May 2024




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May. 2nd, 2018



Today is May the 2nd. In my world, this is an extremely important anniversary. And I hope it won't bother anyone if I talk about it for a few minutes.

On this day in 1998, an army laid siege to my school. We were in the midst of a great war between a dark wizard and those who opposed him. The war came to a breaking point on our school grounds that night. It came to be known as the Battle of Hogwarts and it is something that I will carry with me every day for the rest of my life.

I watched my classmates and teachers fight so bravely to protect the rights and lives of others. I was only 17 and did battle myself against adults twice my age and with years more experience. I survived on luck and with the help of Wizards and Witches far more talented than myself. But others were not as lucky as I was. I lost many friends that day. Children that I had gone to school with my entire life. Teachers. Good and brave people who made the largest sacrifice they could to leave the world a better place.

I will be leading a memorial at Hogwarts in their honor at sundown this evening. Everyone who would like to attend is welcome. Please use it as an opportunity to mourn and honour your own losses, be it from this battle or any other.

The Leaky Cauldron will be closed during this time. But I will re-open it after the service if anyone would like to come in for drinks.