May 2024



April 19th, 2020




I'm all moved in at Dad's and staying the night! Tony's going to help me decorate and get things moved around tomorrow. Do you want to have a sleepover next weekend here with me? You're the first friend I want to have over.



It is almost summer. What is everyone's summer plans? Are there any cool camps, or jobs for a 13-year-old? Maybe someone needs a babysitter.



Summer Writing Workshops!

This summer students will get a chance to publish their work! This writing workshop is structured for your child to complete one story accompanied by their own artwork which will then be compiled into their very own book.

The more sessions your child signs up for, the more books they walk away with.

Not only does this promote creativity, but this gives them a look at an author’s side of things as they continue to read with you or on their own! The best way to encourage your child to write, beyond a grade, is to give your child an audience. And what better way to do that than by showing them their work in their very own self-published hardback book!

The curriculum and activities will focus on grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. Our writing will be journal based responses to the lessons and topics we cover each day. Those pieces will then be compiled into an autobiography style book. Students must be at least 5 years old and have completed preschool or an equivalent program.

​Workshop is June 8 - 12 at your chosen time of 1.5 hours per day.
Incoming 2nd & 3rd graders will publish a story from one or more of the chosen genres: Superheros, Adventure, and/or Myths & Legends!

$125 per week (price will change to $50 when his paperwork goes through)

Workshops are held in 2-week intervals, Monday - Friday at your chosen time of 2 hours per day.

​Incoming 4th & 5th graders will publish a story from one or more of the chosen genres: Mystery, Science Fiction, and/or Adventure! - June 15-26

Incoming 6th - 8th graders will publish a story from one or more of the chosen genres: Adventure, Fairytales, or Science Fiction! - June 29-July 10

​Incoming 9th - 12th graders will publish a story from one or more of the chosen genres: Myths & Legends, Fables, and/or a book of poems! July 13-24

$175 per week (price will be $75 when his paperwork goes through)

Sign up now.



Let celebrate National Garlic Day with Homemade pizza dinner



Who: Ellie & Kat
Where: Kat's Home
When: April 8th, following their interaction here
Rating: PG

Read more... )



Monday comes around once again, tomorrow. But I had a pretty great weekend. I am really liking this planet and what I have seen of it so far.

Did everyone enjoy their weekend?



Next weekend Six opens. Do you still want to go see the show with me?

[Selina, Lexi]
Want to get tickets to see Six with me? I am already going once but I would go a second time to see my friend from home Angie in it.

I can not wait to see you in Six. I have seats for opening night!




Being working class sucks sometimes. Now I know what my mom and dad felt like when I was growing up. You know, wanting to give me things and not being able to.


So I'm sure you've seen that there's a writers workshop coming up this summer ... and I'm so sorry but I can't afford it for you to sign up. We need to save that money for food and rent.




My love, I would like to sit out under the stars with some refreshment. It is called star gazing. I have been studying the constellations, they are rather interesting.

There is the Lyrid meteor shower tonight. I would like to see them. It should be romantic.



I'm so... beyond grateful to have Miss Zola and Coach Rachelle in my life. Especially now that I'm realizing more and more how little I fit in here. I was nothing out of the ordinary in my world. But here... I'm a freak. A lonely freak.



JJ is two months and two days old. Finally he is sleeping through the night. Jake and the kids have been such a help, with him. Even the twins are calm and gentle around him. I think it's time he starts meeting people.

I'm taking him out tomorrow, would anyone like us to stop by?

I plan on having lunch at the Crashdown. Anyone want to come with?



(backdated to 04/16/2019)

Hey. Where are you right now?



Sometimes... MOST of the time... it's easier to just make yourself be a dick so you don't have to worry about things like feelings or regrets.

But that's the bitch way. I'm better than that and it's about damn time I realize it.