May 2024



February 14th, 2020



Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

[Filtered to everyone at the shooting range today]

Happy Valentine’s Day!

(Emma brought these in to work at the shooting range in Sunnydale today for everyone who works there or is there today.)



Who: Regina and Ryan
Where: Freedomtown
When: New Year's Eve
Rating: M - language, sexual references

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So let me get this straight...

There was a massacre on this day nearly a century ago, and now it's being celebrated as a commercialized holiday for romance? I like it.

(Yes, I know that there is more of a history with the actual Saint, but this is better.)



New Friends

Who: Aubrey and Cheryl
Where: Freedomtown -- Mar-Vell Park
When: Feb. 13th
Rating: M - Mentions of assault, self harm, sex

Read more... )




Who: Aurora and Bella
Where: Full Moon Records studio
When: Feb. 13th
Rating: PG - drug reference

They're so sweet they'll give you cavities )



Filtered against Jean Grey School Staff

Alright, so I have absolutely no interest in the romantic bullshit schlockfest that Professor Grey is showing us tonight. Who wants to take me out instead?



Sam Goode

Hey, you wanna do something tonight?



What is this? Dad?

Um, does anyone here know Scott Lang?

Mark. Come over tonight.




Gee Brain, what're we gonna do tonight?




Hey, girlfriend. I downloaded more of my music for you. Looking forward to our date tonight.




I'm pregnant.


You will be a grandmother before the year is out.



Who: Lord Drakkon.
Where: New-Tech City
When: early morning of 02/14/20
Open: Nope
kills a lot cherub )



To The World

To anyone who doesn't wish to deal with any of those Cherub to get gifts or candy, come to New Tech City trams hub and take anything you like that they had left.





What?! So I time traveled to another planet? I didn’t expect that one coming! At least my mom is here and some family I haven’t met yet too. I’m John Connor and this is definitely not 1997 anymore!