
October 15th, 2015



Is there someplace I may legally practice with my sword and bow so I don't lose my skills and do not accidentally hurt anything?



I've been meaning to introduce myself, but I'm, how do you say, apprehensive, on how to do so.

I'm Wanda Maximoff, I've seen many people here, but some are...different.

Is Clint here? Or Steve? I thought I sensed Vision, but I'm uncertain



Does anyone ever get the urge to toss someone out of the window for kicks? These aliens have rage issues something fierce...note to self, stick to humans brains.

I feel like I work all the time with no one to really socialize with, I should work on that.



Hello and welcome new arrivals.

I'm Agent Romanoff, if you need anything I'm here as an liaison between here and S.H.I.E.L.D. so please just reach out to me and I'll see what I can do.



characters: Peggy and Thor
setting: Her place
summary: Just meeting up.
rating/warnings: Low
status: Ongoing.

...like a bull in a china shop  )