May 2024



Posts Tagged: 'jack+kline+%28lucijr%29'

Apr. 6th, 2021



You guys, If you have not gone to the musical at least once if not multiple times, I highly recommend that you do. I have a very talented boyfriend in it. Plus, I have more exciting news, I got accepted into the University in Ohau. I will be surrounded by sunshine and beaches all while obtaining a business degree. I can't wait for graduation from high school.



All this reading to do for school, I swear I drink more cups of coffee in a day then anyone probably drinks in a week. Papers and reading galore...but I am almost finished with my first year of college and then I get a much needed break. I plan to spend it with my family.

Apr. 5th, 2021



For my 34th birthday (which is almost over), all I want is for the girl I love to come over and snuggle while watching bad movies.

Mar. 10th, 2021



So. According to Momzilla (the most fitting nickname I could possibly give Rachelle at this time), I need to make more friends and not let my entire world revolve around music and my girlfriend.

I know better than to argue with The Hormone Queen, so here I am.

For those who don't know me, I'm Aubrey Blackhall. Originally from London, moved to Los Angeles with my father and sister when his job as a Watcher relocated him.

After Rachelle took me under her wing, I chose to stay with her, Neely, and Morgan when my father and sister moved back to London.

I'm 20 years old, I'm the bassist of A Woman Scorned, and I'm dating the beautiful and perfect Aurora Knight. I enjoy rock music, video games, writing hilariously emo poetry, and writing music.

Feb. 7th, 2021




So next week is Valentines Day....what do you say that we get a hotel room and we just spend some time together?

Dec. 25th, 2020



Apparently, I'm here on Christmas. Oh well... that hasn't really meant anything to me in years.

I heard that the bunker is here, so I'm going to check that out and see if there's room for me there. I can't really see myself going anywhere else yet.

They should I should introduce myself while I'm on here so yeah... I'm Claire. That's all you really need to know for now.

Nov. 24th, 2020



Winchesters & close friends
Peyton wants to have Thanksgiving at our house in Storybrooke. Would you guys want to come?

Nov. 16th, 2020



Family Members


Let's start planning Thanksgiving….if you all want to come to Storybrooke, I can host Thanksgiving. We will just need a menu. I know that Aunt Piper is the best cook. But come on, I think that we can all pitch in and bring something. What do you all say?

Oct. 22nd, 2020



Filtered to Jack

Hey, so we got invited to do something for Halloween. What do you say? We dress up in a couple's costume and we go have some fun.

Sep. 8th, 2020



I must admit, I'm a little restless here.

Sure, playing house is fun and all, but I kinda miss back home.

Aug. 22nd, 2020



I feel like my ever towering of homework assignments are never ending…...

Aug. 17th, 2020



I understand there is a queen of the underworld here.

I would very much like to meet this Queen Shiklah.

Aug. 14th, 2020



Family & Friends

BBQ this Saturday. At my fixer-upper in Sunnydale.

Bring anyone and everyone. I don't care.

I wanna make a night of it.

Jul. 12th, 2020



I am happy to say that we have found a house in Storybrooke and I absolutely love it. I will also be starting college in Oahu. Going to be transporting back and forth but it’s going to be worth it. Fourth of July was also amazing. I am probably going to be planning a house warming party here soon so look for invites and the date of the party. I can’t wait for my friends and family to see our home.

May. 14th, 2020



I know that it hasn't been great for everyone else, but the heat has seemed to amplify my powers. I knew that they were always there, but I never really never did anything with them. I think now is the time.

Sam and Dean are not gonna like this...

May. 1st, 2020



I am loving being 18…I don't know why but I just feel free, I can't wait until graduation. I think I am going to take online classes so that I can work and go to school at the same time. I really want to go into psychology.

Apr. 7th, 2020



Aunt Piper
Hey Aunt Piper. I want to thank you for everything and being my guardian. I don't know what I would do without you. With that being said, ever since I have gotten here and have been working and saving. I think it's time I get my own place.

Dean (Son)
Hey, so I talked to your sister. I'm going to be looking for a house or an apartment for us. How would you feel to finally be a family living together. It would only be you, me, and Perri, but your father will stay every once in awhile.

So instead of a bunker, I'm going to look for a small house or an apartment for me and the kids to live in. That way, when you are fully ready to want to live with us we can look into a bunker. I hope that you'll visit often and remember to come up with a list of things you want to do and explore and we will make it happen.

Apr. 1st, 2020



Bunker Fam + Rangers

[backdated to Saturday]

Who wants to help myself and Dean move today? We promise a BBQ and beer at the end of it to reward you.



Alexia Ripley
Do you have some time for me? I'd like to talk about something in person.

SPN Crew
So who all is still living in the bunker? I was thinking about running a little business out of here with all of the space that has been clearing up lately.

Mar. 27th, 2020



Today, I officially turn 18. I spent the day with Perri with getting nails done and out to lunch. I want to go out and celebrate tonight...So I will be at the Bronze tonight if anyone wants to join. Feel like dancing the night away.

Mar. 1st, 2020




Sooooo….I was thinking. Since I will be turning 18 soon. What do you think of us finally getting a place in the middle between my family and your family? I know we have talked about it and I'm ready to make that move if you are. We can have Dean and Perri move in with us and finally be a family. I can go to school and earn a degree and get a job to help pay for everything. What do you think?

Feb. 5th, 2020



Next week is Valentines Day....what to do what to do.

Jan. 16th, 2020



I realize that at my age, you can experience physical change rapidly, and almost without warning... but holy crap. I just saw a picture of myself from a year and a half ago when I first arrived. And to think I actually look like a girl now. Gotta give my homie Eve most of the credit for that one.

Dec. 5th, 2019



SPN people and family/adjacent

So I haven't really decided if I want to live in the bunker with Dean and the others, or with Sam and Jessica in their house. I think that the best way to decide is to get to know everyone better.

For those of you that I haven't met yet, my name is Cara. I met Sam and Dean when I was very little. Lilith got bored and possessed me for a bit. For many years, I had convinced myself that it was a dream. That is... until I found the blood-covered pink dress that I had been wearing when Lilith slaughtered my cat. That was when I snapped. I remembered snapping my grandfather's neck and how I had treated everyone in general. I know that it wasn't me, but at the same time... I still feel like it sort of was.

It's been many years since all of that happened and I've learned to live with it. I don't really have my own interests yet, because ever since I found the dress, I've just been the weird, quiet kid in the corner. I'm hoping to find myself while I am here.

Nov. 22nd, 2019



Who has the best apple pie on this planet?

Nov. 17th, 2019



I can't even begin to be surprised by this place.

Sam & Dean Winchester, I see both of your names on this list... more than once. I'm not sure if any of you remember me, but I'm Pat Fremont's granddaughter, Cara. I'm only sixteen, so I can't exactly go out on my own. Could one of you possibly come and get me?

Oct. 1st, 2019



Ugh after all these assignments I have that are due by next week, I'm gonna need a fun weekend next weekend. This weekend is dedicated to homework and snack breaks...

Sep. 6th, 2019



I hope that everyone found success during their blind dates. Everyone deserves a chance at finding someone. I know I like the guy that I'm seeing...and I met him on a new years eve blind date last year.

Aug. 5th, 2019



I must be dumb or just too incredibly busy having fun and doing things with my future kids that I forgot my own birthday that was back in June. So now I just have to wait a year and then I’ll be an adult and my kids don’t have to in different places. Also, I’ll be starting my senior year of high school. I’m nervous but excited.

BUT, Jack and I took a vacation to Disneyland and had the most incredible time. I love this guy....sometimes I think I’m dreaming because my life is such a happy one right now.

Jul. 23rd, 2019



Can’t believe that I will be a senior in high school this year. I have been doing part time at Hogwarts and part time in normal high school so I can get the best of both worlds. It’s hard but I have tackled worse. Next year I will be attending the university and have no idea what I want to do yet. Maybe go into psychology like my mom did.....I’m very good at that. And I’ll also be 18....I so can’t wait.

Do you wanna go on a little vacation? Just the two of us. We can go to Genovia or Walt Disney World. Which do you prefer?

Jul. 4th, 2019



filtered to The Bunker [backdated 07/01]

Did you guys want to come to a BBQ at the beach?

Jul. 1st, 2019



All Halliwells. How about we all get together for the fourth. Bring our significant others and future kids or present kids? Just one big family get together.



So glad to have my little brother here. The duo is back together again.

Jun. 26th, 2019



Filtered to Jack

So don’t freak out...but we have another future kid. A son this time.

Jun. 22nd, 2019



Pivate to Summer; as Well as Their Friends and Family

How do I even start this?

Most of you know that I'm not good with words. But I want us all go out together. Next Saturday. No burgers or pie. Somewhere fancy. Dressing up. Good company. Good food. Good booze. Everything.

Let me know if you can come and I'll do the rest.

Private to Adam
We'll get you something to eat before. You're family. I want you there.

Private to Charlie and Sam
I want this to go well. Summer--she's family. I haven't said it to her yet, but she's family.

May. 30th, 2019



(OOC: Because I forgot that Peyton threw Jack a surprise birthday party for him last week, we are going to handwave the thread and just go into the aftermath of it! So feel free to comment if you character went)

Jack's birthday party was such a fun event, that it tired me out for a couple days afterwards. I hope that everyone that came had fun too. I just wanted him to know that he is surrounded by great people. But seriously, didn't know I could dance like that.

May. 12th, 2019



It feels so weird to be 16 and my future daughter that is 15 coming up and saying happy mother’s day to me. She gave me this beautiful card and flowers. And she is going to be making me dinner tonight too. I am the happiest I’ve ever been with a future daughter, an amazing boyfriend. Life is great right now.

Filtered away from Jack
So I am planning a surprise party for Jacks birthday. I am going to rent a big room somewhere and going to have amazing food, music, decorations. If you know Jack please let me know if you will be coming. It will be Friday May 17 at 6:30 pm until whenever.

May. 9th, 2019



Who: Perri, Peyton and Jack
When: Thursday afternoon
What: Family bonding and Perri’s new power comes out.
Status/Rating: Incomplete....Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: not yet lol

I don’t know what to do, I’m so sorry )

May. 4th, 2019



Filtered to her Uncle Dean (NOT AU)

I need your help. I think you guys are the only ones that can help me either to control it or get rid of it.


I did something bad....very very bad. I don't know how to control it. Don't tell mom or anything, but I think I came into a new power, and I don't think it's a good one either.

May. 3rd, 2019



Ugh, I don't feel well at all. I have a migraine from hell and I keep throwing up and my throat is on fire, can't stop coughing which is why I'm throwing up. This is just awful.

Apr. 21st, 2019



filtered to Peyton and Perri [backdated to 04/17/2019]

Hey do you want to do something for Easter? Dean is having a BBQ.

Apr. 17th, 2019




Dean wasn't the best person to get to know in any given circumstance. If anything over his years on Galador he'd become even more of a recluse. He had family in the bunker and a girlfriend(?) that he rarely spoke to. Maybe it was time to change that. He wasn't as tech savvy as his brother Sam, or his friend/surrogate sister, Charlie, but he decided to try.

Bunker Family & Extended Family
The weather's warming up. BBQ, anyone?

I'm gonna try to wrangle my family into a BBQ sometime soon, if you wanna join us.

If not. Maybe a beach date sometime soon?

He wanted to give her an out if she didn't want to meet 'the family', but he still wanted to make an effort for them to spend time together. It was about time, honestly.

Mar. 19th, 2019



I have to say that life is pretty good right now. I have an amazing boyfriend, Perri is such an awesome future daughter, I have my family around me. Nothing can keep me down.

How was your date? I want details.

Mar. 9th, 2019



What is gong on? And how did I get from Los Angeles to here? Lucifer?

Mar. 8th, 2019



What do you say that for spring break, me, you and Perri go camping? I think it would be fun to go out and do something for a few days.

Feb. 14th, 2019



I really am in hell, aren't I?

Jan. 26th, 2019



[Under the truth fog...] [video]

[Adam looks pensive]

I wasn't sure if I should tell people this, because it can lead to a lot of problems. It always does. But... I feel like I got to. S'not fair, like... playing with the cheat codes on. If I know an' no one else does.

[A beat]

I'm the Anti-Christ. I almost ended the world once 'cause I was in a bad mood.


I got better.

Jan. 4th, 2019



Mom is gone, but I know she'll be back, cause clearly I need to be born.

I need to blow off some steam tonight, anyone want to go dancing?

Dec. 11th, 2018



So what are the Halliwells doing for Christmas? Otherwise, I can think of something, I just wanted some family time that's all.

Dec. 10th, 2018



voice post: mary campbell

Okay, I think I'm getting the hang of this, but this can't really be a phone, can it? It was just 1973 and now I'm in the future AND on another planet? This is...a little much.