June 2024



Posts Tagged: '%7Eliz+ortecho+%28sassedjesus%29'

Aug. 6th, 2020



Her people

Two weeks and two days until we tie the knot. I'm freaking out a little bit and I'm getting the urge to run. Help. I don't want to screw this up.

Aug. 5th, 2020



Next month I get married to my high school sweetheart!

Aug. 4th, 2020



I'm going to say it now. School sucks.

Aug. 1st, 2020



Who: Dr. Juliet Burke and Liz Ortecho
What: Lunch
When: Backdated to yesterday
Where: UFO truck in Doom Republic near the hospital
Why: Two co-workers getting to know each other
Rating: Low
Status: Closed and ongoing

Juliet was looking forward to a lunch with Liz Ortecho. Through the hospital grapevine she'd heard only good things. Juliet wanted to hear about her work. It fascinated Juliet. Since Liz worked with mutants, the blonde doctor felt they could work on some of her OBGYN patients together.

She was a little early, so she sat on a bench near the UFO food truck. Juliet loved their milkshakes, it was her favorite food truck.

Clearing her schedule for a few hours, so she could have a proper lunch, which in Juliet speak meant hearing a lot about Genetics research.

Standing when she saw Liz coming, she called out to her. "Ms. Ortecho, I'm so glad you could make it," she said beaming. This was a chance at a new friend. A doctor's life didn't have much time to make friends. Only other doctors, and people in related fields understood this.



I finally met another one of my co-workers, Dr. Liz Ortecho. The things she does are amazing, some of the stuff she is doing, I have only dreamed about. She is such an asset to DRH.

Liz Ortecho
Liz, I just wanted to thank you for Lunch. I really enjoyed our talk. Your line of work is fascinating, thank you for answering all my questions.

I do have a patient, Beau Walker (NPC) who is a mutant. She's having trouble conceiving. I think this is up your alley, as well. She just came in this morning. I'm sending her to you. She is a bit difficult.

I'm taking Claudia to get some proper clothes for Hawaii and school. Claudia, school starts while we're away. I'm sorry about that but it's the only time I can get off. Do you want to stay with my friends or do you want to go with us to Hawaii? Your choice.

Everyone else, do you have things I need to pick up for you before the trip?

Ellie and Kat, do you want to go with us to buy Claudia's things. Ellie I think you need a cuter bathing suit. Kat do you need anything? You're part of us now.

Jul. 31st, 2020



Since it doesn't look like I'm going home any time soon, I guess it's time to find a job.

Jul. 30th, 2020



[Michael is seen sitting in a lawn chair picking up a guitar from it's case. He looks at his hand and flexes it, he's nervous as he puts is fingers on the strings, then looks at the phone camera.]

Sorry, guys, I'm a little rusty. I haven't played since I was a kid.

[The melody is disjointed and messy as he tries out the chords, then a melody starts to form. It turns into Jewel's 'You were meant for me.']



I was going to look into finding some work, but uh...

First things first. I hear that Doom Republic General Hospital might be a good place to go if you've been experimented on. Is this correct?

Jul. 2nd, 2020



[Filtered away from Alex]

Shit shit shit shit...

Jul. 1st, 2020



It's so frustrating that I can't continue my research that I was doing at home here. I was really onto something that could help a lot of people.

[Selena Kyle]

Do you have any torquise jewelry? Particularly rings and necklaces.

[Isabel Whitman]

Now that I've had some time to settle back in from my return, I'm ready to jump back into wedding planning. Where did we leave off?


You know you're getting a bachelor party this weekend right? I won't take no for an answer.

Jun. 21st, 2020



Who: Max and Liz
What: Returning
Where: Their apartment
When: Early afternoon
Warning: Roswell NM spoilers

Read more... )



I really don't want to be back here.

Jun. 16th, 2020




Jun. 8th, 2020




Are you still here? Did you go back?

(( *spoilers within the comments ))

Jun. 7th, 2020



filtered; Liz and Maria

I can't believe I'm getting married in four weeks.

Jun. 3rd, 2020



Liz Ortecho

I wanted to thank you for all your help.


I was able to stop it while training with John.

May. 20th, 2020



So, as much as it pains me, I should probably use this thing and introduce myself for the sake of getting my name out there.

I'm Dr. Cristina Yang, the automatic brand-new Best Surgeon On The Planet. Since I'm most likely stuck here now, I'll be setting up interviews with both of the top hospitals here.

It looks like the few people I actually like are here already, but hey - with any luck, maybe I won't hate some of you as much as the others.

May. 15th, 2020



Oh... so that wasn't me? Good.

I would have felt really bad if I had caused a planet-wide blackout.

May. 13th, 2020




I have to head to XMH to help with a mutant patient. I don't know when I'll be back.

May. 12th, 2020



For the record- this was not my doing this time.

You all doing okay? I'll be working for a bit. Extra patrols making sure everyone is doing okay.

May. 10th, 2020



In lieu of thinking about my terrible mother today, is anyone one around here a wedding planner?

I'm not the kind of girl that would enjoy doing this thing on my own and I'd rather not have to hire my future sister in law to do it.

Isobel, you can do a bridal shower if you want, though. That's a thing right? I didn't make it that far with Diego.

May. 7th, 2020



Don't know what you people are complaining about. It feels nice out here.

May. 6th, 2020



Alright, I'm bored.

I need to go out more, make friends, so hi, I'm Jessica.

I've been here for awhile, just been working and being a hermit.

I'm over that.

Anyone need a friend? I'm chatty, young, just want to go out and have fun.

May. 5th, 2020



Just when I thought things couldn't be stranger than Roswell......

Apr. 28th, 2020



Thought I'd do my pal Alex a solid here and post the link to this. He asked me to do a spot on a song with him after hearing me on Idol, and we had a lot of fun recording it.

Alex Manes (ft. Ellis Shepherd) - "Can't Love Me"

Skylar Bale
Hey there, Boss-Lady. The Mrs. is working tonight and I'm bored... wanna meet up for coffee?

Apr. 27th, 2020



Her people

Max and I would like to invite all of you to a BBQ at our place this weekend. You don't need to bring anything, we have it all covered.



Barbeque this weekend? I think Is has settled in enough now that we can tell everyone the news.

Apr. 16th, 2020



Her people

Has anyone seen Isobel today? We were supposed to meet up for lunch and she's not answering my messages.

[Max (edited in later)]

You're angry and upset. Does that mean that she's ...

Apr. 11th, 2020



Her People

I have... a thing tonight.

Mar. 5th, 2020




Date night this Saturday? I feel like you're a Harper Lee fan.

Feb. 20th, 2020



filtered; Liz Ortecho & Maria Deluca [backdated to 02/16/2020]

We need to go out next weekend. I've got something to tell you.

Feb. 8th, 2020



No kids

Has anyone heard from or seen Zevran lately? Tall, blond, handsome elf? I've been trying to contact him with a job offer for my club Temptation. And maybe also a fuck And had also hoped to get to know him. In the Biblical sense, of course But I can't seem to find him or call him. It's really unfortunate, he seemed nice.

Feb. 3rd, 2020



Filtered Away from Alex Manes

I wanna do something special for my man. Ideas?

Jan. 28th, 2020



Liz Ortecho [mouthyasever] (viewable to Lauren Strucker & Jean Grey)

Can I have a moment of your time?

Jan. 15th, 2020



Odd question here... but what are the chances of one of the genius minds here being able to create something they really should have no way of making in this reality?

Luke Skywalker
Master Skywalker. You don't know me, but my name is Finn. In my world I'm with The Resistance and my friend Rey was trained by you. Would you be willing to talk to me about something important?

Jan. 4th, 2020



Maria and Rosas

I've been missing my girls since moving in with Max and I request a girls night.

[Other Liz Ortecho]

Just checking in and see how things are going.


How's work going?

Dec. 8th, 2019



Sometimes I swear Joan Jett's music speaks directly to my soul. I wish I could turn her songs into a physical being and just hug them for hours.

Dec. 4th, 2019



I miss my person.

Nov. 13th, 2019



Roswell, NW Peeps

So we should talk Thanksgiving, yes?

Nov. 12th, 2019



Possible spoilers. )

Nov. 11th, 2019



Happy Veterans Days to my favorite Airman.

Oct. 18th, 2019



Goddamn Gem. For anyone that knew him, Dr Kyle Valenti has gone back home.

Oct. 14th, 2019



Charlotte keeps telling me I need to branch out more. So... here we go. Branching out.

Anyone have any good book recommendations? Or maybe have interest in a book club or something?

Van Warren Sisters
Chloe? Lucy? Hi. I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Amber. I was wondering if you were going to open The Sugar Shack here, because... if so? I have an idea to make the business bigger and give me something I've always wanted at the same time.

Oct. 10th, 2019



Where a great place to get coffee?

Cause I need caffine before I can wrap my mind around any of this.

Sep. 15th, 2019



It's the start of Hispanic Heritage Month and I, Elizabeth Ortecho, am proud to be a Mexican-American woman. My parents risked everything to come to America as immigrants and Papi did everything he could make sure my sister and I had a good life here. We grew up speaking more Spanish than English, learning to make authentic Mexican dishes, listening to Latino music, and stories about the old country. Being Mexican is such strong part of my identity and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Aug. 10th, 2019




I'm so proud of you.

Aug. 5th, 2019



NM Roswellians

Guys! There's a cupcake shop opening in the DR this Saturday with free cupcake tasting. We have to go! They're the same cupcakes that are at the Crashdown.



I just had the most amazing meeting this morning, but first,

Max's Cupcakes is opening this weekend in Doom Republic!

Saturday - will be free taste testing at the Doom location! Come on out and see us.

Don't worry, my first store will be having taste testing this Thursday. It will have new cupcakes for everyone to try out to see if they will make the menus or go out to Crashdown. You will have to fill out a survey to test.

Two new announcement!

I've decided to do baking demos - the demos will be ten dollars, but the slots for people will be limited. More to come.

LASTLY - Max's Cupcakes will be opening in Arendelle! Also there will be added kitchens for classes! I can't say anymore than that, but it's happening guys!

Aug. 3rd, 2019




[ backdated to last night ]

Come get your boyfriend.

Jul. 31st, 2019



Wow. Ok, so this is different.

The Welcome Center's really cool though. Nice folks.

Hi everyone. I'm Kenny. Hope to fit in here easily...

Boss? The resident list says you're here?