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Posts Tagged: 'melinda+halliwell+%28mel_halliwell%29'

Mar. 15th, 2021



School is seriously kicking my butt. With all the papers that I am having to write and the research that I'm having to do I am practically a hermit not going anywhere or doing anything.

Dec. 9th, 2020



I want to thank my awesome cousin Peyton for a wonderful family Thanksgiving celebration. Now comes the tough part, I need all Halliwells to give me ideas for Christmas. Also, where should we have Christmas this year. I loved seeing you all during Thanksgiving.

Nov. 22nd, 2020



I am so happy that I will be spending the holidays with my family members. And thank you to the Halliwell clan for taking it over so this year we can give my mother a break. It will be good to see everyone.

Aug. 15th, 2020



Is it weird that I am really looking forward to classes starting up again?

Jul. 6th, 2020



I had an amazing Fourth of July. Nothing like a good barbecue and fireworks.

Apr. 7th, 2020



Zeke and Piper

Hey, how about a nice family vacation for a few days. I feel like we need one. You get to pick the location and we will plan a family fun vacation. I know that I have been busy with school and work, but just know I love you guys and this will be good for us.

Apr. 4th, 2020



Piper (Mom)

Hey mom...can we talk. Daughter to Mother?

Mar. 27th, 2020



Well, since laundry is done and the apartment is cleaned up. I think it's time to have a little fun. Anyone up for anything?

Feb. 26th, 2020



It's been nearly a month since I became Mrs Duquette and I still grin like an idiot any time anyone addresses me that way. I hope I never get tired of this feeling.

((ooc: Court and I sort of forgot about this until recently, but Melinda and Denny got married on the 1st of the month. There was a ceremony/reception that all of their friends/loved ones were invited too. ♥ ))

Jan. 4th, 2020



Bring on 2020.....rang in the new year just right.

Nov. 25th, 2019



Here in a few days I will be surrounded by people I love and enjoying my mom's amazing cooking. Of course I I will be baking my famous apple and pumpkin pies so I hope that you are all ready for that. I love being part of a big and amazing family.

Nov. 1st, 2019



Halloween was so much fun this year. Went to a couple of parties and spent time with family....since it's a wiccan holiday. Always enjoy this time of year.

Sep. 24th, 2019



So today before class I went to the was AWESOME. I love learning about the stars and different planets. Plus, the presentation was pretty impressive too. Now it's off to Child Psychology.

Sep. 6th, 2019



I am loving my classes and living in Chicago. There is just so much for Zeke and I to do on date nights.

Aug. 27th, 2019



Officially moved into the apartment and I have had the most amazing week at University of Chicago. I have a few more assignments and a few more readings to do for my classes, but I am catching up pretty quickly. Yes, I am one to pull all nighters just so I'm not falling behind from anything. I have the best boyfriend and can't believe that he is here with me, we are living together in Chicago. Life can't be anymore perfect than what it is right now.

Aug. 19th, 2019



Well, I found out that I am now a psychology student at University of Chicago. I'm going to be a little behind, but I know that I can catch up fairly quickly with my classes. And even found an apartment in Chicago too. So now I just have to find a job. Maybe at one of the museums part time or something. I am so happy and excited about everything happening.

Aug. 10th, 2019



So glad I was able to find a college to attend. I applied at University of Chicago....I hope that I can get in and start soon. But I know it's going to take longer, I wish the gem would have let me finish first. I hate coming in mid semester...

Will you move with me to Chicago?



I can't wait until Monday! I've spent the entire morning getting my half of the dorm room exactly how I like it and now I'm all set. My color-coding system is literally out of this world. Bring it on sophomore year.

Ginny! Don't give away my room. I'll need it when I come back home on breaks.

Aug. 8th, 2019



Ok, so I know Mel is here now. And mom? I just left the welcome center, got everything I need. Luckily I do not need a guardian. Where should I go? Mom, Mel, tell me how to get to you guys.

Who else is here? Chris? Dad?



So now that I’ve gone exploring a bit. I was wondering what types of universities or colleges are available? I haven’t explored all the places yet, but I was studying psychology back home. Would like to continue that here. I’ll be a Junior in college so I’m almost done. Also, I need to go apartment hunting and find a job. So much I need to do, but glad that my family is here.....even if they aren’t from my world.

Aug. 6th, 2019



Okay....that was a strange nap. Tell me I didn’t sleep orb again. Hello? Anybodyvhere? Zeke? Mom? Chris?