May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'bucky+barnes+%28putonice%29'

May. 18th, 2021



I'm still not convinced I'm not imagining all of this. But damn, if I am? I hope it never stops.

My best friend is here. Our daughter is here. A second version of her is here, that's in her 20s. That was an awkward but amazing meeting. And best of all... our son is here. We held him in our arms when he was only a few hours old, and watched him leave us... and now he's here, and... he's an amazing young man and I've never felt more proud of anything in my life.

And then there's the career part of this.

Turns out a lot of people I know are here, and they work at Xavier Memorial Hospital. Went there to talk about working with reconstructive surgery, ended up in talks to be Chief of Surgery, so... that's a thing that happened.

May. 17th, 2021



Filtered away from Jackson Avery and April Kepner

Annnnd now my dad's here. No big, really. I love him, but I was much closer to my mom growing up.

But so help me Jesus, if Gramma Catherine shows up here, I am gonna smack someone. Hard.

May. 15th, 2021




How are you doing?

May. 4th, 2021



This isn't where I expected to be when I woke up, but it's not so bad. I guess I get to start over now.

Sam? Bucky? I see your names on here, but I was told that you may not remember me. I'm Karli Morgenthau and I'm still sitting in the hospital, but I will be released soon.

May. 2nd, 2021



I have no idea how long I've been gone from here, and frankly right now I don't care.

Only thing that matters right now... Scarlett? Are you here?

Tony Stark
You better still be alive here, man.

Apr. 20th, 2021



Hey, y'all!

So, as many of you know, while I personally don't date anyone, I'm in love with the concept of love.

I love hearing about it, reading about it, and seeing it.

So with so much stress and tension around here lately, let's revel in love.

Are you dating someone? Tell us all about them. What you love about them. How you fell in love. Anything you like.

Got a crush? Tell me about 'em. What makes you like them? How do they make you feel?

Let's hear it, folks! Don't let me down!

Apr. 19th, 2021



You know... when I said I was kinda over Los Angeles and wanted to go away again? I kinda meant back to the UK.

Holy crap this is insane.

Mar. 31st, 2021




Your mom just invited me to an Easter brunch.

Oct. 22nd, 2020



Some where in time, if Howard ever found out a gem can do time travel, he'd be livid.

Sep. 23rd, 2020



So, I've been here for a little while now, getting adjusted to things. I gotta say, it's different being somewhere that doesn't have something trying to kill me all the time.

Is it weird that now I feel a little bored?

Aug. 15th, 2020



HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Jupiter are here too! Two more names for The List!

Especially Jupiter. Dear sweet baby Jesus on a surfboard, she is my ultimate anime crush. I even named my finishing move after one of her attacks. (Bee Tee Dubs, not one person kicked out after getting hit with Supreme Thunder. Not. One. Person.)

KYLE! I'm irritated because I just found the perfect ring entrance song for me and have no reason to have one now. So very irritated. Entertain me.

May. 20th, 2020



I'm having trouble believing that any of this is real but the people at the welcome center swears it's not a dream. Either a dream or I'm dead.

Mar. 18th, 2020



Bowie would love this show the Masked Singer. Even if he didn't know any of the people singing behind those Mask.

Feb. 11th, 2020



Having one of those days where it's really hitting me that I have two daughters, and both are growing up to be superheroes. Never thought I could be this proud about anything.

Jan. 21st, 2020



My kid is pretty cool.

Dec. 8th, 2019



I had a patient today tell me I was the most beautiful creature in the galaxy. Sure, he was on enough morphine to take down a herd of cattle, but still!

Nov. 26th, 2019



Wow. I had a moment earlier where I almost got upset that when I told someone I was with The Resistance, they had no idea what I was talking about... until I realized why. This place? This reality? Doesn't need a Resistance. People are free.

Oct. 1st, 2019



Huh. Well this is new.

Sound off. I saw your names on the resident list, but call me paranoid. I need to know you're here.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



It's hard to believe that I've been here more than a year.

Are you busy next week?

Aug. 8th, 2019



That was a relaxing vacation. Didn’t go anywhere just stayed in my apartment in Storybrooke. Now back to work as usual. If anyone has seen any suspicious activity or sees anything out of the ordinary please don’t hesitate to tell me.

Jul. 6th, 2019



Brown Recluse.

I heard of the news you were given.

Are you ready to talk about it?



We need to talk.




I... I have some news to tell you.

It's a little unbelievable, but perhaps you can shed some light on it.

Jul. 3rd, 2019




You doing anything tomorrow?

May. 18th, 2019




Why does my name matter? People have names. I’m an asset. I’m the Brown Recluse. Why isn’t that enough? I would have to have parents to have a name. What would I do for a patronym? Or a family name? I’m proud of what I am. Isn’t that good enough?

[For the first time, there’s a hint of doubt in her voice. SHIELD training hasn’t been at all like she expected. It’s nothing like her training with Hydra. She can’t decide if that’s good or bad yet but it’s... not unpleasant. Which has her feeling a bit unsettled. It should be a bad thing. Hydra might be all she’s known but they’re supposed to be right. They’re supposed to be the good guys. The very idea of liking how anyone else does things better is treasonous. She was trained better than this.]

May. 12th, 2019



filtered to Harriet


May. 7th, 2019



I was informed that in the future I always take on an assistant and an intern, than the assistant would move on and the intern would take their place, and I would get another intern. I scoffed at it, but honestly lately I'm starting to see why.

Here we go.

I'm opening two spots in my lab, one for an assistant and an intern.

My assistant needs to know more than a basic form of any technology, I do not have time to teach two beings. I barely have time for one.

I also ask for respect and you will sign in ironclad contract of privacy dealing with my lab, though I do share my tech/projects to the world, but only when it's ready to be shared, not before.

Mar. 20th, 2019



Voice post


What the hell?



Feb. 19th, 2019



Hey. So... we've been talking back and forth for a while now, and if I'm reading anything wrong, I apologize... but would you wanna maybe go out to dinner sometime?

Feb. 18th, 2019



You know... it kinda occurred to me that I don't even really think I have enough friends here to fill the wedding party. If Luis was here I'd Best-Man the hell outta him just for the inevitable killed reception toast.

Time to figure out who my Groomsmen-By-Default are!

Feb. 14th, 2019



Wakanda, enjoy the light show tonight by yours truly!

Jan. 16th, 2019



Ho-lee SHIT! Real trans-reality displacement... I've had theories about this for years but I never thought I'd actually experience it. Gotta admit - while I never thought about one reality's fiction being another reality's truth, it makes total sense, because it's a way for all realities to be tethered together in some way, no matter how minute.

Oh. Heh. Sorry for the word-vomit. I'm Hayley. Hope to meet all of you!

Nov. 27th, 2018



So. Irony at it's finest.

I get myself away from the medical profession. Finally.

Only to find that I miss it. What the eff.

Private to April Kepner
Mama? You gotta gimme some advice here, because I'm ready to scream.

Oct. 23rd, 2018



Two agents down, one badly wounded, there's this red glomp devouring whatever is in its way.

I need backup, I need it now.

Jul. 4th, 2018



Happy birthday, Steve.

Jun. 18th, 2018



Ok talking dogs?

I can deal with that.

So. Status report?

May. 22nd, 2018



Wow... "New Wakanda". While my dad and Gramma Catherine were hardly comic book fans, even they would have to appreciate this. Black pride and all that.

Private to April Kepner

Hey there pretty lady! How's the world's number one mom doing? I miss youuuuuuu! Lunch or dinner soon, yes?

May. 9th, 2018



The construction of New Wakanda is going better than even I had planned.

Between the willingness of this reality's version of me to share his wealth of Vibranium, and the hard work of my brilliant sister Shuri, this will be glorious when complete.

Much gratitude to Her Majesty Queen Irinia for her generosity in this.

Apr. 30th, 2018



possible spoiler warning )

Apr. 14th, 2018



Seems like there are a few of us here.

How is everyone?

Also, if you didn't see my original post I'm going by the name Katelin here at least for now.

Apr. 2nd, 2018



Shuri? T'Challa?

I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be reaching out like this either.