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Posts Tagged: 'jack+kline+%28lucijr%29'

Dec. 4th, 2018



Holy shit I don't even want to think about how strong the magic was that did this.

Anyway.. sup everyone. I'm Ash.

Nov. 19th, 2018



Who: Peyton and Jack
When: Monday night
Where: The Bronze
What: Date night
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

this is the best night of my life )

Nov. 2nd, 2018



Well, now that everything is back to normal it seems like I can come out of hiding. Usually I don’t run from things like that, but I had a very bad encounter and it made me go back into depression and I couldn’t live with myself going back out there again.Now that they are gone, I can breathe and enjoy life again.


Are you okay? I wanted to thank you for keeping me and our daughter safe. I want to do something to make it up to you. Is there anything you want to do? It’s my treat.

Oct. 26th, 2018




[The image shows a young man walking on a sidewalk, wearing a dark business suit, with a white shirt and blue tie. Sharply dressed. Looks almost like a graduate from a prestigious university. That, or a company CEO. For any supernaturally inclined that'd be able to sense it, there is a dark presence, something dark and immensely powerful.]

Well, well. Isn't this.. interesting. A new planet. A new world. [He smiles] I'll take it. Ohhhh yes, can't wait to raise some new allies maybe a statue of me in every country. Oh, or a church to my name. Hmmmm. [He grins then. Ohhh, the plans he could have. Father would be sooo pleased. And then he laughs, waving his hand.] I'm kidding, of course. Really. Or am I? I guess we'll see-

[He suddenly stops for a moment, something catching him off guard. There's a brief pause, an expression of genuine confusion. Then he yells out, holding his head in pain as images flood his mind, five years of memories in another place, five years of fighting for survival. And then, fifty more years of time spent in a realm of Hell. Technically it was a couple months, but unfortunately time passes differently in the spirit world. Hell, especially. He is silent for a moment, wiping his eyes as he slowly stands back up. His expression and demeanor is quite the opposite of several moments ago.]

Umm... err, my apologies. I must have sounded like a pompous ass just then. Sorry about that. This situation isn't new to me, I've spent time in another universe before. Well, let's hope this one isn't as fraught with danger. Please tell me I'm not here to help stop an Apocalypse? Again. Really, the first time was more than enough. But if there is a situation that needs any assistance, I'd wish to help. My name is Damien Thorn. [He lets out a heavy sigh. So many memories of people he knew. Some lost.] Well, I guess I'll need to find a city and home to live in too.

Oct. 15th, 2018



Bunker Residents

Role call!

I know a bunch of us went out there once those little things came into town, but we got separated. Is everyone OK?

Oct. 12th, 2018



There has to be a spell or something that we can do to get rid of these monsters. Come on, it can’t be that hard.....right?



Ummm I didn’t know I could do that. I was fighting off some monster. And I literally set the thing on fire....I’ve never experienced this power before.

Sep. 20th, 2018



I want to go to Disney. Who wants to go with me?

Sep. 18th, 2018



The only class I hate taking is the dark arts class. It seriously freaks me out sometimes.

Sep. 5th, 2018



Who: Perri and Jack
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Halliwell Manor
What: Homework and a little dad/daughter bonding time
Warnings: None

It's kind of cool having your father go to school with you. )

Aug. 16th, 2018



School is actually going pretty great. My classes are a bit challenging, but I like a good challenge.



Message to Jack

So I was you want to go out sometime? Perhaps get to know each other?

Jul. 11th, 2018



So if your future child didn't get sent back...what does that mean? Does it mean that eventually I'm going to be having her? Or it doesn't mean anything and she is just here to hang? I'm curious.

Jun. 17th, 2018



Happy Fathers Day to a great dad......yep I’m talking about Jack Kline. Happy Fathers Day daddy! I love you.

Jun. 11th, 2018



Mom? Dad?

I mean Jack and Claire?

Any Winchesters out there?

Jun. 9th, 2018



[info]freedomtownic this girl came rushing at me saying that she’s my daughter. Excuse me? I’m too young to be a mother for one and two..she said her father is Jack Kline. I don’t even know a Jack Kline. Let alone have a child with him. This girl is nuts!

May. 7th, 2018



So I think I'm grounded for life. Or something.


[after erin's comment Scott locks the post against anyone under the age of 16]



Ugh... I'm back here?

Well, after what I just went through at home, I think that I sort of prefer it.

Apr. 24th, 2018



Has anyone else here been collecting independent data about the various dimensions? I'd be interested in comparing it to my own and maybe collaborating to gather more.

How goes the book club? Can I do anything to help get it organized?

Sound off. Everyone doing okay? Need anything?

Nov. 25th, 2017



I don't understand why I'm here- this is definitely not Kansas.

Sam? Dean? Jack?

Anyone here?

Whoever abducted me, put me back where I belong!