May 2024



December 5th, 2019



Queen Elsa, asked me to set up a patch of property on the farm for people can buy Christmas Trees.

So come over to the produce stand and we'll sort you out if you're needing a tree.



I need to think on gifts to give my family and extended family.

They are all so hard to shop for.

[Private to Henry]

Lets do all the Christmas stuff this year?



I should be weary about what the talking dog told me about this place? But after what I been thought it, I guess not.



I'm not under a glass dome at least, but I do wonder if the others have made it out?



Has anyone seen Alec Lightwood?

I can't seem to find my dad.



I'm looking for a manger, anyone out there taking clients?

Also, V. How about Christmas in Hawaii? It will be my first holiday without seeing mini-me!

...or we could do Christmas in Disney?



Looks like Syd was sent home, she just seems to have disappeared.

I have Declan though, but I just wish she had stayed.



Gah! I'm dying! LOL



Who: Carrie and Cathy
What: Sister time
When: Thursday night
Where: Their home in Freedomtown

Carrie lay beside Cory while he and Jory laid down to go to sleep. She and Cory cuddled until he fell asleep like they had always done as children even though the grandmother despised them in the same bed. But Cathy and Chris had always let the twins sleep in the same bed, well sometimes, not always. Carrie smiled to herself, relaxed in the bedroom with her siblings and nephew. It felt like old times except happier.

The happiness was the confusing part. If she was finally happy why was she feeling lonely? Once the boys fell asleep Carrie gently kissed each boy goodnight then went to the kitchen with Cathy to sit and talk. Carrie heated up the milk for the cocoa while Cathy got the mugs and even some marshmallows, always Carrie’s favorite, not that she had them as a child. Once they went to live with Dr. Paul she discovered marshmallows and was addicted.

She sighed and set the tea pot on a cozy in the middle of the table as she sat down with her sister and they poured drinks and Carrie even had set out some cookies she’d made earlier after dinner, after work, too. She was silent, letting Cathy speak up first.



I haven't heard from you in awhile. You are one of my best friends and I don't see you enough. Tell me how you are?



Who: Daenerys and Jon
Where: Dragonstone - in their room
When: Early evening
Possible Mature Content

Very quickly Daenerys shook her hands back and forth to calm herself down. Things were crazy right now, the holidays were wonderfully chaotic. All of this was new to the young Queen, she found it extremely difficult. Not that she understood the terms Black Friday, or Cyber Monday. She didn't want Jon to see her nervous, but she was. He took her breath away. Whenever she saw him, she would tilt her head toward him and smile.

The hand of the Queen cleared Khalessi's schedule so she could him some time with Jon. Gracefully, she walked over to the window of their bedroom to look out. It took her a bit to hear the footsteps on the stones. She could recognize his steps just as she supposed he could tell when she was approaching. Smoothing her hair she continued to look out at the land that belonged to her and in turn Jon.

A beautiful smile danced across her lips as she licked them in anticipation.

She heard the door handle click and the shivers assaulted her body. He made her happy, her heart swelled with love as she waited on him.



Josh & Carrie

Carrie, I don't know if you remember this but we used to go out every year with dad and get a real tree for Christmas when we were little. One of the Queens has offered some land for people to buy trees from and I think it would be fun to go as a family to get one. I just can't get behind getting a fake one. It's not in the Christmas spirit.

Josh - you're included in this because, well we're women and we can't lug a Christmas tree from the lot and put it up ourselves. Your help will be gratefully rewarded.




I miss you.

I'm bored.

Come out with me tonight.



SPN people and family/adjacent

So I haven't really decided if I want to live in the bunker with Dean and the others, or with Sam and Jessica in their house. I think that the best way to decide is to get to know everyone better.

For those of you that I haven't met yet, my name is Cara. I met Sam and Dean when I was very little. Lilith got bored and possessed me for a bit. For many years, I had convinced myself that it was a dream. That is... until I found the blood-covered pink dress that I had been wearing when Lilith slaughtered my cat. That was when I snapped. I remembered snapping my grandfather's neck and how I had treated everyone in general. I know that it wasn't me, but at the same time... I still feel like it sort of was.

It's been many years since all of that happened and I've learned to live with it. I don't really have my own interests yet, because ever since I found the dress, I've just been the weird, quiet kid in the corner. I'm hoping to find myself while I am here.



So... I have a whole new life now. It's just a matter of figuring out what I want to do with it. I'm still rather new here, so I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Notes: I'm 18. I prefer girls, but I definitely wouldn't turn a guy down. I was a gymnast in middle school. ... And I'm a blood-sucking zombie.