
October 14th, 2015



Filtered to Victor

Would you be interested in going for a walk with me? I cant sleep.



I need to find a good job. Are there any suggestions or people that are hiring?



This place has it's own magic, doesn't it? I miss Narnia, but this is still amazing.

I just wish Caspian were here or my siblings. Both would be better.



What should one do when she is restless and has no idea why or what to do about it?



Daddy! Uncle Deadpool Wade! I'm bored! Let's play!



Filtered to Bill

Would you be free for dinner tomorrow night?



Dean, let's go get a drink or something.



Where's the best place to get a race car and have access to a race track. A Toretto is not meant to be away from a car for very long.



Filtered to Anakin

When can we have our next lesson... and talk?



I think I'm getting a little bit used to being up here in this place. It's not as bad as a few things back home.



Filtered to Flash

I want to make you dinner. I'm a pretty good cook.



Filtered to 18 and Above

So, seriously question time. If I were to get the venture of an adult club put together and off the ground, would anyone be interested for real? We'd need strippers of both genders and people to work the bar and tables. We'd also need bouncers to keep things from getting out of hand.

I don't want to waste my time if the interest expressed was only for fun and not for the real thing.