May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'morgan+stark+%28nerdyhot%29'

May. 7th, 2021



I just want to shout it to the world, I love Tony Stark.

Apr. 8th, 2021



Well, now that I gave both of my parents ample opportunity to yell at me... figured I should tell everyone else.

Few days ago, Kelly and I eloped. And I couldn't be happier.

Kelly Stark
Hello there, Mrs. Stark.

Apr. 4th, 2021



You know, I'm just gonna be the guy to finally say it. That royal wedding was surprisingly classy, considering Bea's history.

Hey babe... I'm not always the most spontaneous person, but I kinda wanna run off and just get married.

Mar. 3rd, 2021



You should see the musical, Bye, Bye Birdie. I'm really proud of it. We had a good opening night, with great reviews. I'm so proud of Rachel, the cast, and the crew. Now that we have two nights under our belt, we really work as one unit. I've met some wonderful people on this production.

Tony x2 and Dawn I have tickets in your names at the box office for Thursday Night. Boss, I have two for you so you can bring someone. Babe if you or Dawn need more tickets, I can get them for you.

Also Private to her Tony I have a question for you.

Feb. 6th, 2021



To those who fought in the Empire battle

I'm heading to The End Zone in Freedomtown tonight. Drop by.

Your drink will never be empty.

Jan. 26th, 2021



Filtered to Young Avengers

I think it goes without saying that we need to be on point and ready in case things come planetside.

I'm positive I speak for all of us when I say that if these guys decide to push? They've never had anything like us push back.

Avengers? Assemble.

Jan. 25th, 2021



Um, guys?

Are we really not panicking right now? The motherfucking Imperial Fleet is here.

You know what? I don't care who's up there. Sidious, Tarkin, Krennic... bring it the fuck on.

This bitch grew up idolizing Princess Leia. Those wannabe Nazi fucks ain't about to scare me.

Jan. 8th, 2021



Happy birthday to me. I'm planning on celebrating all day.

Dec. 13th, 2020




For as long as we are experiencing this wonderful winter weather, I'm taking requests for ice sculptures. I'll even do them in people's yards.

For those who don't already know, this is a powers thing, not a skill thing.

Nov. 10th, 2020



Brandon, how do you feel about early spring?

Everyone else, venue options?

Oct. 14th, 2020



Filtered to Young Avengers

So, obviously we've had a bit of a shakeup in the Young Avengers roster recently.

Understandably, Ballistic has taken a leave of absence to deal with everything going on in her life. We... sadly also lost Strange to the purge.

Miles Morales has offered to join us, so let's all welcome Spider-Man to the team.

Let's all check in now, make sure everyone's doing alright.

Avengers... assemble.

Sep. 23rd, 2020



So, I've been here for a little while now, getting adjusted to things. I gotta say, it's different being somewhere that doesn't have something trying to kill me all the time.

Is it weird that now I feel a little bored?

Sep. 17th, 2020



Is.. um, is Tony Stark really here?



I'm trying to not be grumpy right now, because I can see SO many people here suddenly have it a heck of a lot worse than I do. So... anyone who lost people, if you need a friend, I'm a good listener.

Maggie Grimes
Hey you.