May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'rosa+diaz+%28angerproblem%29'

Jun. 30th, 2021



Thank god we're finally getting some more cops here. I can finally start focusing more on my own area and less on babysitting half the damn planet.

Jun. 15th, 2021



Why is everyone here so damned stupid???

Look at you all. Partying, relaxing, being all happy... don't you realize it could all be gone in an instant if that ficken gem decides to make it happen?

You need to be prepared. Ready for the worst.


Feb. 17th, 2021




I have it on good authority that a gorgeous blonde succubus may be in Sunnydale soon, and possibly with several ounces of drugs hidden in her rectum. Might wanna be ready to do a full body cavity search just in case!

Jan. 15th, 2021



Alright everyone, listen up for a minute.

Since the force in general has been pretty damn small so far, I've been running the police for Freedomtown, Sunnydale, Twin Peaks, Castle Rock, and Chicago.

Looks like we're starting to get more cops around here these days, so I'd like to start looking for people to take over as sheriff for the individual cities, minus Sunnydale (where I'll remain sheriff). I'm tired of working so much, dammit. I have a life too, you know (shut up, Parker and Wilson).

If you're already a police officer, and are interested in being sheriff for one of cities I listed, let me know and we'll set up an interview.



Bowling. Saturday night.

Who's in?

Sep. 9th, 2020



Well, Operation: Roommate might've been a bust, but at least I was able to find a nice, small apartment near the hospital that I can afford on my budget.

So while my love-life may be a steaming pile of crap right now, at least my living situation is looking up!

Sep. 3rd, 2020



Fuck I need a drink.

Anyone feel like tagging along with me, make sure I don't end up face down in a ditch somewhere?

Nov. 19th, 2019



The Rise of Pontiac Bandit

Who: Rosa and Jake
Where: Freedomtown Apartment
When: Not long after their network posts here
Status: Open to Jake Peralta

Rosa had heard about a theft of a Pontiac in Freedomtown and her first thought was Doug Judy. She knew the guy. Knew that he had a crush on her. She also knew that Doug and Jake, her best friend, had some kind of connection -- so she figured if Doug was in town then Jake was the one most likely to find him.

And so, after hearing about the call she asked Jake to take point in visiting the victim. "One thousand push-ups," she reminded him.

Oct. 30th, 2019




Someone just took a call about a theft.

Of a Pontiac.

I wanna go talk to the victim. Apparently they're pretty shook up.

Jake. You wanna take point on this? Sounds like your guy.

Oct. 7th, 2019




So, one thing I just learned - hangovers? Horrible, terrible things that should be avoided at all costs.

Oct. 4th, 2019




Thank you to whoever broke into my apartment earlier this week and left a Monopoly board game.

That was sweet. It reminded me of home.


Reinstating family game night. Saturday. Bring booze and prepare to be demolished.

Jul. 30th, 2019



Video Post

(Ginny is sitting on her sofa, dressed down in faded jeans and a plain black tee, hair pulled back and wearing almost no makeup. Her acoustic guitar sitting on her lap, she took one strum of it before looking at the camera)

"Hey everyone... I got a little tired of sitting around letting my feelings get the better of me, so I decided to put it to good use and write a new song. Hopefully you enjoy it, and will support Bad Reputation once I get the band re-formed."

Heart of Novacaine )

Feb. 20th, 2019



Hey Gina

As Captain Holt would say: Let's get soused.

Feb. 6th, 2019



shock face

Jan. 28th, 2019



I Want a Drink

Somebody should buy me a drink. Or many.

Jan. 3rd, 2019



The best cure for a hangover is never stop drinking.

I'm not only a supporter of this idea, I'm drinking whiskey right now.

Jan. 4th, 2019




If this is some kind of joke I will end you.