May 2024



November 21st, 2020



Voice Post

"Is anyone out there?"



I found it!

I found my device thingy. So I can finally talk to all of you wonderful people once again. I probably should have cleaned my apartment sooner. I'm not used to doing my own laundry!



Is it bad that I've been not-so-secretly been praying for something crazy to happen? Just like... even as much as a rogue alien who doesn't speak a lick of any human language crash landing on the planet. Now that would be a ton of fun.



Wanting to be a superhero doesn't feel the same here. I wanted so desperately to be the next Batgirl where I was from because I felt like Gotham needed my help. I have the powers and abilities to handle the job, but I had absolutely no training, and I was going off of my ego.

No more. I would like to start doing this legitimately. I know that this place isn't short on heroes, but it's still all that I want in life.



I'm still a little confused about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

My name is Alice and due to a traumatic experience as a child, I created a place called Wonderland in my mind. Since being here, I've discovered that there a number of similarities between what I made up in the past decade of my life... and a story that seems to exist in many other realities for over a century and a half.

That being said? I guess that I'm glad that the book I've been working on isn't about Wonderland because I wouldn't be able to do that here.



It's been a month since I turned 17 and a part of me keeps waiting for my powers to disappear but...they're still here so I guess that particular rule doesn't apply here. I get to have both!

[Her guardian Angela]

Is it okay for me to go to Nick's for Thanksgiving?