
June 7th, 2021



Alright... gonna go hit Ryze and see where the night takes me.

What do we think, folks? Is this look good for wanting to stand out in a crowd?
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Just want to wish Kat a happy birthday.

I hope it's a wonderful day!



Who: Ginny and Tess
Where: Their home; Freedomtown
When: Prior to Bad Reputation's new album being released
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

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Who: Cassie and Josslyn
Where: Cassie's apartment; Freedomtown
When: Immediately following this post
What: Reunion
Rating: M for sexual content; fade to black
Status: Closed; complete

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April [info]april_cole

So, they put you in charge of a kid, huh?



Yeah... not exactly New York, but I'll take it. Granted, I may have made a girl at the Welcome Center cry.

So April Cole... they said that if you're up for it, I should stay with you. For anyone who cares? My name is Maya.



Deep breath, Ellie.

I'm not good with words. Never have been. But today's a special day.

Today's Kat 18th birthday.

So, I'm gonna try.

I don't know if many people know this, but Kat was the second friend that I made here. We connected straight away, although it wasn't until much later that we realized that our feelings for each other ran deeper than just friendship. Our decision to be together didn't come without some heartbreak and some teething problems, but after holyshitballs almost a year together as a couple, I've come to this conclusion: Kat is, singularly, the most amazing person I've ever met in my entire life.

Honestly, most of the time I don't think she even realizes how amazing she is (which, whoa, what the fuck, right?). There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not blown away by who she is, or how privileged I am to be loved by her. I'm thankful every hour, every minute, every second I get to spend with her, because I know if I hadn't met her I wouldn't know what it felt like to meet your One True Love. I wouldn't know what it would've meant to be afraid to love someone so completely, be afraid to lose them and dive in anyway. I would've missed out on us. And there's a good chance I would've missed out on who she is today.

I love you, Kat. For who you were, who you are, and who you're gonna be someday. Happy Birthday.

Private to Kat

And if you're not against the idea, after this week ... maybe we could run away for a little while? Just us, our love, and the open sky?