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Posts Tagged: 'tori+crowe+%28lady_macbeth%29'

Jun. 6th, 2021



Welp, tomorrow's the big day. The Big 1-8.

Hard to believe that the weird little 15 year old that arrived here is gonna be an adult now, and one who actually likes how she looks and has confidence in herself.

I always tried avoiding birthdays in the past. But this one? I'm gonna party my flarkin' ass off.

Jun. 2nd, 2021



Pride specials are here all month at Thunder Dragon in Commerceport!

Rainbow maki, hot & sour soup, all fried rice dishes, and hibachi shrimp are all half-off through June, so come try us out!

Tori Crowe
Tori-chan! I have something to ask you.

Jun. 1st, 2021



My bestie Lita might not be here anymore... but dammit, she loved having a big Pride party every year, so I'm keeping her tradition alive.

Next Thursday, 8pm, the top of Stark Tower in Freedomtown. We're gonna call it Young Pride 2021, and it's a special party for anyone between 16-23. Obviously no booze will be involved, but we'll have good music, good food, and TONS of fun. Let me know if you're interested, because depending on how many people RSVP, we might need to cap it.

May. 14th, 2021



Holy flarkin' shit! I'm gonna be 18 in three weeks. I wish my mom and dad were here to see it, but as long as I have Ellie, my friends, and Sawyer & Mama J, It'll be great.

Nov. 23rd, 2020



What do I need to know about college here? I know there's schools, but does it work like on Earth? I miss University.

Oct. 26th, 2020



Thank you, everyone. Thank you so much for making the grand opening of Thunder Dragon such an amazing success. We don't close for another five hours, but we've already had over double the business I was hoping for in even a best-case scenario.

I've got happy tears in my eyes, and you're all just amazing.

Oct. 25th, 2020



I can't believe my very own restaurant is opening tomorrow. It's been a dream of mine for so long, and my girlfriend's sister Kaitlin is an angel for helping me finance it.

9am tomorrow, Thunder Dragon opens in Commerceport, so hopefully I'll see you all there!



Hey everyone. Mouse here.

Just wanted to post something so nobody thinks I'm being a hermit or anything.

A few good things have happened in the last two weeks. First, my little Remy said his first word! He looked at me and said 'mama'! Also, I made plans to perform at Christmas event for Open Arms. Details are still being worked out, but I've been exchanging emails with a sweet girl named Billie, who's putting it together, and I think it's going to be a really good thing.

The business that I recently invested in, a Japanese restaurant called Thunder Dragon, is opening on Monday in Commerceport, so please, stop by and check it out!

I want to thank my friends Katie and Juno, and my sisters Tori and Dominique (yes, Domie, you ARE my sister) for being so wonderful to me during this terrible time for me.

Lastly, a few weeks ago, Eternal Embrace played our first show off-Galador, in the Shi'ar Empire. I can't share too much of it, because Ben's making an actual live album of the concert, but I wanted to give you all a little preview. Enjoy!

(OOC: Please ignore any talking before/after the songs)

Sep. 23rd, 2020



Konnichiwa, everyone!

I know we just had a lot of people lose a lot of loved ones. And I'm heartbroken for all of you.

There's not much I can do to help, but I can at least do this.

Literally anyone who needs someone to talk to can come to me any time. Anytime at all. And I'll do my best to listen and comfort you.

If you lost caregivers, life partners, spouses, etc, and either have no means of providing for yourself, let me know and I'll be happy to provide you with some home-cooked meals until you can get back on your feet.

Just remember: if you need a friend, you've got one.

Sep. 22nd, 2020



I don't know that I've ever felt as alone or sad as I do right now. Thank goodness I have little Remy to keep my spirits up, or I think I'd be totally lost.

I recorded this today. Just a song I loved that made me think about Victoire. I miss her so much.

Sep. 16th, 2020



The spectacular disaster that is my love life continues it's epicness. Victoire was sent home.

Dominique Weasley
Sweetheart? Are you ok? Wanna come over and just.. be there for each other?



Shit. Thanks to the gem, I just lost my mom and my bestie. As an added topping to this utter shitburger, now Daddy's being super quiet, locking himself away in his workshop, and giving one-word answers to everything.

I'm gonna cry, I swear to god.

Aug. 19th, 2020



Tori Crowe
Hey, sis... got a few?

Victoire Weasley
Just cutting into your busy day to remind you that I love you with alllll my heart.

Dominique Weasley
Hey, brat! Wanna come over and see your nephew tomorrow?



Who: Makoto Kino and Tori Crowe
Where: Chloe's Sugar Shack
When: The day after this post
What: Sorta first date

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Aug. 18th, 2020



I found a couple of spots today that could work for opening Thunder Dragon. The most likely is in Sunnydale, as the spot I loved in Commerceport is nowhere near affordable for me. Now to start looking for work again, as with The Crashdown temporarily closed, I have no income to put aside for this.

I also had some... strange girl flirt with me me today. Telling me I'm at the top of some list of hers, and that I "can't be the first, but could definitely be the next". So confused.

Aug. 11th, 2020




I wanna thank everyone who's already bought the new Eternal Embrace album. The sales have been far past anything I was expecting, and I'm so humbled and so grateful to each and every one of you.

Seriously! I'm so gobstopped I could cry. I love all of you!

Tori Crowe
Everything ok, sis? I've barely seen you this past week. Just making sure you're doing alright, with everything that happened with you and Kat.

Aug. 9th, 2020



I'd been warned by a few people to never let myself feel happy or comfortable here. I thought they were being cynical.

Turns out... they were right.

What am I supposed to do now?

Aug. 1st, 2020



I had the nicest time hanging out with my new friend Tori the other day. Between my okaasan Liz, my shisuta Bella, and now Tori-chan... I'm finally beginning to feel at home here.

Bella Evans
Bella-chan... when you have a moment, may I ask for your advice?

Jul. 30th, 2020



I've had to keep this quiet for a bit now, but it's finally time!

So, a few months ago, Ben came to me about his idea of changing himself, and going on The Masked Singer to show people the new him. So I agreed to help him strengthen his voice, and while working on that, we ended up liking how we sounded together on a song I'd written...

Next thing you know, we were recording my album. Thanks to the big bust-up at Full Moon a while ago, I don't have a permanent band backing me up yet, but I think we did darn good with what we had.

The only people other than Ben and I that even knew this was happening were Skylar, Victoire, and the people that contributed to the album.

SO! I now proudly present to you the first Eternal Embrace album recorded on Galador...


Just a few notes:

- Thank you SO much to my new friend Noah Guerin for the great job he did on "What Have You Done"!

- Edie Reagan was awesome enough to duet with me for the recording of "Paradise", even though she's stepped away from music. Thank you, Edie!

- Since a few of the songs were originally inspired by the stories of people that are actually here now, I'm going to be giving a portion of the profits I make from this album to the following people:

Misato Katsuragi
Asuka Langley Soryu
Shinji Ikari
Rey Skywalker (all current versions)
Rose & Paige Tico
Luke Skywalker
Poe Dameron (all current versions)
Leia Organa (all current versions)

Jul. 15th, 2020




Can you spare a moment from that beautiful child of yours? I have a conundrum.

Jul. 14th, 2020



Anything fun going on today? I'm bored and really don't feel like going anywhere by myself.

Tori Crowe
Did you get your delivery? I remembered you saying how good it sounded, so I thought I'd send you one.

Jun. 30th, 2020



Private to Alisha
So... I did it. It went much better than I'd expected. Apparently I've matured more than I thought.

Private to Enid
Hey gurl. When you have some time, can we chat?

Private to Tori Crowe
I know you probably want some time away from me totally... but I wanted to say that I am so glad we were able to handle this as well as we did. You still mean the world to me, and I will never NOT want you in my life.



While I was chatting with someone on the network a few days ago, it really hit me that the reason I'm so lonely here is because I don't have a circle of friends. At home, no matter if I was having a good day, a bad day, or a sad day... I knew I always had Usagi, Rei, Ami, and Minako to have them with me. Here... other than a few pals I've made, I don't really have anyone that I trust and love on that level.

But I'm never going to, either, if I don't start trying. So here I am. Makoto Kino. Sailor Jupiter. Putting myself out there, and hoping to meet some new people that I can really bond with.

I'm about to turn 18 soon, My guardian and confidante is Liz Evans, and I currently work at The Crashdown until my birthday, when I'll be taking out a small business loan to open my own restaurant, Thunder Dragon. I like to play sports, dance, lots of different things, but my passion is cooking. I started having to cook for myself when my parents passed away, but I grew to love it, and I started cooking for my friends all the time at home.

Jun. 14th, 2020



Alrighty then!

So, I guess now you guys know what I've been so busy with recently. For once I wasn't blowing anything up, right?

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I still can't believe I lasted until the end!

Oh, and if anyone's curious? The reason I glomped onto Princess Bea at the end? DUDE. Flarkin' look at her! I sang my butt off, d'ast right I was gonna get a hug from her as a reward!

May. 28th, 2020



Tori Crowe
Sweetie? I know you're with Kat right now, and I'm sorry to bother you, but.... god I can barely TYPE this, but... Mom's gone. The gem or whatever... it's like she was never here.

Victoire Weasley, Neely Bale, Lita Todd, Lucy Van Warren, Chloe Van Warren
My mom was sent home. I'm somewhere in the middle of feeling numb and being a complete mess right now.

Apr. 26th, 2020



What's everyone up to tonight? I'm feeling all energetic and bouncy and in the mood to make some new friends and catch up with old ones.

Apr. 14th, 2020



Private to Tori Crowe


Apr. 8th, 2020



Word to the wise: Death Wish Coffee is no joke. I'm bouncing off the flarkin' walls here.

What's the haps, oh fabulous rock star?

HEY BOO! I looked at that generator we were working on for your CynBot. Good news, it was only overheating because there was some thick dirt stuck in the fan. I cleaned it out good, and it seems WAY better now.

Hey there, oh gloriously-hot-friend-of-mine! How goes it? Haven't seen you in a while. Wanna hang out?

You busy? I could use some cuddles. Also, I found a bunch of cool British metal tunes from the 70s and 80s I'm dying to play for you.

Alisha and Magnus
You guys need to come visit soon. I miss you both!

Hey you... whatcha doing? Been thinkin' about you a lot.

Mar. 31st, 2020



I'm feeling SUPER energized right now. Just kinda in a "I can do anything" sorta mood.

How's all my peeps doing tonight?

Feb. 15th, 2020



You know you have a keeper when your girlfriend spends Valentine's Day watching scary movies and anime with you, showing real interest in all the stuff you're working on, and forcing herself to pretend not to hate listening to your favorite Napalm Death album with you.

I love you, Tori.

Jan. 16th, 2020



I realize that at my age, you can experience physical change rapidly, and almost without warning... but holy crap. I just saw a picture of myself from a year and a half ago when I first arrived. And to think I actually look like a girl now. Gotta give my homie Eve most of the credit for that one.

Oct. 27th, 2019



Alright, peeps. Time to help a gal out.

So, I'm going to a Halloween party this year, and I want to dress up. Now, one glance at me tells you that I can't pull off a 'sexy' costume, but I'd still like to do something cool.

Like.... I was thinking maybe Sally from 'Nightmare Before Christmas'? Something like that?

Hit me with ideas, folks.

Oct. 6th, 2019



This is random as HELL, but... I feel like having some gals over for a big crazy sleepover.


Sep. 17th, 2019



Who just got her first job? This girl right here!

I am SO happy right now!!!

Sep. 15th, 2019



Sigh. Sometimes parents can be so uncool.

My dad just came into the workshop to see what I was building, heard my music playing, and asked why I was listening to someone being brutally tortured.

Sep. 5th, 2019



Sometimes I let Eve take me shopping. That's when I end up looking like an actual girl.

I actually feel pretty today. )

Aug. 23rd, 2019



Anyone my age range wanna hang tonight? I feel like getting a group together.

Hey you. You ok? I'm flarkin' livid over you getting eliminated. Anything I can do for you?

We haven't seen each other in almost three days. Totes unacceptable. Think your mom would mind if you come out with me for a while?

Wazzup, Elsa? So when we hangin' out?

You seriously think I could be tough like you, even without my guns?

Jul. 22nd, 2019



So many random stuff going on in my head right now...

I'm really happy with how Lila turned out. Even with the happy accident that led to her being sentient AND the oh-so-funny prank Baby Doom pulled.

I've been enjoying watching Universal Idol with Tori. Obvs, we're cheering my homegirls Lita and Enid on, but wow. It's been SO good all around. And she blushingly denies it, but I think Tori's being a little crushy on Ash Kowalski and it's so cute.

I have literaly NO IDEA what a "bone thug" is, or why Daddy keep telling me I should listen to them.

I haven't really had a chance to hang out with JR lately, and I miss her.

Leesha is my ride-or-die friend for life, and I would literally take a bullet for that girl if needed.

I don't think I've ever connected with a friend on the deep, spiritual level I have with Ellie. She's like the sister I never had.

I'm gonna make an appointment to talk to Queen Irinia. I think I have an idea that would put safeguards on Evangelion Unit 02 so that Asuka could have it back, but also not be able to use it destructively all willy-nilly.

Jul. 9th, 2019



GROUP CHAT w/ Ellie, Tori, Cyn, Lita, Eve, Alisha, SoBo, and Magnus

Um.... guys? Remember a while back when I mentioned wanting to build an android?

Hypothetically speaking: what would you do if you were building one and... something went wrong?

Jun. 24th, 2019



Tori Crowe

Sweetiepie? Are you around? I'm having a severe low-self-esteem attack, and I could use cuddles and a non-judgemental ear.

Jun. 16th, 2019



Happy Father's Day to the cutest, furriest, smartest, most ornery, and BEST dad in the whole galaxy. Daddy? I'm proud to be Rocket's little girl.

Tony Stark
Hey you... Happy Father's Day to you too. Since, you know...

May. 15th, 2019



So you and Kat are getting pretty serious, huh?



I just walked through the workshop and happened upon my dad singing "Knuck If You Buck" by Crime Mob. So how's your day been?

Apr. 11th, 2019



Tori Crowe
So, now that everything's back to normal and we're all safe, think your mom would mind if you come over and stay the night? We won't behave, but we can tell the parents we will...

Alisha Strange
YOU. BESTIE. We won, we're safe, and only Captain Douchecanoe got hurt. Why are we not hanging out and celebrating?

Hey girl! Guess who got to brainstorming on some new devices last night? Wanna come check them out? There's a chaaaaaaaance I might've made something for you.

Enid Rhee
Hey. I know I said this already... but thank you. What you did for me was just amazing, and I will always be indebted to you for it. I mean this in the most BFF of ways, but I love you.

Victor Dean
Hey buddy! How's everything? I know we mentioned hanging out... you wanna grab some coffee and just BS for a while or something?

Cynthia Von Doom
Sup babe? Flark up any timelines yet today?

Lita Todd
BITCH WHERE YOU AT? I haven't seen you in like forever.

JR Novotny-Marcus
What's going on, JR? We haven't nerded out together in a while. Miss you.

Apr. 1st, 2019




I know you're going out there.

No dying on me, OK?

Mar. 6th, 2019



I have never been more krutackin' disturbed in my life than have been these past coupla weeks. And considering we spent time in a dast zombie apocalypse, I'd say that's a hell of a statement.

Tori Crowe
Hey. Kid. We should talk.

Feb. 27th, 2019



I am in such a good mood right now, you don't even KNOW.

I feel like I could take on the flarkin' world.

Feb. 20th, 2019



Wow... My little sister is seeing someone now. I'm so happy I could burst!

So. I think we need to find someone for YOU now... 😁

I'm happy for you, sweetheart. Kat's a very nice girl.

Heya, Pinkie! How've ya been?

Neely Bale
Neeeeelyyyyyyyyy! I miss youuuuuuuu!



Text to Tori Crowe
Omg. I seriously can't sleep. I'm laying in bed and I can't think of anything but you. Thank you for taking a chance on me.



Who: Tori and Kat
Where: The Crowe household
When: Valentine's Day
Status: Closed and Complete

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