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Posts Tagged: 'delilah+zamora+%28electricdelilah%29'

Jun. 28th, 2021



Do we have any magic shops open here? I ran one at home, and, while I'd happily open it here as well, I'd also be happy to work at one if we already have one or several.

Mar. 30th, 2021



It's about time. I thought they were going to keep me in that hospital for another week. I see that there are a few familiar names from home here. Not yet convinced the First Evil isn't here. Giles, can you see this?

Jan. 5th, 2021



You know what one of the things about home is that I miss?

The slayers feeling like a sisterhood.

For real: we had weekly meetings, training sessions, gatherings just for the hell of it... we were family.

I know we got a few slayers here, too - so why aren't we closer? C'mon, really. Let's change that.

Dec. 22nd, 2020



We are taught, from an extremely young age, that attachment is forbidden. That when we lose someone dear to us... not to mourn, and to instead celebrate that they are now one with The Force.

And while it is not an easy thing to do... I have managed, for quite a long time, to do just that. Even with the number of friends I've lost to war, both by death and by betrayal, I keep to the Jedi creed.

But now that, in this place, the new Jedi Order is encouraging embracing attachment, I'm finding that allowing myself to miss those I've lost is both surprisingly natural, and incredibly painful.

Padme. Satine. Qui-Gon. Cody. Master Yoda. Allowing myself to miss them is both relieving and crushing.

Nov. 4th, 2020



I've had quite a few people now ask me who I'm pulling for on Idol this season. I guess they just assume I have a vested interest since I was on it last year.

I admit I haven't really been paying attention, but after being asked enough times, I checked it out. None of them are really my style, but I think I personally dig Spencer the most. Girl's got style and attitude all her own.

Not shitting on anyone though. They're all talented. I just like my music a little more on the R&B side of things. Just because I'm a dark warlock doesn't mean I can't play the hell out of Penelope Park's album.

Oct. 20th, 2020



Filtered to anyone over 21

So... I'm trying. I'm trying really hard not to let myself turn into a total disaster.

Sofia's been a godsend. And one of the best lays I've had in years She took Kate and I in, and is making sure that we all feel like a family, not a bunch of people trying not to fall apart.

I've managed to stop drinking myself half to death every night. I still have a bad habit of going to a bar or club, and playing an oh-so-fun game of "who's bed did I just wake up in?"... but I'm working on it. Some days are easier than others.

The loneliness is just... crippling. I found my soulmate, my one true love, and had her yanked away from me with no warning. My heart is shattered, and I just can't seem to recover.

I don't know what to do. I really don't.

Aug. 20th, 2020



I've always prided myself on being a positive, upbeat person. No matter what life threw at me, I stayed that way. I think life finally won the battle. I don't feel like being happy and perky anymore. I'm tired.

Any chance you want a few extra days off? I was hoping I could take a few of your shifts, just to keep me busy and not thinking about the shitshow my life suddenly turned into.

Aug. 12th, 2020



This is...not how I expected to spend my day. The list of people here threw me for a pretty hard loop, too, but I'm told that happens a lot.

I suppose introductions are in order. Hello Galador, I'm Delilah.