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Posts Tagged: '%7Edash+hosney+%28theplaya%29'

Nov. 28th, 2018



Shit, boy. That network post earlier had me dyin. Who'd you piss off so bad?

Whatcha doing?



Who the fuck is Dash?




[backdated to last night]

Yo you free right now?



YO! S'going on, homie? How ya feelin?

Hey, Stick. Feel like grabbing some grub? My treat of course.

Hey sexy! How the hell ya been? We need to hang out again soon.

Choo up to, girl? I feel like doing stuff.

Sup you gorgeous bitch? I'm thinking it's high time we get better acquainted. And by that I mean booze, music, and fuckin'.

Nov. 27th, 2018



It's times like this that I miss Ruben.




Thanks for the assist the other night. I owe ya one.

Nov. 25th, 2018



Who: Dash and Erica
What: Meetin' and eatin'
Where: Freedomtown
When After her post
Warning: Nah

Read more... )

Nov. 24th, 2018



This place is wild. I've spent the last hour just reading over this network. Y'all straight up crazy. And that's coming from me. I've got a feeling things around here are never going to be boring.

I'm Erica. Sup.

Nov. 23rd, 2018



filtered to Dash


Nov. 14th, 2018



Private to her boys

This chick needs our kinda help.

I've got a rep to maintain, so one of you hit her up first and then I'll reply.



As I’m laying here in my hospital bed. I am really grateful that I’m alive, but a part of me wishes that the cancer would just take it’s course with me, This is the third time that it has came back and spread. If I’m going to die I’d rather die with dignity. I’m wearing a wig full time now, I’m puking my guts out everyday. I have none of my family here and I just wntrhis to be over with so I can live a long and happy life or let it just kill me.

Nov. 11th, 2018



I know I earned myself some bad karma... but fuck I hope it's not hitting people I care about.

Private to Victor Von Doom
With your permission, my King, I would like to stay in Freedomtown for the next day or two. Someone... special to me is in the hospital and I would very much like to stay at his side as much as possible.

Nov. 10th, 2018



Everyone wants to help the guy with cancer but not the guy with the bad lungs. I see how it is. I'll just be over here literally coughing to death. Don't worry about me.

Nov. 8th, 2018



Well this certainly blows.

Did I relapse?


Oct. 31st, 2018



Voice post

[The sounds of birds squawking can be heard]

Yo. Anyone out there. We ... Ow! ... need some help. Someone come - Get off! - someone come call off the birds.

[Sounds of something wacking the birds can also be heard. It's Leo's crutches]

[FYI for anyone that works at Xavier, Dash and Leo snuck out while the Halloween party in the peds ward was going on]]



So tonight, I plan on going out and having a good time. This is what my mom would have wanted and god dammit I'm going to do it. Enough of the sulking, and I'm pretty sure my costume is on point tonight. For once, I am going to do what is going to make me happy and that is just forgetting everything that is going to make me sad for one night, tonight is all about having a good time. So what do you all think of my costume?

 photo eliza_zpskamgzyzm.jpg



I know I said this place was lame and boring and stupid, but I take it back, ok?

Now can this insane shit just stop already? I am so over seeing all this death.

Oct. 30th, 2018



So tomorrow is Halloween and I have a couple costumes in mind. But, I'm not sure which one I should be. My hair is starting to fall out due to the chemo and radiation so I'll probably end up wearing a wig. But, I think everyone is going to love my costume regardless.

Oct. 29th, 2018



Filtered away from her parents

Anyone know where I could go to just... let loose for a while? I haven't had much of a social life since coming here.

Oct. 23rd, 2018



If anyone is seriously injured and needs help, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand with healing...



So I have decided that instead of fearing for my life outside just to get to chemo and radiation that I’m going to stay at the hospital.the food sucks, but at least I’ll be alive and safe.

Oct. 20th, 2018



text post: tandy bowen

Yeah, sure. Okay.

Oct. 17th, 2018



Well, this is just what I need. Getting chemo done and then being chased by monsters. Cause that’s what I really need right now.

Oct. 15th, 2018



Hey man I don't know what just happened but I gotta get back to Ocean Park or Nurse Jackson is going to have my ass. We just got her back and I'm trying to stay on her good side know what I'm saying?