May 2024


Posts Tagged: '%7Eandra+dzruo+%28totallyepic%29'

Jun. 10th, 2020



Wow, I got here a lot quicker than I thought that I would. But that's awesome.

I enjoyed sunlight for the first time in over four centuries, so that's a major plus.

But now I'm all checked-in at the welcome center, and I can start moving into my new house. I'm sure the residents Monstropolis noticed the new mansion that went up recently, that would be mine.

I'm Janice Willis, and I'm looking forward to being the newest resident of Galador... that just happens to be from this world.

May. 5th, 2020




Lita just told me she set a date and fuck, we can't let our kid get married before us.

Apr. 27th, 2020



Happy 21st birthday to my absolute babe of a mom!

If you see her today, say Happy Birthday from a distance! Do. Not. Approach. She's prickly and she bites.


If you could not threaten my boyf with your gun, that would be great thanks.

PS: have fun with mom tonight!


So what did you buy with your bonus?! Also how did your date go? The second one that you were talking about in that post.

Sep. 20th, 2019



So are Pepperidge Farms cookies a thing here? I have a craving.

Aug. 12th, 2019



[backdated to after Tuesday's show]

For once my kid actually looked like my kid and I couldn't be prouder. She fucking rocked that song and I will stab anyone that thinks otherwise.

Jul. 4th, 2019



All Roswellians (OG and NM)

Happy 4th! You are all welcome to mine and Alex's place for food and fireworks. BYOB and anything else you want to share!

Jun. 29th, 2019



Saturday night out with my favorite guys? Yes, please.

cut for picture )

I know we're not even on Earth anymore, let alone in the United States. But I'm hosting a 4th of July barbecue this year. Let me know if you can make it.

Just checking in. Everyone okay? Alive? Things going well? I figured I should keep up with my AU selves.

Jun. 27th, 2019



Her parents and his parents

Brandon and I have something to tell you.

May. 25th, 2019



It was time for a change.

Apr. 30th, 2019






So on the scale of 1 to bazillion, this falls at like a gajillion for weird. Last I knew, I was grooving to Queen, eating a rations bar and BAM.

Smoke. Lights. A welcome centre telling me I'm stuck here, ain't going nowhere, all I got is what I'm wearing.

So what I'm saying is, I picked a really bad day to not wear underwear.

Also, anyone have a Zune charger? Anyone? No one wants to see me without music.

Apr. 21st, 2019



Rex? Are you there? I snuck up here on the supply ship... you've gotta help me...

Feb. 7th, 2019



What in fresh hell.

This isn't going to work for me. Dad and mom will worry

What's being done about getting me back home?

Jan. 6th, 2019



That's it I'm staying in Gotham, I refuse to be kicked out of my city. I'll stay in the Narrows if I have too

Jan. 2nd, 2019



It's nice to see Gotham, even if it's not my Gotham.

I'm a little-troubled that Jason is here...but I'll handle that in time.

I'm Bruce Wayne, wondering if any of my friends are out there.



Kicked out of Gotham, damnit Bruce.. we could have made the city a eutopia.

Nov. 28th, 2018



Who the fuck is Dash?

Nov. 27th, 2018



Who: Andra and Jason ( with some Lita and Brandon )
What: Reunited
Where: Their place
When November 1st
Warning: None

Read more... )

Oct. 22nd, 2018



Who: Andra, Ava, Celyn + Lita and Zan
What: Death
Where: Gothem
When Tonight
Warning: Violence

Read more... )



Ava and Celyn

Yo we need a girls day. Ya free?

Oct. 14th, 2018



Zan and Andra

I need to know you two are ok.

I just saw from Liz that Maria... Maria is dead.

Oct. 12th, 2018



Zan and Andra

I think I'm going to Monstropolis tomorrow to help them fight.

Sep. 19th, 2018



So, who do I talk to to get my cooking show going here?

Sep. 18th, 2018




Sup. Someone told me we'd get along.



I'm climbing the bloody walls out of boredom here.

Actually, considering where we are, I feel I should point out that I'm not speaking literally here.

Anyway, please save me from boredom before I scream.

Private to Nancy Wheeler
Hello again, beautiful. Feel like chatting for a bit? I feel like you and I have a lot in common.

Private to JR
So, I have an idea. Your mum is worried sick about you, and you're bored stiff.... but I think I can make everyone happy. What if I go to your mum, and tell her I'll start coming over until you're well, and keeping an eye on you so she can do whatever and not be in a panic? You could stay home and rest without being bored (because face it, love... I'm anything but boring), and she can relax a little.

Aug. 15th, 2018



I'm starting ot miss Gotham, the real Gotham.

Always action, a fight, just to blow off some steam.

I feel stagnant here.

Jul. 31st, 2018



Booooooooooored boredboredbored.

In case I'm being too entirely subtle about it?

I'm bored.

Srsly. I'm tired of sitting around being depressed, I'm tired of keeping to myself and not really talking to anyone. I wanna just be ME again.

And that starts with actually having stuff to do.

Jul. 7th, 2018



What is an alien princess supposed to do for fun around here?

Jun. 27th, 2018




Lita is out with her friends ...

Jun. 25th, 2018



I am way too hyper right now to sit here bored and by myself.

Come on, people. There's gotta be someone who wants to do stuff.

What stuff? I don't even care. Any stuff. Hit me with ideas.

Text to Lita

Hey cuz! How'd your little orgy go? Have fun?

Jun. 24th, 2018



I feel a little more comfortable, now that I'm in Gotham and settled. Even though things are still odd.

Now I just have to find some office space.

Jun. 9th, 2018



My kid's totally cornball but I kinda love her too.

May. 30th, 2018




Are you seeing this shit?

May. 14th, 2018



Never been one for mothers day but now that it's after, Mama you wanna grab some grub or what?

May. 10th, 2018



Hello lovlies!

For anyone I havent met yet, my name is Kyla Ramirez. I like dancing, video games, and Reese's peanut butter cups.

I know there are quite a few of us here, so I thought it might be fun to get a big group together and have a sleepover party. It'll be a great way to learn more about each other and maybe make some new friends that you might not have met otherwise. I mean, being a teenage girl is hard enough sometimes, am I right? Let alone trying to make it work on a different planet. So we can use all the friends/support we can get, right?

Anyway, it'll be this coming Saturday. I'm working out the details of location right now. I'll have a better idea of where will be at once I get a head count.

SO. A couple of details:

I'm thinking pizza for dinnner? With a variety of other snacks and drinks. (If everyone could chip in $5 for that, I'd love you forever.)

We'll have tons of music, some classic movies, and a bunch of games to play. I want everyone to have a fun time, so feel free to message me privately if there's anything you might be concerned about.

And that's it for now. So drop me a comment below if you're interested in coming and I'll start putting things into motion. Can't wait to party with all of you. ♥

Hey girl! So I know your mama is big with the witchy mojo. Do you think there's any way she might be able to help conjure like a big tent or something for the sleepover?

I had fun last night. ;)

May. 3rd, 2018



Is speaking Simlish a life skill?

How's your friend doing?

Saw Zan showed up. Your mom must be pretty psyched.

Apr. 29th, 2018



What the fuck is this?

Apr. 28th, 2018



What do people do for fun around here?

Mar. 29th, 2018



Soooo at the risk of sounding like someone who's moving way too fast?

I just wanna say that at the Crashdown today I was looking at the pies and how how sweet they all are, and it occurred to me that my girlfriend is sweeter than any of 'em.

Just saying.

Mar. 5th, 2018



I am literally the only person in my family here who isn't partnered off with someone. Kyla Ramirez, doomed to be a #thirdwheel wherever I am.

filtered messages for bella cullen, amy juergens, andra druzo, and neveah dean-ramirez )

Feb. 28th, 2018



You know, this place ain't so bad. For space. Could use a little more New York City flare, though.


I hear you finally have decent taste in music.

Feb. 21st, 2018



Warning for all in Freedom Town.

I'm going to be playing with the weather a bit in about an hour, so nothing is going on, all me.

Nothing to worry about.

Feb. 19th, 2018



Space adventures, huh? That's a new one. Too cliche to use this as an opportunity to work on my moonwalk?

Hey, fam. Sorry I'm late.

Feb. 17th, 2018




Yo your twin is here.


Got a face twin now. Don't get any ideas. She seems like a real priss from the 1800s.

Feb. 11th, 2018




Max, where is he? Where's Zan?

Dec. 31st, 2017



So, one may ask, what does the princess of Monstropolis do now that she's once again a ruling figure?

Well, fans and friends, the answer to that is: play some Madden 18 on my PS4 and listen to some muthafuckin' Slayer.

Nov. 13th, 2017



Who: Andra with Jason
What: Sexy singing
Where: Their place
When: Whenever
Song: "Call My Name" - Charlotte Church and "Save Me" - Burn Halo
Read more... )

Nov. 5th, 2017




I'm back from my planet side trip and I picked up a few things for us.



Is anyone awake right now? I keep having horrible nightmares can't sleep... just really need someone to keep me company, even if it's just talking on here.

Oct. 26th, 2017



Sleepless nights are hella lame.

Oct. 24th, 2017






So, I'ma have to make a supply run in the next day or two. I'll be gone a coupla days. So, I say some fun is called for. Wanna go past city limits and get fucked up on Asgardian ale?