May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'nyx+%28ri0t%29'

May. 6th, 2021



Who: Cheryl and Nyx
Where: Nyx's Apartment; Galactic City
When: After capturing Mileena
What: Recounting experiences; declarations of love
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Complete

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Apr. 19th, 2021



Now that I'm doing a little better, I guess that I should get on here and introduce myself. I've already seen my best pal Archie, but I also see that there is someone else here from home...


Anyway, haha... I'm Jughead Jones. I'm a writer, but to pay bills, I'm a waiter at Pop's. So that's where you'll find me once I'm up for it.

Apr. 8th, 2021



Just... wanted to toss something out there to all of you.

You're gonna hear a lot of rumors over the next few days, and while some of them are true, please bear with us and don't panic about anything. I promise you that before this time next week, I will have an official statement for you about everything, and will answer any questions you have.

Cheryl Blossom
Babe? Can I get your honest opinion about something?



Well it's about damn time.

I was just contacted by the Galadorian military about becoming an official part of them, along with Unit-02!

I get to finally pilot her again soon, on an expedition to some island of monsters! That's right, folks: looks like they're starting to realize what they should've known all along: I am amazing.

Apr. 5th, 2021



Filtered to Royalty, Rulers, Politicians, and Military

Hey. Nyx here. It, um... kinda has been brought to my attention that hey! I'm kinda the head Spaceknight around here now. Meaning when there's disturbing or upsetting news, I'm the lucky gal who gets to break it to you.


I have some disturbing/upsetting news for you.

So, we have a new arrival. A woman from the same world as Sonya Blade and Cassie Cage. Her name is Mileena, and she apparently completely freaked out upon arrival, and rather than go anywhere near the Welcome Center, took off like a wild animal.

We managed to track where she is.... and that's where the upsetting news comes in.

There's something the Spaceknights, the top few people in the military, and one or two of the royals have been kinda... hiding from you, and from everyone else.

A couple years ago, leading into Halloween, the gem thought it would be a riot to bring a bunch of monsters, demons, killers, etc from various movies here. And some of them we managed to destroy. But the bigger ones... yeah. We couldn't kill them for various reasons, but we couldn't just let them roam free either. So we managed to get them all to one large land mass on the other side of Galador. It's got protective shields around it so that once there, they can't leave unless we lower the shields. For obvious reasons, we call it Monster Island.

It's a dangerous place... and that's where Mileena is hiding.

Mar. 9th, 2021



..This isn't where I'm supposed to be. Did I make a wrong turn at universal Albuquerque and completely miss Central City somehow?

Feb. 26th, 2021



Since I'm usually working in either my armor or in clothes meant more for comfort than looking good, just thought I'd take a moment to give my girlfriend something to think about...

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Feb. 2nd, 2021



Who: Cheryl and Nyx
Where: The Double R Diner, Twin Peaks
When: Prior to this post, the start of January
What: Starting Over
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Jan. 11th, 2021



What a great day. I'm feeling so alive right now... like I just want to go dancing and let loose.

Nov. 29th, 2020



I'm not sure I like this. Not that I had anything going for myself at home, but I would much prefer to be back in Manhattan right now.

They told me to get on here and introduce myself, so I guess I will. I'm Donovan and for now, I'm just going to take the starter apartment that they offered me in Freedomtown, but I'll start exploring. But it would be nice to have a guide!

Nov. 10th, 2020



Apparently the Grand Council is about to restart the Angel Elite program, and are interested in looking at me to lead them.

It would take me offworld for big chunks of time, but... hell, it's not like I have a reason to stick around right now anyway, right?

Oct. 23rd, 2020



Who: Cheryl and Nyx
Where: Mar-Vell Park, then a random house party
When: Last month
What: Distractions
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

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Oct. 22nd, 2020



Felt cute. Might delete later.

Who'm I kidding? No I won't.  )



I don't care that I'm on another planet, I'm doing something for Halloween. I've started getting the pieces of my costume together and I've already dyed my hair to really get into it.

Sep. 30th, 2020



Alright beautiful people, new label, new single. Only... I can't decide which song to use. So I'm putting it up to my fans!

Now or Never
New America

First single: Hurricane
Second single: Nightmare (Huge hit, still on the charts.)

Bonus points if you can give me video concepts.

Sep. 24th, 2020



Private to Cassie Lang

Hey. I know you don't know me very well... but I'd like to talk to you about something.

Apr. 21st, 2020



Who: Sephiroth, OT mod characters only
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Mar-Vell Park
What: The arrival of the one-winged angel

It was a typical spring afternoon in Freedomtown. The sun was bright, the air was cool, and (luckily) since the kids were still in school, the majority of Mar-Vell Park was empty.

Luckily, because this ideal spring afternoon was about to be shattered like a thin sheet of glass.

Without warning, the clear sky was filled with smoke, and the cool air was replaced with unbearable heat, as what appeared to be a gigantic fireball suddenly tore through the park, scorching everything in it's path (and only barely missed taking out the Welcome Center with it).

In the middle of the burning embers that had previously been a beautiful park, a man knelt. On one knee, a lithe, armored, silver-haired being, clutching what appeared to be an extremely long katana in one hand. Slowly, he stood... his eyes narrowing as he took a moment to process not only what was happening right this moment, but what had just BEEN happening before he arrived here.

"Destiny..." He murmured to himself with a bemused smirk, "You are indeed a cruel, cruel mistress."

Feb. 19th, 2020



text post: robin buckley

Hey gorgeous, what are you doing?

Jun. 5th, 2019



Mom? Sarah?

mini me?

Dr. Ellis Shepherd

You should be here in this time. Just trying to reach out.

Apr. 17th, 2019



Who: Talia and Nyx
Where: Death & Taxes - The Speakeasy section - Monstropolis
When: Late Tuesday Evening
What: Finding someone to spend the evening with
Rating: Mild
Status: Closed; Ongoing

Talia had never been one to sit still. Her mind always ran a mile a minute. She couldn't help it, it was just the way that she was built. Still. On a night that she knew that Brayden was devouring a new conquest, she decided to find one of her own -- a woman, preferably. She loved her husband, but they had an open relationship. He wouldn't begrudge her having sex with someone else, just as she wouldn't begrudge him. They both knew where their hearts belonged.

She picked a stunning velvet red dress with a plunging neckline to wear and found herself a spot at the bar at the speakeasy that existed below the main floor of Death & Taxes. She ordered a cocktail and relaxed. Even if she didn't get what she was after tonight at least she was entertained enough watching everyone else. She was particularly fond of the woman behind the bar. She looked like she could handle herself.

Apr. 11th, 2019



Having a rare melancholy kinda night. Just thinking about the people I've lost over the last few years.

Ugh. I hate when things like that creep up on me and hit me in the feels.

Someone distract me?

Apr. 4th, 2019



Helping save the planet gets me a few days off school, right?

You doing okay?

I'm beat. You up for coming over and keeping me company? I was thinking takeout food and some movies.

Apr. 3rd, 2019



I hope everyone is alright.

Mar. 28th, 2019



Attention, all citizens and refugees -

After completing recon to investigate a warning given to our doctors by a Kree pilot who crash-landed here two days ago, we've obtained information that proves the warlord known as Annihilus is heading towards Galador. While we don't believe this planet to be his actual destination, what we have learned about him shows that nothing near him is ever safe. And for the sake of wherever he is headed, we need to cut him off, and either defeat or deter him.

Most of you here on Galador will be going about your normal daily lives. But as Queen Irinia's personal pilot and General of the Galadorian Military, I am calling on all pilots, military personnel, Spaceknights, and anyone versed in space combat to join in me protecting not only our planet, but any others in danger of being attacked.

Sunday morning, we will depart from the docking bays of Mos Eisley Spaceport, after a short debriefing to get everyone on the same page. I would like to see anyone who will be going with us reply to this post. There is no room for error here, so anyone I do not feel 100% confident about will be quickly and curtly turned down.

Anyone at all who has any questions regarding this mission, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Mar. 26th, 2019



Um.... anyone?

Dr. Karev, Dr. Shepherd, and myself just spent three hours trying to save a guy who crash-landed near Monstropolis. He's in critical condition right now, but... something he said made us feel a little worried.

Does anyone know what an "Annihilus" is?

Mar. 22nd, 2019




WHO: OTA Teenagers
WHERE: Woods on the outskirts of Riverdale.
WHEN: Saturday, March 23; after dark
RATING: Anything goes.
STATUS: multiple threads; on-going.

please don't stop the music. )

Mar. 21st, 2019



Alisha Strange
LEESHA. I need advice. Haaaaaalp.



Who's up for a party out in the woods Saturday night?

Mar. 8th, 2019



Right. So, I know I haven't really done a great job of making a lot of close friends here. That's my fault. But... I really need someone to talk to. Someone I can trust to listen, not judge, and keep everything I say to themselves.

Because I think I might've seriously fucked up... and if so, I may have just lost one of the best people in my life.



Video Post

What It's Worth

(Pretend it's a video of her performing it in her bedroom.)

Mar. 5th, 2019



My vagina is going to look like a bat cave here soon or it's just going to be all old and dusty. I think I need to reconsider this whole giving up sex thing.....

Feb. 20th, 2019



I could use a ladies night out this weekend. Anyone want to join me?

Jan. 20th, 2019



Okay so for a New Years Resolution, I just want to get out there and have fun. No drama, no silly love triangles that end up big messy piles of crap. I just want to be happy and laughing and smiling.

Jan. 8th, 2019



I have a situation I need you to look into for me, please.

Dec. 11th, 2018



I really want to go to the movies tonight. Who is down? Then maybe head to the Bronze afterwards?

Nov. 2nd, 2018



Freaking Out Wasn't Going to Accomplish Anything

Who: Introducing Aurora Mae Knight, OT Anyone
Where: Mar-Vell Park, Freedomtown
When: Wednesday, 11am
What: A new arrival
Rating: ?

Aurora Mae Knight was a resident of Los Angeles up until about five minutes ago when she arrived on Galador. Most people who showed up tended to freak out (although meeting a telepathic dog probably had something to do with that). Aurora? Not so much. The 5’3”, 17 year old brunette took a calm breath and looked around. “Okay…” She took stock of the current predicament. She'd been practicing on her drums one minute and now she was… in a very pleasant park. She slid her drumsticks into her back pocket and decided to explore.

Her 'intuition’ (she had yet to realize that she was both a telepath and empath, even if only a low level one) told her that this was supposed to be a safe place, although there was an undercurrent of fear, pain and finally relief that she couldn't quite place. This would have set anyone on edge, but Aurora took another breath to center herself. Freaking out wasn't going to accomplish anything, after all. This by no means meant that she wasn't wary of her surroundings, as she still had a sensible head on her shoulders, but in order to figure out what was going on she had to talk to someone. And so, deciding to be bold, she decided that that's what she was going to do. First? She had to find someone. (And yes, 'stranger danger’ still rattled in the back of her brain, but that wasn't helpful either, okay?).

Oct. 10th, 2018



Thanks to the several over-protective adults in my life (love you guys!) I've been ordered to stay inside as much as possible until things settle down a bit. And since I've finished my latest book and cannot for the life of me decide what movie to watch, I figured I might as well get to know some new people.

If you're interested in playing, comment below with your name, what city you live in, something interesting about yourself, and then pick a number between 1 and 100. I have a list of Getting To Know You questions, and I'll ask you the question that correlates with the number you pick.

I'll start things off. I'm Lucy Mills, I live in Storybrooke, there's also a younger version of me here in Galador, and #7.

Question#7 is, what motivates you to work hard?
My family, more than anything else. They've always raised me to believe in hard work and perseverance. They're all incredible role models.

PS. Trolls need not apply. If you're not interested in taking this post seriously, please scroll on by.

Sep. 4th, 2018



Since half the time anyone sees me around here I'm wearing armor, forgive me for feeling the need to show how I look on a nice, work-free day like today.


Jul. 11th, 2018



I love being a Spaceknight... but I hate how much of my personal time it takes up sometimes. I mean come on: 18, single, and bored is no way to spend your evenings.

Apr. 24th, 2018



Okay, I know I was trying to avoid Chris, but this is ridicu

So. I'm in another dimension. This is fine. I'm fine. Oh god, I'm going to vomit.

Hello, everyone. I'm a new arrival. My name is Ann Perkins.

I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to say. Everyone else seems to have a lot of quippy remarks, but those are definitely not my strong suit. So I think I'll just stick with hello.

Apr. 16th, 2018



Ok, so I started posting on this thing hoping to meet some new people and find some shit to do other than work.

C'mon. Someone. Help a girl out here.

Apr. 12th, 2018



I can't believe it took me this long to get myself involved with the refugees. Considering my mom was a refugee from THIS planet, you'd think I'd have checked in on you all sooner.

Still... nothing like an insane royal party for an intro to the new peeps.

For those who didn't meet me at the glorified kegger party, I'm Nyx. I'm one of the Spaceknights who will be helping out around here, maintaining law and order and all that good shit.

Filtered to Bea and Tea

Hooooly shit, girls. That party was amazeballs. Even back on earth I've never been as fucked up as I got there. Anytime you two want to party, srsly give me a call.