May 2024



October 25th, 2020



Who's the most annoyingly happy person on Galador?

Ten bucks says it's this girl right here!



Ok, I'm loving the music here so far. Between Eternal Embrace (so cool that Katie's like, BFF with the lead singer), A Woman Scorned (another singer my Katie's somehow befriended!), Bad Reputation, and Penelope Park (shuddup, a girl can like some pop with her rock!), I'm becoming such a big fan.

And now watching Idol here as well? Wow. Full disclosure: I am 110% pulling for Olive. I could listen to that girl sing all day.



Hey everyone. Mouse here.

Just wanted to post something so nobody thinks I'm being a hermit or anything.

A few good things have happened in the last two weeks. First, my little Remy said his first word! He looked at me and said 'mama'! Also, I made plans to perform at Christmas event for Open Arms. Details are still being worked out, but I've been exchanging emails with a sweet girl named Billie, who's putting it together, and I think it's going to be a really good thing.

The business that I recently invested in, a Japanese restaurant called Thunder Dragon, is opening on Monday in Commerceport, so please, stop by and check it out!

I want to thank my friends Katie and Juno, and my sisters Tori and Dominique (yes, Domie, you ARE my sister) for being so wonderful to me during this terrible time for me.

Lastly, a few weeks ago, Eternal Embrace played our first show off-Galador, in the Shi'ar Empire. I can't share too much of it, because Ben's making an actual live album of the concert, but I wanted to give you all a little preview. Enjoy!

(OOC: Please ignore any talking before/after the songs)




I was engaged, happy, and now I'm back here.

Damn it.



What's that, Rachelle? Your Steelers are now 6-0 on the season? Best start since Nineteen Seventy-Goddamn-Eight?

I've already done all the normal excited things I usually do when we win.

I laughed at any and all haters.

I gave a free round of drinks to anyone in the bar at the time.

I took my jersey and bra off and ran a lap around the bar, titties flappin' in the wind.

So what's left for such a monumental win?

Well, I'd thought of making out heavily with The Wives right on the bar, but sadly they're not into the idea of an audience. SO! Instead, we got 25 cent wings and half-price drinks for the rest of the day!




Rather than the usual montage of clips, this week's Universal Idol opened with a quick recap of last week's shocking elimination of Kevin Van Warren, who'd been considered a serious threat to win the entire thing. A voiceover reminded the fans that there's no sure things in a competition like this, and that anyone could be eliminated at any time.

After the show's opening, Ben once again welcomed all the viewers, explaining the rules and reminding them who was left. He then introduced Rachelle, Meredith, Kayla, and Kyle as the judges, before handing the show over to the people it's really about: the performers.



Bea Wilson

Do you have a minute?



I can't believe my very own restaurant is opening tomorrow. It's been a dream of mine for so long, and my girlfriend's sister Kaitlin is an angel for helping me finance it.

9am tomorrow, Thunder Dragon opens in Commerceport, so hopefully I'll see you all there!