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Posts Tagged: 'hera+syndulla+%28hera_syndulla_%29'

Nov. 11th, 2020






Sep. 29th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 9

Day nine.

I saw a couple of people from Star Wars walk in today, and for a split-second, I thought one of them was gonna approach me and say "Jyn Erso, is that you?" Then I remembered I don't look like that anymore (having looked as such for 23 years will do that to a girl), and I don't know whether to be thankful that I'm a ghost here, or worried about the actual Jyn-E should she exist here. Last I personally saw of her, she died as the very thing she started the process of destroying completely bodied the planet she was on, but hey... anyone's liable to show up in this place, so there's a little hope I'll come across her eventually.

Anyway, aside from that, this page is gonna be a little short. I forgot to set a day for when me and Beatriz were going to let "the blind [lead] the blind," so I don't fully know when that's going down. I've not heard from Mouse in a minute, and I'm curious as to her whereabouts now. Oh, and my fiancee Jenny (not the one who died getting the Death Star plans to the Rebels, the one who was a wrestler like me) met a gender-flipped Harry... Harrie Potter.



I never properly thanked Rachelle and Jenny for helping me out with that yesterday... thanks, you two.

Apr. 7th, 2020



I'm not used to saying this, but... life is damn good right now.

We're in a world with no trace of The Empire. I have two different versions of my son. Kanan is with me again, and is about to be on the Jedi Council. I have a good job as Queen Irinia's personal pilot. And in Lorelei Gilmore, I have a best friend - something I wasn't sure my life would ever have room for.

I've come a long way from how I felt just a year and a half ago.

Jan. 30th, 2020



A boy whistled at me in Commerceport today. Yelled something about me being "so damn sexy".

I wanted to tell him I was old enough to be his mother. But then I'd feel old. So I just smirked and kept walking.

Have to admit... while he was kind of being sleazy... it felt good for someone to think I was so much younger than I am.

Mar. 31st, 2019



Space Battle with Annihilus' Forces

Who: Hera, OT all, multiple threads encouraged!
Where: Space, near Galador's orbit
When: Sunday morning
What: Fending off Annihilus' fleet

Maybe it was the experience she had battling The Empire. Maybe it was the fact that she'd been positively itching for some action. Hell, maybe it was both... but Hera wasn't scared going into this. Not even nervous. No... if anything, flying The Ghost into a firefight, with Kanan at her side, felt like home. Far from the knowing suicide mission she'd flown to stop the beast terrorizing Monstropolis a few months back, this was a cool, confident Hera: the general that had liberated Lothal and been a beacon of heroism to The Rebel Alliance.

Looking at her scanners, Hera smirked proudly, seeing all the forces that had placed their faith in her leadership for this mission. There were everything from starfighters, to armored humans, to the famed Spaceknights of Galador - all awaiting her command. And coming from ahead? The fleet Annihilus had put together. Far from the collected, disciplined, structured army of Thanos, this was more like a pirate squad: ships of all different makes and sizes, no order or strategy to their formation, more like a swarm of locusts looking to decimate anything it passed.

Looking over at Kanan, she took a moment to appreciate this moment. Her one true love, the man she trusted more than anyone in the universe, finally at her side again. She felt like she could take on the whole galaxy right now. She reached over, tapping her commlink to talk to the others in the battle.

"Alright everyone... time to show this guy why he's messing with the wrong planet. Blow these guys out of space. FOR GALADOR!"

She looked at Kanan, giving him a wink.

"Time to show these people what the Rebels can do... ready to do this, love?"

Mar. 28th, 2019



Attention, all citizens and refugees -

After completing recon to investigate a warning given to our doctors by a Kree pilot who crash-landed here two days ago, we've obtained information that proves the warlord known as Annihilus is heading towards Galador. While we don't believe this planet to be his actual destination, what we have learned about him shows that nothing near him is ever safe. And for the sake of wherever he is headed, we need to cut him off, and either defeat or deter him.

Most of you here on Galador will be going about your normal daily lives. But as Queen Irinia's personal pilot and General of the Galadorian Military, I am calling on all pilots, military personnel, Spaceknights, and anyone versed in space combat to join in me protecting not only our planet, but any others in danger of being attacked.

Sunday morning, we will depart from the docking bays of Mos Eisley Spaceport, after a short debriefing to get everyone on the same page. I would like to see anyone who will be going with us reply to this post. There is no room for error here, so anyone I do not feel 100% confident about will be quickly and curtly turned down.

Anyone at all who has any questions regarding this mission, feel free to ask and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Feb. 18th, 2019




Are you alright?

I know I've kept my distances, but I wanted you to have time to adjust.

Feb. 12th, 2019



Private to Queen Irinia
Your Majesty... with your permission, I need to take a couple of days off. I... I'm sorry, I'm just very shaken right now. Will this be a problem?

Private to Lorelei Gilmore
Lor... this is either about to the be the best or worst day of my life.



voice post
What is this?

Hera? Ezra?

Feb. 7th, 2019



Who: Hera Syndulla
Where: Mos Eisley Docking Bays, onboard The Ghost
When: Thursday night
What: Poor Hera has to sing again
Status: Closed, complete

When You're Gone )

Jan. 30th, 2019



If I can find someone to watch Jacen tonight... I think it's time I go out and let loose a little.

Any recommendations for a good place for a few drinks?

Dec. 10th, 2018



Who: Aurora, Morgan and Hera
When: Saturday
Where: Mos Eisley Spaceport
What: Hera gets a little sunshine in her life
Rating: Low
Status: Closed; Complete

Unlikely friends )

Nov. 3rd, 2018



Well... looks like I'm back. Would've been nice if I could've at least seen Kanan while I was gone...

Sep. 26th, 2018



I try not to put too much of myself out there for all to see. I don't like feeling weak, or vulnerable, or worse... needy.

But sometimes even I need to vent a little. Feel free to skim right past this post... I'm just writing it in place of having anyone to actually relate to about it.

I have friends here... yet I've never felt more alone.

I have a child... yet I've no idea how to be a mother.

I hate being lonely... yet I can't get myself to be even slightly interested in anyone. Because I want him to come back to me. Nobody else.

In a way... I'm almost angry at him. I was just fine on my own, until he had to come along and make me love him. Father a child he won't even get to hold. Leave this life and take my heart with him.

War is a terrible thing. You can't be surprised when lives are lost. But damn... it sure doesn't hurt any less.

Apr. 4th, 2018



You know, you really don't know how much you are alone in a place until you start missing somebody. I know that I should get out and meet new people and friends, but when I'm laying here in my own thoughts, I start thinking about people back home. Yes, this place isn't bad, but I just wish my husband was here.

Dec. 1st, 2017



Well, this is new, and definitely Choppers fault this time.