May 2024



May 13th, 2018



Happy mother's day to the woman that gave birth to me and the woman that raised me. I'm forever glad that I have both of you in my life now.



happy mother's day miss jean! thanks for taking care of me and tony.



I'm not a mother but I know three amazing women that are. Here's to you Mom, Sofia, and Ellis. You are what I am going to strive to be if I ever become a mother.



I remember my first mother's day in school. I had painted a pot and grew a flower to put in it to give to my mom.

I was so proud of it and hoped she would be too but when I gave it to her? She was so out of it that she barely acknowledged me. I gave up after a while and put it down before going outside to play. When I came back inside, I found she had used the pot as an ash trey. She never said thank you and the flower ended up dying from the ashes and no water.

I gave up giving her things after a few years and just sat at my desk coloring while the other kids made the crafts for their moms.

I'm too old for crafts now but I did get my new mom some flowers that I got with my own money. Finally I got to hear a thank you. I love you, mom. Happy mother's Day again.



I am happy to have the chance here to get to know you, mother. I still regret that you couldn't raise me, but I'm grateful for what you gave me, just the same. And happy to have the mother of my child here. I know you would never have seen yourself a mother, Mara, but I know we couldn't be happier with how things worked out. Hopefully, we'll all be together again soon.



Private to Derek Hale

You've been quiet since the party. What's going on with you?



filtered to Wilson girls (Wade Wilson's daughters)

Today is hard. I wish I could talk to my mom.




Happy Mother's Day.



Today sucks. I want my mom here.



Does anyone want to do something?

Are you up for another try at training?




Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for giving me these two beautiful girls and our family.



It's my first mother's day. Not sure it feels like any other day.



I love you, Mom.



filtered to Hayley Marshall

I love you mom. You're the best.



I know Mother's Day is a cheesy holiday to some people, but I feel like I have two amazing reasons to celebrate it.

First, because I have Meredith Grey as my mother. The most brilliant, supportive, amazing mother I could have hoped for. Any woman who can put up with my teenage years (Ok, and my 20s...) has to be strong as hell. I love you Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

Second, because now I'm a mother too. Adopting Erin has made me feel more loved and more complete than I've ever felt in my life. I'm honored to be your mom, honey.



Happy Mother's Day to all you mother's out there. Especially to those beautiful ladies in my life.



I kinda miss my mom. I forgot today was Mother's Day. After looking at all the posts on the net about it now I'm kinda bummed. I wish she were here.

[backdated to late morning]

I just got kicked out of my own restaurant.




You're the most awesome Queen, mother, mentor, and all-around-sexy-bitch in the entire world!


[backdated to morning]

Happy mothers day, Whitney and Karolina. I'm taking Nevaeh for the day so you two can do whatever you want.

And mom, don't step foot in the restaurant. You go have a fun day with Aunt Liz and her kids. No working today. I'll see you later for dinner.



Adrian, Isabel, Izzie

Happy Mother's Day.



Almost forgot it was Mother's Day... Let me give a big Happy Mother's Day cheer to Tony Stark. You are such a mother hen sometimes.