May 2024



October 26th, 2017


Nevaeh fell sleep on me hours ago when I was reading her a story and I don't have the heart to move her. Good thing this chair is comfortable.



If it's not Zander keeping me up, it's homework. What's sleep like again? Someone remind me.



My birthday is on the 15th and I'm throwing a party for myself. Prepare yourself, bitches.



There's not enough booze in the world to help me zone out tonight. What a night.



[ backdated to before midnight ]

Happy 10 month wedding anniversary to my beautiful wife.



Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Is it Thanksgiving break yet? I'm ready for an endless amount of time with my girlfriends without homework distracting me.



Sleepless nights are hella lame.



Who: Alison and Open
What: Getting coffee
Where: The Crashdown
When: Mid morning

It was better than sitting around )



Who: Betsy and Open
Where: A city park
What: A little light calisthenics
When: Afternoon

The boredom gets to ya mate )


Can you hear my happy thoughts from way over there? Or do I need to get closer?

We've got to hang out soon.



Hey everyone!

So, I kinda dropped the ball with this whole "self-made welcoming committee" thing. So to all the new arrivals that have shown up in the last week or two, welcome to Knowhere! I'm Jean, and if I can help you with anything, please let me know!

Aves and I are getting married. I just had to share the news with the world.


Remember when you volunteer to help with things wedding related?