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Posts Tagged: 'thomas+barrett+%28thomasx%29'

Apr. 6th, 2021



Private to Thomas Barrett

Since you are really the only person that I have here, outside of the team, I feel like I should tell you that Brandon and I have eloped. We knew that Tony and Carol would have insisted on making it a huge thing, but since I don't have my uncle here to walk me down the aisle, it just didn't feel right to me.

That being said, I know that while we are away on our honeymoon, there will be a reception-type celebration being planned for after we are back. When we know when and where I will let you know. I would love for you and Baylie to be there.

Feb. 10th, 2021



I have not written on here since Claire disappeared and a lot has happened since then. For one, the love of my life, Baylie, is now here and living with me. Then between wars and work at the Inn and Baylie, well I have been busy.

Now Valentine's day is approaching and I am working on making this weekend special as our first of many. What's everyone else's plans for V-Day?

Jan. 26th, 2021



I feel like a heroine from a mid-90s video game. I look great, though.

Sep. 29th, 2020



Well, that was definitely interesting!

So I'm Baylie and I'm from a world similar to this one and I'm not even the only one from my version here!

Ahem... Thomas Barrett, I'm not sure if you remember me, but we used to live next door to each other.

Aug. 13th, 2020



This weekend is our two week anniversary. Is that even a thing?

How have you been? I saw that girl Lita is no longer here. Someone mentioned it online. Are you holding up ok?

Aug. 1st, 2020



Unregistered & Readable to the age of 16 up.

If you have the feeling to fight or just what to test your might.
Now's your chance to come to the Purgatory an all-star underground fighting arena.

Here are the rules of Purgatory.

If you have any type of power, they will not work in the arena. However every third weekend of the month, our Battle Royal will take place and at that time anything goes, the only rule is to keep it in the arena. Also, we don't have a doctor on call, so if you get badly hurt we'll put you in a taxi and where you go from there is on you.

We have the means to know if you are lying about your age. So don't think about bringing your friend who is under the age of 16 with you for they wouldn't be able to enter the Purgatory Arena. I don't think you wish to meet the Purgatory's enforcer?

Jul. 27th, 2020




Hi Claire. I have not seen you in a few weeks. Are you free this weekend for me to take you out? We can go anywhere you want to go.

Jun. 5th, 2020



[Claire Bennet] [info]invincible
I would like to take you on a proper date this weekend? Another one, that is? Are you free?

Jun. 1st, 2020



I heard someone was starting a superhero team.

May. 18th, 2020



I just can not go. I feel closure and can not go. Not like I am wanted there anyway.

Thank you for coming out with me last weekend. We should do it again sometime soon.

I had fun at the club. We should hang out again.



Who: Kelly and OT visitors and doctors
What: in the hospital for heat stroke
Where: XMH ICU, then a regular room later
When: between May 13th and when she is released
Status: ongoing

May. 13th, 2020






I can feel myself getting stronger already. It pays to have a good teacher and someone who understands and can do the same thing as I can.

I know we spend all our time practicing usually, but I would like to take you on a date this weekend? Are you free?

Apr. 27th, 2020



Thank you for the other day. Would you be up for another session working with me on our powers? You helped a lot in just one. Imagine what a regular weekly session could do. If you were up to it.



Thomas Barrett

When is the next meal you are free for? I've got some time. I got a little ahead in my school work.

Apr. 20th, 2020



So apparently being able to heal oneself does not make one less of a clutz. I broke my ankle recently. And though, it is not in a cast, because I could heal it, it is still very sore.

I could use some practice with this healing thing, as well as with other stuff. Anyone want to volunteer?

Apr. 11th, 2020



So... This is where I get sent after saving the universe? Couldn't they at least send my team here with me?

Anyway, for anyone that cares, I'm Commander Cassandra Cage of Earthrealm Special Forces. But you can just call me Cassie.

Mar. 27th, 2020



Alright....its Friday night. Who's up for doing something?

Mar. 26th, 2020



Alright, I'm bored. I need something to do.

And I don't mean that in the whiny bitches, begging for someone to take them out dancing. I want to go on a mission and possibly blow shit up.



How is it only Wednesday?

Mar. 9th, 2020


I'm looking a second manager to help me run Nothern Soul. As a Princess, I can't always be there so you would handle the day to day operations while I do my royal duties. Apply within or stop in tonight if you think you can handle the job. Let me know if you're not human so you can bypass my bouncer.

As a reminder, here is what Northern Soul is all about:

We are a club located in New Orleans with DJs every night that plays original and remixed versions of songs ranging from the 60s to today. From American to Galadorian, you'll hear a little bit of everything.

We have a night for everyone:

Monday: Human
Tuesday: LGBTQIA
Wednesday: Free for all
Thursday: Straight
Friday: Supernatural
Saturday - Sunday: Free for all

There is a 21+ floor and a 18 and under floor with a VIP area in each. Wards are put in places so anyone under 18 can't sneak down onto the 21+ floor. 19 and 20 year olds, you're allowed on the 21+ floor but you will not be served alcohol. Don't even try it. On Supernatural and the free for all nights, feeders are available for those who choose to partake in fresh blood. As an alternative, we have some pretty tasty drink specials those nights available for both floors.

The doors open at 6PM with the 21+ floor staying open until 3AM and the 18 and under closing at 12am. Everyone is welcome, no one will be turned away. That is unless you're on my list for some reason. Don't be that person. Don't be on my list.



Hi all. I am new here. I've got a place to live in Freedomtown. I just finished my business management degree back home, now I need to find a Law School here for while I am here, however long that will be this time.We shall see. I have to get back home to find Kelly.

Also, could use a job. Any suggestions?