him. I just wish he could've met Katie. I've dated some people that I know he didn't approve of... and Katie's basically the exact kind of person he always wanted for me. He'd had adored her.

So on less depressing topics, I'll give another short intro for myself, since I think I've posted on here all of once.

I'm Jenny Prescott. My parents are pro wrestlers Vlad Blackheart and Lara Chastain. I began training to enter the sport when I was 12 years old, and turned pro at 17. When Daddy passed away shortly after my 18th birthday, I paid tribute to both of my parents by taking the ring name of Lara Blackheart.

About a year before arriving here, I suffered a severe mental breakdown due to losing my dad. A big part of my recovery can be chalked up to meeting and falling in love with Katie. Her devotion and unconditional love helped heal my heart, and give me something to smile about.

Quite a few of my pals ended up here as well, including my best friends Mia Hayashi and Shelley Silver, and also my godfather, Judas Lasher.

Since coming here, I can honestly say I'm very at peace with not being a wrestler anymore. I work as an administrative assistant at Stark Industries (Daddy would FLIP HIS SHIT if he were here to see me working for Iron Man) and I'm thriving at the position. I love having a more 'normal' life, being able to go out with Katie, have friends over, not waking up in pain every morning.

So c'mon. Tell me a little about yourselves. Katiebear's got a nice little circle of friends, so maybe it's time I make one too. What kinda things do you enjoy? Sports? Music? Books? Let's get to know each other.


- Jenny

Jan. 1st, 2021



In just under two months I will have three children on my own. I am beginning to feel the stress I felt back home except that my husband is not here with me. I need a full-time nanny, though, especially with the new baby coming. How would one go about finding a full-time nanny while my babysitter Claudia is in school?

Dec. 17th, 2020



Maybe it's everything I've seen in the last ten years, but being in a different reality just isn't shocking me the way I feel it probably should.

Anyway. I'm Nancy Thompson. In my world I work as a psychologist and dream researcher. I really have no idea what I should say here, so... hello?

Nov. 9th, 2020




America is Red, White, and Blue... NOT ORANGE )

Oct. 9th, 2020



Happy birthday to me!!

Sep. 7th, 2020



From what I can tell a lot of my family is here, too, so Weasley's, can someone let me know where to go right now? I have just left the Welcome Center.

Aug. 5th, 2020



I feel like I haven't seen my friends in far too long.

Jul. 8th, 2020



Sometimes, in the middles of the day, you need a doughnut with your mom.

Jun. 14th, 2020



Alrighty then!

So, I guess now you guys know what I've been so busy with recently. For once I wasn't blowing anything up, right?

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I still can't believe I lasted until the end!

Oh, and if anyone's curious? The reason I glomped onto Princess Bea at the end? DUDE. Flarkin' look at her! I sang my butt off, d'ast right I was gonna get a hug from her as a reward!

May. 2nd, 2020



A very happy birthday to my eldest daughter, Victoire, who amazes me every day with her grace, intelligence, and capacity for love and kindness.

Joyeux Anniversaire, ma douce fille. Je t'aime tellement.

Apr. 27th, 2020



Ok, so I guess I lied.

I know I said it would be a while before I did anything musical... but this was just a spur-of-the-moment thing! I swear! The other night I was checking out the building that The Sugar Shack and BookHaven are about to be in, and while I was talking to Lucy and Amber, I saw the piano Amber has in the corner of BookHaven... one thing led to another, and I was sitting there playing one of my favorite songs I wrote back home with Lucy and Chloe backing me up.

Amber recorded it, so... I thought I'd let you guys hear it. This goes out to my beautiful Victoire and my baby boy Remy.


Mar. 9th, 2020



...Merlin's beard this is hard to accept.

I saw a few Weasleys in the list of others stranded here... I'm really hoping at least a few know me.

Feb. 6th, 2020



Best. Birthday. Ever.

So while I was going through my presents, one of those lovely cherubs covered my device in flowers and chocolates. I'm just now getting back on.

For those who don't know, I turned 21 last night. I propose a party tomorrow or Saturday. It's got to be an 18 & up club so Betsy and Dany can come.

Jan. 4th, 2020



Gotta say, I'm loving working at Hogwarts.


Let's do something before I go back to work. It's been too long.


Love you.

Dec. 3rd, 2019



Cetus-Lupeedus! This place is even more different than the Earth I know. I just got here from my space station in the year 2049. This is supposed to be 2019, yes? Talk about a minor disappointment to the tenth power. I wonder if my space-stay can find me here? I sure hope so.

Nov. 19th, 2019



Now that I've got myself a brand new, modern-day camera. Which wow... is super light compared to what I'm used to. I need to start working on a portfolio as I start looking at colleges.

Any recommendations?

Oct. 1st, 2019



So now that it's official, I can now say that I will be holding auditions for The Greatest Showman on Friday. So please let me know if you want to be part of a big role, medium role, small role, ensemble cast, or even part of the crew because there will be a lot of work to do to make sure that this is a fantastic show. There are plenty of parts to go around. So let me know how big of a role you want and once auditions are underway then I can plan accordingly and match people up with the characters. And if you don't get the part you want I will make sure that you are in the show in someway, nobody will be let down.

Sep. 5th, 2019



So I fix my reputation at home, just to tumble off of a damn riding lawnmower and end up in a strange place where nobody knows me? Well, that's just perfect.

Hello everyone. I'm Olive Penderghast and I am in need of a guardian for at least a few months. Is there anyone with some free space in their home that appreciates some good, healthy sarcasm. You don't even have to be around much. I'm pretty self-sufficient.

Aug. 4th, 2019



Now that I've had a few days to adjust and to process everything, I'd like to announce that, due to the kindness of a dear friend, I've adopted a child.

Remy Benjamin Crowe was born on July 21st, and is just the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. I always wanted to be a mom, from the time I was a kid... and it's everything I dreamed of.