May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'maddie+rooney+%28maddierooney%29'

Jun. 26th, 2021



I really do enjoy family time this summer. I don't have to juggle a job and school during this time, I can work full time and come home and spend time with the kids. Perri will start college soon, so we're getting her ready with all the tings she needs of her dorm room.

Jun. 6th, 2021



I've been working at the rec center coaching basketball and I love it. And even better, Diggie and I finally found an apartment to live in. It's going to be a good summer.

[Peyton, Liv]
Bring your guys over. We want to show you all the new place, well, again, that is. What do you say?

Apr. 6th, 2021



All this reading to do for school, I swear I drink more cups of coffee in a day then anyone probably drinks in a week. Papers and reading galore...but I am almost finished with my first year of college and then I get a much needed break. I plan to spend it with my family.

Mar. 2nd, 2021



I am the furthest thing from a girly girl. I usually leave that department for my twin. But the last two months I have been in newlywed bliss with my husband. Diggie and I got married on New Year's Eve! We have also been looking for a place to live in Oahu, near the school, since I have two years left of University. For now, we are staying in a dorm apartment together, but we want our own place.

Oh, and I need a job as well. I was thinking of going into the rec center and applying for a coaching job. That is my plan for today since I have no classes.

Dec. 30th, 2020



Who: Maddie Rooney, Diggie Smalls, Liv Rooney, Austin Moon, Peyton Halliwell, Jack and OPEn to anyone who thinks they would be there!
When: December 31st
Note: Info posts only unless you feel like commenting on anything or playing with me.
You're Invited..... )

Dec. 8th, 2020



It has been two weeks since Thanksgiving and I think I am still in shock every time I look down at my left hand! Bam, what!? I said my left hand because Diggie proposed on Thanksgiving!

It will be weird not having the rest of our family here for my wedding, but I am glad I have you here.
(delivered the day after Thanksgiving)

(Delivered the day after Thanksgiving)

Oct. 20th, 2020



[Liv, Peyton]
Want to do something for Halloween? Invite the boyfriends and let's do something all together. I want you two to meet.

Want to do something for Halloween with Liv and Peyton and their boyfriends?

Sep. 13th, 2020



Classes are going very well at school. The house is decorated for Fall and the smell of this amazing pumpkin candle just gives off a tasty aroma. I love this time of year.

Sep. 2nd, 2020



Sophomore year at Oahu U is underway! Now if only basketball started already! Another two months I have to wait!

Liv, Diggie, better see you at my games! Love you both! Peyton, you should stop by, too! Get the full college experience and come to a game.

Aug. 22nd, 2020



Classes are going very well for me and my job isn't bad either. I would have to say that life is pretty good at the moment.

Jul. 12th, 2020



I am happy to say that we have found a house in Storybrooke and I absolutely love it. I will also be starting college in Oahu. Going to be transporting back and forth but it’s going to be worth it. Fourth of July was also amazing. I am probably going to be planning a house warming party here soon so look for invites and the date of the party. I can’t wait for my friends and family to see our home.

May. 22nd, 2020



[Liv, Diggie]
Parade tonight! Like the Disney one! Want to go?

May. 11th, 2020




May. 10th, 2020




Ann, thank you for taking me in and being my Ohana mom here. I really appreciate all you have done for me.



I've spent all my life being sad on this day because I didn't have a mom but not I'm anymore because I have my mom's message to watch on DVD and I have an adoptive mom that I adore. Ann, Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for all you've done for me since I've gotten here. I'm so lucky to have you.

On another happy note, tomorrow I turn 18! I wish my dads were here to celebrate with me.

May. 1st, 2020



I am loving being 18…I don't know why but I just feel free, I can't wait until graduation. I think I am going to take online classes so that I can work and go to school at the same time. I really want to go into psychology.

Apr. 1st, 2020



I've only been 18 a few days, but I just want to say that I had a great time. Spent it dancing, eating fatty foods. Once I graduate from high school, I fully plan on taking classes at a University and finding a place of my own with mine and Jack's future children. I have been dreaming about this moment since they both arrived.

Mar. 20th, 2020



Tomorrow, you and me, a date! I have missed you!

I brought a dress! Lol.

[Aimee, Ann, Olive]
I’ll be home late tomorrow night. I will be with Diggie but I didn’t want you three to worry.

Mar. 7th, 2020


Who: Sarah Connor and Maddie Rooney
What: Meeting for lunch
When: Backdated 2/17/20
Where: Oahu

A bit of normalcy...until you find out you were a fictional character... )

Feb. 11th, 2020


I’m feeling a little out of place here. I’m ready to make new friend and venture out into the world. Anyone want to join me?

Jan. 16th, 2020



It has been a very interesting 2020 so far. Our basketball team at Oahu U is doing pretty darn good so far! I have a make shift family here that is super, Ann, Aimee, Liv! And now my sister is here! And just as good as that, Diggie is here, too! All in all 2020 is starting off pretty great!

[Ann, Aimee, Olive]
I would like to have my Liv and Diggie over for dinner one night so we can all hang out and you three can get to know the two of them better. Would that be alright?

If Ann says ok, and when we pick a date, I want to have you and Diggie here to get to know Ann, Aimee and Liv better. Will you come?

I have missed you. I want you to come here for dinner one night. I want you to know my family here.

Jan. 12th, 2020



[Maxie/Mom ( seperate )]

Some people from my home are here!


Your sister is here.


So Alexnder tells me you two met the other day!


Hiya cousin.



This can't be real, this can't be real. It can't be... can it?

Jan. 6th, 2020



Oahu basketball season is underway! Bam, what! Here’s the schedule if anyone wants to check out our games: (inserted link here)

I just want to say thank you for being an amazing “mom” for me here. I know my mom and dad would love you. Liv, too. And the boys. I am looking forward to this year with you.

Dec. 17th, 2019



Filtered 15 - 21 + cousins

Hey you guuuuuuuuuuuuyyyyyysssssssssss.

Who's ready to party on Saturday?>!

Now, this won't be a famous Tasha Metz rager. Nope! It will be a classy not tashy Xmas bash that everyone of all ages can enjoy! There will be games, karaoke, music, dancing, food, and FUN! BYOB but don't get wasted or me and Lita will throw your ass oooout. This will be tame but not lame, I can promise that!

WEAR AN UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEAR!! [time details for Saturday and adddress]

Dec. 12th, 2019



Thought I should jump on this network. I haven't been on this thing since November.

Dec. 10th, 2019



I am not made for this cold weather! Spring and Summer needs to get back here stat. I want to surf, and going sailing, and spend my days lazying on the beach. It's the best. Can we just skip winter?

Dec. 7th, 2019



Thank you Ann for my 18th birthday dinner yesterday! I really appreciated it! Thank you, Aimee, Max, and Billy for coming along, too. You all make me feel at home more, even when I still miss Liv. I do not know what I would do without you all.

Dec. 3rd, 2019



Do you want to come to that Ugly Sweater class with me?



"Ugly" Sweater Workshop


Create and design the cutest "Ugly" Holiday Sweater at my two-hour workshop.

Ages 12-17 | All supplies included. Bring your own sweatshirt.

Location: Delacour Fashions, New London
Date/Time: Saturday, December 7th, 12-2pm

Sign up please so we can accommodate for all coming. Thank you. See you there.

Dec. 2nd, 2019



I am about to be 18 years old this week and this is my first time celebrating my birthday without my twin.

Nov. 13th, 2019



It is still kind of strange being here without Liv and my brothers, even, nor my parents. With the holidays coming up it is even stranger.

[Ann, Aimee, Olive]
Do you both do anything for Thanksgiving every year?

Oct. 25th, 2019



Want to go to a Halloween party with me? Do you know Tasha? She posted about it online. I thought we could go together. Safety in numbers and all. Bring Maxi.



Filtered to 15 - 21 year olds

Don't know about you guys, but I'm not into going to masked balls. We need a party for us on Halloween so that's what I'm going to put together. Location TBA. I'll send it out night of. BYOB. I'm looking at you, 21 year olds. Come through for us plz. Everyone better dress up! The sluttier the better ;D

Oct. 3rd, 2019



So I was supposed to be getting on a plane to go away to college, but I tripped and fell in the airport and somehow ended up on a completely different planet?

Okay. It just would have been nice if the gem took Oliver, too.

But hey! The people at the Welcome Center are really cool, and they've set me up with my own place in Oahu. I may have grown up in Malibu, but I've always wanted to go to Hawaii.

Right, my name. I'm Lilly Truscott, and I look forward to getting to know a bunch of new people.

Sep. 25th, 2019



What do you two think about pets?

Hey, you. How is everything? What's new?

Do either of you have plans for Halloween?

Aug. 12th, 2019



[ posted before 6pm]


Ann said we can get pizza when she goes on her date tonight. What kind do you like?


Ann has a date tonight. Want to come over and hang out?

Aug. 11th, 2019



So apparently I need a guardian since I am still 17 years old until November 6th. I graduated high school already, so I could also use some advice on a university with a basketball team if one exists here.

Does anyone want to take in an almost 18-year-old surrogate teenager for a few months while I find a college?