May 2024



July 13th, 2020



Opening BookHaven was the best decision I've made since arriving here. I get to meet interesting people, talk about and be surrounded by amazing books, and occupy myself with something fun that I can actually make money doing.

I was organizing the fantasy section today, and started looking through an illustrated copy of my all-time favorite book: The Hobbit. And it got me thinking: OMG what if someone from Middle-Earth showed up here??? Can you even imagine? If I met the real Bilbo Baggins... or Lady Eowyn... or holycrapinahat Gandalf? It'd be a good thing I'm a vampire, cause otherwise I'd keel over right there.



Mary Bering + Josh

[ backdated to June 7th ]

It was recommended by my OBGYN that I start seeing you as my doctor due to my unique situation. What spot do you have open this week?



I've been back home. It seems as if I was gone for ever, but I've only been gone for three days.

Honestly, it was something I needed to go through. The circumstances were scary. In the end everything turned out for the best.

I didn't come back alone. I have three-year-old Aaron with me. I hope Jake and the kids are okay with this. I really hope it doesn't freak out older Aaron.

I never thought I'd say this but it is good to be home.