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Posts Tagged: 'ash+kowalski+%28turn_to_ash%29'

Jun. 4th, 2021



I think I'm ready to start working on new music.

Feb. 15th, 2021



Who: Patience and Ash
Where: Ash's Place
When: Backdated to last month
What: Sibling Catch Up

Read more... )

Feb. 11th, 2021



Oh geez... so, apparently Rachelle was going through some of the recordings that were in the studio for the first two seasons of Universal Idol, and found one I did.

It was the song I was going to do the week after I got eliminated, since we do studio versions of each one.

You've all gotta hear this. PLEASE keep in mind it's stupid on purpose. I thought it would be hilarious to turn Lil Jon into an acoustic ballad.

Jan. 18th, 2021



I've been spending some extra time at Madhouse Music lately.

This is the result.

Jan. 3rd, 2021



After going over it in the Welcome Center, I realize that not only did time move differently where I was, that I somehow also changed physically a bit while I was away. I just hope that Ash likes me like this.

Alright so, just to cut to the chase. I'm Penelope Park. From what I've been told, it's only been a couple of days since I disappeared here. However, for me? I was away for six years. The Gem saw how much I was struggling and I guess it took pity on me. I'm not sure where I was, but I was alone. Very alone. I've done a lot of growing while I was away. Not only emotionally, but I've found out just how powerful I can be.



Filtered to Jenny Calendar's coven

I know some of you aren't willing to accept me, and some of you are. But I'm asking, humbly, for any help you're willing to give right now.

My girlfriend, Penelope Park, is missing. We fell asleep on New Year's Eve with her in my arms, and when I woke, she was gone. No sign of her at all. But her name is still on the resident listing, and her belongings that she'd brought to my place are still there.

I know enough about my powers to know that using them to try locating her right now could end badly for everyone. So I'm asking for your help. Even if you don't trust me... help me find my girl.

Dec. 26th, 2020



Christmas has always been bittersweet for me.

I have such a great memories of it as a little kid, because my mom always made it great for Patience and I.

Then things got... really bad once she passed. I think my father tried to be an even BIGGER bastard than usual on holidays. God forbid I have a little bit of joy in my life.

More than anything though, I think I just get a little down at the holidays due to not being where I hoped to be by now. Anyone who knows me well knows I've always wanted to be a dad. And I guess I imagined that by this point in my life, I'd be giving a kid the kind of Christmases I always wanted my father to give me.

Instead, I'm on a world that still confuses me, and can't seem to stop saying and doing the wrong thing constantly. Still... I'm not the humbug type.

So just... I dunno. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Life Day... whatever you celebrate, I hope you have the best one possible.

Dec. 16th, 2020



Man... sometimes I really hate my life.

Just saying.

Penelope Park
Babe? You planning on ignoring me forever? If you're dumping me I'd at least like to know why.

Nov. 6th, 2020



Text to Patience Kowalski

Hey. Wanna take a break from riding the wild Star-Lord to chat for a sec?

Nov. 4th, 2020



I've had quite a few people now ask me who I'm pulling for on Idol this season. I guess they just assume I have a vested interest since I was on it last year.

I admit I haven't really been paying attention, but after being asked enough times, I checked it out. None of them are really my style, but I think I personally dig Spencer the most. Girl's got style and attitude all her own.

Not shitting on anyone though. They're all talented. I just like my music a little more on the R&B side of things. Just because I'm a dark warlock doesn't mean I can't play the hell out of Penelope Park's album.

Oct. 31st, 2020



Happy Halloween. My birthday was three days ago. I don't blame you for forgetting, because hell I forgot myself. But as a now-30 year old woman, I went trick-or-treating as a Doritos Locos Taco, I even dyed my hair green and got extensions to make it look like lettuce, and my entire haul was Skittles.

I would say just this was a successful Halloween given I've not even been here two weeks yet.

Oct. 26th, 2020



This place seems strangely familiar...

Will? Are you still here?

Oct. 22nd, 2020



Private to Meredith Delany

Hey. Got a minute?

Oct. 5th, 2020



So, I've let the loss of Jo sink in, and come to terms with it. I've done the whole "go out and have some random hookups" thing.

Maybe it's time for me to start being open to the possibility of actually really connecting with someone again.

Sep. 23rd, 2020



So, I've been here for a little while now, getting adjusted to things. I gotta say, it's different being somewhere that doesn't have something trying to kill me all the time.

Is it weird that now I feel a little bored?

Sep. 22nd, 2020



Private to Ash Kowalski

So I was thinking...

Sep. 17th, 2020



Well fuck.

For the first time one of my relationships ended without it being my fault.



I gotta admit, I kind of miss the days when I could tell someone to Google me if they wanted to see me naked.

Jan. 30th, 2020




Yo Ash.

As the most knowledgeable person in magic I know outside of the thousand year-old hotness I'm currently seeing, I need your help with something.

Jan. 12th, 2020



It's taken me a while to adjust to the differences in how dark magic works in this world, compared to in my own... but I'm finally getting the hang of it.

I'm starting to feel like myself again.

Neely Bale
Is there an even partially acceptable reason that my best friend hasn't called or texted or anything in months? Gonna make a guy feel unloved here.

Aug. 30th, 2019



Universal Idol - Week 7 - Eliminations and Finale!

The show opens with a little more fanfair than usual. This is the finale, after all. The culmination of seven weeks of blood, sweat, tears, and in some cases...alcohol. A host outside of the Idol Arena interviews fans as they wait to get inside. Who is your favorite? Any predictions for what to expect tonight? The live fan interviews are intercut with home-video clips. Recordings made by fans from across the universe who have fallen in love with the show and its performers. This show really has succeeded in becoming a Universal phenomenon.

The camera cuts to an interior shot of the arena. Fans of all shapes and sizes are packed into their seats, cheering and waving their hands. It swings around to the stage and closes in on Skylar James-Bale, wife of producer Benjamin Bale, who has stepped in to be the face of the competition since “The Incident” during week five.

Skylar smiled at the audience before looking toward the camera. "Thank you everyone for coming tonight, and thank you to those that are tuning in at home. I think we were all surprised at just how much of a positive reaction we got when we debuted. I think everyone was craving having something of their own here in Galador, and this, Universal Idol, has really become something that everyone, both native citizens and transplants, can gather together to watch and cheer for their favorites, and we are so happy to have had the chance to bring that to you."

"Anyway, as a reminder, the prize for winning is a guaranteed recording contract with Full Moon Entertainment, and the winner will be promoted throughout (currently) 5 planets. Hopefully, next round, we'll be able to promote even to even more planets."

"We hope that you enjoy the show that we've prepared, and, anyway, on with the show!" She held her hand up and waved at the audience, blowing a kiss to them before heading off stage.

On with the show! )

Aug. 13th, 2019



Patience??? Gwen just told me you're here! I have missed the hell outta you, sis.

Jo, you're gonna finally get to meet my sister!

Best. Day. Ever.

Jun. 27th, 2019




So, guy I've been lusting after here? He likes me for my brain.


Edit: Message to Ash

Hey, can I ask your help with something important?

May. 1st, 2019



Hey! Anyone who knows Sam Winchester (any of the variants will do) make sure to wish them a HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow. Bonus points if it's in the most embarrassing way possible.

I regret nothing, Sam. But drinks are on me tomorrow. <3

So, fun story. I have a teenager now.

Welcome Center asked me if I'd take guardianship over one of the minors here.

How's it going?

Apr. 11th, 2019



Filtered to Mere Delany and Jo Harvelle
So... even though I pretty much despise Benjamin Bale and everything he represents, there's a part of me that wants to go to those auditions and freestyle. Please talk me out of this? Either of you?

Feb. 5th, 2019



Probably an odd question, but... who do I talk to about looking for some things on Earth to send up here? Nothing vital or emergent... just some comfort items I miss having.

Feb. 2nd, 2019



Haven't heard from you in awhile.

Jan. 15th, 2019




Guess what?

I got a second job.

On a spaceship.

Jan. 10th, 2019



Meredith Delany

Mere! How the fuck did you never tell me how sexy Mouse's mom is? I know you and there is literally no goddamn way that slipped your mind.

Jan. 9th, 2019



Well... since it doesn't seem like I'm leaving here anytime soon, I may as well do this.

Are there any witches or warlocks here that are looking for someone to practice the craft with? Kinda sucks doing that stuff alone. Plus I have a tendency to go really "black magic" when left to my ow-

Jan. 8th, 2019


Just...just do it. Just post SOMETHING.
Hey, everyone.
I seem to have been holing up a bit, but I'm going to try to actually get out and do stuff again.
Oh, that was lame.

Dec. 4th, 2018



Holy shit I don't even want to think about how strong the magic was that did this.

Anyway.. sup everyone. I'm Ash.