May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'zoe+hart+%28thehartofit%29'

May. 7th, 2021



I can not wait to have my daughter home when school is over for her. Mother/daughter dates are always the best. And regular classes will resume next week in my fitness studio, pole fitness, yoga and I will also be offering zumba classes as well.

I am also looking to hire a few instructors if you are interested let me know.

Apr. 4th, 2021



Happy Easter, everyone!

... In other news, it seems that I won't be having at least one of my kids this year.

Feb. 6th, 2021



I've gone back to my full schedule. I miss that time with my family, but the job is so demanding. I was thinking of taking Valentines' week off to do some fun stuff with James, Ellie, and Kat, and of course Claudia.

Maybe we can go to Paris for a weekend that way the girls don't miss school.

The hospital keeps getting better and better. I asked for some machinery for my testing and it was all there within the week.

King Doom is an amazing boss. I appreciate the way he handles everything.

Jan. 14th, 2021



Why is it so much easier for me to find balance here than it was on Earth?

[Gretchen and Brianne]

Are you two going to be home this weekend? I've already talked with Cady so I know Saturday's out but Sunday evening? There's something I want to talk about with the three of you. It's nothing bad I promise.

Dec. 17th, 2020



Somehow I thought there was nothing harder than having a kid and it turns out there is, having two kids.

Nov. 17th, 2020



You know, it's hard to have to explain to a teenager about your old lifestyle because of a stupid book and movie that she came across. I can just say that I am glad that he is not here. It took a while for me to move on from him and I did. Let's just say that we had a girls day where I told her all about it. She's a teenager, she's going to be curious at times, and I got to see my baby since she's at the school. And doing very well, I am one proud mama.

Sep. 17th, 2020



Well fuck.

For the first time one of my relationships ended without it being my fault.

Aug. 22nd, 2020



Would anyone be opposed to me adding more classes to my studio? Besides the pole dancing classes, I thought I would offer yoga and some meditation classes.

Aug. 13th, 2020



So when my daughter that was in her twenties disappeared the other day, I got a surprise the next day. I now have my baby girl with me again, 5 year old Angie. I am happy to see my little girl again, so innocent. And Craig is still here and he offered to stay with me and Angie to help out, for a bit, just like when he was younger. Until he gets a job and his own place.

Would you like to come for dinner this weekend and meet Angie and Craig?

Aug. 3rd, 2020



So the doctor let slip the gender of the baby at my latest ultrasound.

Jul. 15th, 2020



This stuff is insane. I love it.

You know there's a race that has their heart in their skull? Oh, and apparently Time Lords? Have two hearts. God it's great to feel like I actually have things to learn again. Being the best can be boring sometimes.

Jul. 8th, 2020



I couldn't be more happy with my job. Both Meredith Grey and Dr. Doom give me full reign.

Babies rarely come during the day, at least with my patients, they seem to come in the middle of the night. Luckily James and our daughter are understanding. I couldn't do my job without all of their support.

I need to take Ellie out to shop for clothes she needs a new wardrobe. Any suggestions where I should take her?

Jul. 6th, 2020



I think I am in the best shape of my life. I am really enjoying teaching my pole dancing classes and I hope that everyone that comes enjoys it too. I have time to take care of baby Eliza, teenage Eliza has a job of her own. I have the hottest boyfriend ever. I have to say that life is really good right now. I can't help but smile everyday.

May. 29th, 2020


I did the Masked Singer because I wanted redemption from my time on the Universal Idol and I'm pretty proud of how far I went. Redemption status achieved. Yes, it was a bummer to get kicked off right before the finale but hey, that's like finishing second place and I'll take it.

Keep an eye out on my website because there will be a Taco merch line soon and trust me, you're going to love it.

Oh! And to my kids that were on the show too? Dad is so proud of you.

May. 21st, 2020



I'm so glad that I have someone taking over the practice for a couple of weeks. I don't know how many emails I sent to my patients to tell them. Some times a vacation is just needed.

Apr. 28th, 2020




I think I'm ready for you to meet someone really special to me.

Apr. 8th, 2020



Zoe Hart
Ok, I'm just gonna go for it here. Would you be interested in going out sometime?

Mar. 10th, 2020



I'm on a different planet, with the most mind-blowing stuff you could ever imagine... and all I do is work, go home, repeat. Karev's right: I'm boring.

Feb. 8th, 2020




Jan. 14th, 2020



I had to operate today on a species that apparently violently throws up a thick green substance anytime it's touched. I've never showered so fiercely in my life.

And not a damn word from you, Karev.

Jan. 4th, 2020



2020 I believe is going to be the best ever!!!

Dec. 3rd, 2019



Filtered to +18

I wish I was making this up.

Nov. 8th, 2019



You know sometimes I think about how my life could have been....I mean I have this whole new life here. A daughter, her future self, a new boyfriend. But I can't help but think about people back home and what they are doing. Is that a bad thing?

Sep. 4th, 2019



What do they call Maesters in this world? Who check on your health and things? I think I need one.

Aug. 26th, 2019


On September 1st, my life here changed forever.

I woke up to my wife gone and our newborn son laying in her place. Avery and I have had a rough year of teething, bumps, scrapes, Aves returning, Aves leaving, "no!", and crying ( both of us ) but we've also had a lot of great things happen too and that's what I plan on focusing on that day.

The 1st is a Sunday. I'd like to invite everyone with children and those that want to celebrate Avery to join us at his Teddy Bear Picnic birthday party in Freedontown Park starting at 1 pm.

Grab a teddy and come join us. There will be food, games, and water toys. Turning one is beary fun, after all!

[Max Black]

Can I get a few dozen cupcakes for this? Whatever flavors you want to make. Teddy bear decorations would be cool.

Aug. 18th, 2019



Ugh I feel like shit today.

[Spencer + Gina]
So I haven't told Nana that I'm pregnant yet 'cause you know, she's going to be disappointed in me and I've been avoiding that. Now that you're here, I can't anymore. It was my plan to take Gina with me so she can be a buffer but I want you to come too so she can meet you after. You can just be outside or something until we give you the all clear to come in.

[Dr Addison Shepard & Dr Zo Hart ]

Are you taking on new patients?

Aug. 1st, 2019



Congratulations to Regina Loxley who successfully carried her twins to term. They were just a few days early. They are truly miracle children. I'm so proud of her, she was an excellent patient, even in all that pain.

I've had many of my patients deliver. That is always exciting.

I'm lucky to have a family that puts up with my late hours.

Jul. 1st, 2019



Just a friendly reminder that to please be safe on the Fourth of July holiday. Nobody wants to get admitted into the hospital with firework accidents or injuries. Besides that, what are everybody’s plans?

Jun. 22nd, 2019



One of my cousins just announced that he's getting married. I don't know when but do you want to go to the wedding with me?


I haven't had the chance to ask Victor yet but how was Father's day for you? Are you alright?



Roswellians and friends

Lux and I would like to tell everyone that we're getting married.

Jun. 20th, 2019



Alright, folks. I've been here long enough to acclimate and everything.... time to start looking for work.

Anyone hiring for a decent wage around here?

Jun. 14th, 2019


So much for my good mood.

Jun. 11th, 2019



Noah Guerin

Hey, it's been a while.

May. 1st, 2019



Ultimate Fitness in Sunnydale will be offering a variety of classes this spring/summer. Come on down if you're interested. We've got:

• Boxing
• Martial Arts
• Self-Defense
• Yoga
• Spinning
• Barre

We've also got personal trainers if you're looking for some one-on-one help.

Need me to pick anything up on the way home today?

Apr. 7th, 2019



How are my favorite girls doing?


I have five parents now.


I made an appointment with my therapist for Tuesday while the Crashdown is closed. Can you watch Avery for me while I go? I'll bring you back lunch and we can catch up

Apr. 5th, 2019


[ Around noon, all of the lights in The Crashdown Cafe exploded. For seconds, everything was quiet then a baby began to cry and a toddler joined him as Noah finds out that Aves was sent away again ]

Mar. 17th, 2019



I've been very busy lately between my work at DRH and Dr. Hart's private practice. I've been so neglectful to James, at least he understands and with the extra money, I want to buy him something nice. I hope I'll get some of my energy back after Dr. Hart takes back her practice.

We just got two dogs. I'm letting Ellie name the Husky and I'm naming the Dachshund Bailey.

Mar. 11th, 2019



Kinda loving this place already... XMH is the most amazing hospital I've ever worked in, my coworkers are fantastic, and not only do we have a killer sports bar right by it, but we had cupcakes delivered this morning that made my sweet tooth feel the way I can only imagine someone feels after mind-blowing sex.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



Text Message

I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have a daughter. But we do. I couldn't be happier.

At first, I was worried about my abilities as a parent, but she's made it so easy. Thank you, Ellie.

I'm still covering Dr. Zoe Hart's practice and filling in when I can at DRH. In ways I miss having my own Clinic, but I wouldn't change things for the world. I work in a state-of-the-art facility, and work with cutting edge Professionals. My specialty is infertility.

I look forward to meeting my fellow DRH colleagues. For those of you I haven't met, I'm Dr. Juliet Burke, please call me Juliet.

Feb. 20th, 2019



I could use a babysitter for a much needed night out on the town. Where would one find a responsible sitter for two six month old twin boys?

Feb. 12th, 2019



Oh god, I just felt a contraction.....please don't say I'll be having a baby this week.

Feb. 11th, 2019



Wow. I got here a few days ago, and honestly - I figured if I took a few days to process everything before I posted anything on here, maybe I'd feel more stable here.

Nope. Not happening.

So, since obviously I'm gonna be a bit jittery for a while anyway, I figured I may as well introduce myself.

I'm Brian Pritchard, pediatrician and child psychologist. Hope to meet all of you.

Jan. 14th, 2019



Harley? Are you here? Mom?

Dinah? This is so strange.

Jan. 10th, 2019



So apparently this kid is a tad impatient like his mom. I did all the work. Why'd he come out looking like his dad? Tiny 7lbs, 3oz Harley Kinsella, welcome to Galador.

Noah & Aves

I still try to make it to the appointment with you all and Juliet. It's in a few days.

Jan. 9th, 2019



Juliet Burke

Do you think you'd be able to start a week sooner?

Jan. 8th, 2019



filtered to Noah


Jan. 2nd, 2019



filtered to medical professionals

Is there anyone willing to take over a family practice when I go on maternity leave?

Added later; Noah and Aves

I'm starting my maternity leave soon and found someone to cover for me. Her name is Dr. Juliet Burke.

Dec. 17th, 2018


Returning after being gone for months

Noah? Connor? Anyone?
Someone please tell me my baby's here.

Dec. 1st, 2018


[backdated to Friday afternoon]

I'm kid free for a few hours. Do I want to sleep or actually go do something?

Oct. 27th, 2018


Who: Noah and Zoe
What: He needs help
Where: His place
When Tomorrow
Warning: Trigger warning for anxiety and stress related talk.

Read more... )