April 2024



Posts Tagged: 'bella+cullen+%28oflambs%29'

Jun. 5th, 2021



I have recently decided that I like my full name, Renesmee. I am going to start going by that more often, especially as I begin high school in the fall.

Can I have a boy/girl party this year as a late graduation party for me and all my friends?

I asked my mom if I could have a boy/girl party since we almost all graduated this year? I hope she says yes.

Do you think it is weird to have a boy/girl party when I do not even like anyone right now? I just thought it would be fun to invite some of my boy - friends from school, and then you all could do the same.

Apr. 6th, 2021



Oh. My. God.

The royal wedding was so much fun. I'm honored to have been part of it.

And after the reception? Was even better. Best night of my life.

Mar. 9th, 2021



I wish there was a way I could have a child. I have always wanted one.

Mar. 1st, 2021



Can I invite some friends over for my birthday this year? Please.

[Arianna, Dani, Prim]
How have you girls been? I feel like it has been forever since I have seen you all.

We need to make a point to catch up more than once a year. How is everything going? What have you been up to?

I turn 13 in 2 days! And high school this fall! I am kind of nervous but also excited!

Jan. 23rd, 2021



To Jocelyn's Friends and Family
The love of my life, Luke, asked me to marry him.

I've never been happier.

I'm not going to share the details, that's something for the two of us.

We should have a girls' night out. Tell me what you think.

Jan. 10th, 2021



This year we get to have birthday cake for Emmett's birthday. Another reason to thank Mackayla. And we're having the hugest order of wings.

Dec. 8th, 2020



[The Secret Society]
(Chibi, Claudia, Stacey, Abra, Dizzy)
Do you girls want to go shopping for Christmas gifts? I only have my mom left and my older self. What do you get your older self for Christmas? That should be the easiest gift.

can I go shopping with some of the girls this weekend? I have a few gifts left to buy.

Nov. 10th, 2020



Anyone else still having 'what if' feelings since the purge? I don't know how else to describe it. I'm done mourning. I miss Noah, but I'm not gonna spend my life grieving, either. But I still find myself wondering what if.

Would I have made a good wife? A good mother?
Would I have retired early? Focused on family?

I keep wondering those things and it frustrates me.

Private to Whitney Dean-Ramirez
Hey, hon. Just checking on you. How's everything? You've gotta be so proud of Neveah.

Sep. 10th, 2020



I'm playing Nana the dog and a Lost Boy, or I guess girl, in Peter Pan the next two months! This is so exciting!

[her Jake]
Will you come to see me in Peter Pan?

[Prim, Cassie]
Will you two come and see me in Peter Pan? I got two small roles in it! I am very excited!

[All Cullens + older Jake, including other Nessie]
I’m in a show! I’m in Peter Pan! Will you guys all come to see it? October 2nd it opens. In storeybrooke at the annex theater.

Sep. 3rd, 2020



This is not good. I have no idea where my daughter is, but she is not with me. I am not happy.

Carlisle, I did see your name on the list.

And two Bella's! As if one was not enough. No Edward, though. Renesmee is here, though.

May I come to stay with you for now?

Sep. 2nd, 2020



Friends and Family

Luke appeared a few days ago. I have the love of my life here!

Aug. 6th, 2020



I really like The Salvatore School. Thank you Mom for letting me go to a school this year. I am a day student but I did make a friend already in my class. So far, so good.

Do you want to come by the house this weekend and hang out?

Jul. 27th, 2020



How have you been? We have not spoken in awhile, since... Well, you know. It was nice to see you at Erin's for a bit for cake for Cassie. I miss hanging out with you.

I am not asking for right away but I was wondering if I could have some money to go shopping with Cassie for some outfits for school in the fall for myself since I will be at a school this year.

Jul. 21st, 2020



To All of Jocelyn's new friends and Clary

I feel so lucky to have met so many wonderful women. In New York, it wasn't safe to have friends.

I want to have a BBQ on Saturday night, here is my address. [Gives address.]

You don't need to bring anything but yourselves, oh you might want to bring a bathing suit for the pool or hot tub.

I look forward to getting to know each of you better.

I think it will be fun.

I hope all of you can come. (Don't worry it's a small group of people.)

Jul. 8th, 2020



A person can be lonely in a crowd. There are plenty of people at the institute, Clary, my daughter, and I are very close.

I need girlfriends, it's not fair to Clary to put so much pressure on her.

I miss Luke.

May. 22nd, 2020



Want to come watch the parade with me?

I invited Jacob to watch the parade, too. I thought it would be fun for you to see him again, even a different version of him.

[Younger Jake]
Want to come watch the parade with us?

May. 12th, 2020



It is so hot.

Mom, can we go to the pool or the beach? We could bring an umbrella so we do not burn, but think how nice the water will feel.

Apr. 6th, 2020



This is a bit much.

Apr. 2nd, 2020



Renesmee, Vanessa, Edward, are any of you here? I saw some of you on the list they showed me. Does anyone know any of the Cullen's?

Mar. 30th, 2020



This isn't quite what I meant when I said I wanted to get out of Forks. Dad is going to freak out.

Mar. 26th, 2020



This woman could use more friends. She seems sweet. I think you would like her. Plus she offered to take me and maybe you on a flying tour of her world. I would like to see you branch out a little from home, too, without Dad here again.

Also, let's talk about school in the fall. Have you given it any more thought as registration for the fall is approaching.

Mar. 13th, 2020



[Bella, Edward]
Mom, Dad, could we go see The Masked Singer Live? Please. Miss Faith Lehane offered us frew tickets here.


Feb. 4th, 2020



[Filtered to the Cullens and the following friends]

[Tia, Erin, Cassie, Gina, Prim, Bo Adams [info]tobelieve, Dani, Madi, Maggie [info]botanicool, Arianna, Zoomer, Hollis?, Lila, Missy

(ooc: All of the following were invited and came last year, plus a few new names added to the list this year)

The Invite )

[Aunt Alice, Renesmee (AU), Grandpa and Grandma, Jacob, Uncle Jasper, Dad and Mom]
I sent out the invites by email. I thought that was the easiest way to get them to everyone to make sure everyone saw it on time. Aunt Alice, can you help with makeovers again? Everyone else, I am so excited and glad you all do not mind me having a party again this year.

(ooc: Cake and Pizza at 6pm and then around 8ish is the spa/sleepover part of the evening after the guys leave)

Feb. 3rd, 2020



I am turning 12 in a month. I want to have a birthday party but I am not sure what kind to have. Does anyone have any fun suggestions if my parents allow me to have a party?

[Mom, Dad]
Can I maybe have a birthday party and invite some people my own age. My old friends are suddenly too old for me, or at least that is how I feel. Do you think this would be a bad idea? Maybe a sleepover again in the house outside? Less kids this time, just my closest friends and maybe a few new ones.

Hi. I am glad you still want to hang out. Want to look into the sewing class with me this weekend in New London?

Hi. Would you want to do one of those sewing classes again with me this weekend in New London? The same place as we did the Ugly Christmas Sweater one.
(ooc: I know she’s on hiatus but I’ll leave this here because Nessie would still ask her.)

[Missy Cooper]
Sheldon is your brother, yes? Why is he so hard to get along with? I do not have any siblings.

We haven’t talked in forever. How have you been? What have you been up to?

Jan. 31st, 2020



Is anyone else doing this writers workshop: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/freedomtownic/2559711.html

[Mom, Dad]
Can I sign up for this writing workshop? It lasts three Saturday’s in the end of February until March. Can you check it out? It’s in New Orleans.

Jan. 16th, 2020


Who: Edward Cullen and Bella Cullen
What: Edward’s arrival, and moving into the mansion.
When: Late October, backdated
Where: Bella Cullen’s mansion
Rating: PG
Status: Finished, Completed.

Edward's Arrival )

Jan. 10th, 2020



[Mom, Dad]
Any word on if The Salvatore School will let me do a tour of the school for the fall? I hope so. Have you two even discussed it yet? I will miss doing homeschooling and being with you both all the time but I want to make some friends my age. I think the school can teach me more about myself.

Hi. Want to hang out this weekend?

Hi! How are you doing? Want to hang out one day this weekend?

How have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever.

Jan. 4th, 2020



I feel like I'm the luckiest woman in the world. My husband, my daughters are here. I miss people from back home but I'm grateful for the ones the gem has brought here.

Are you busy with this weekend beautiful girl?

little Renesmee
Did you want to go shopping before school started again?

Dec. 18th, 2019



Can we go see the North Pole that popped up recently? And invite along the whole family. You wanted to do more family stuff and this is the perfect opportunity!

Dec. 15th, 2019



So last night I slept at Cassie's house, this afternoon I went home and I took a little nap. The next thing I know I woke up just a few minutes ago and I am suddenly 11 years old again.

I can actually remember the last year of my life, my friends and going to school, but l also have only been physically alive for almost two years. That part I understand. I mean it’s part of who I am, immortal. And a rapid ager. I don’t look my age basically.

What I don’t understand is why I went from being 14 to 11 in a matter of hours. Is this another glitch of the gem? I had stopped rapid aging for awhile and now all of a sudden I am back tracking my age. So does this mean on my next birthday when I turn 2 I will look 12 and begin aging quickly again?

Mom. Are you home? What is going on? And to top it off I just saw a sleigh go overhead!

[Tia, Cassie, Erin]
I am apparently 11 years old again. Gem glitched and brought me backwards.

[Tanner, Prim, Gina]
Gem glitched and brought me backwards.

Dec. 12th, 2019



Filtered away from kids who believe in Santa

You know what baffles me? Seeing movies where Santa Claus exists, yet people grow up to no longer believe in him. What do the parents think when there happens to be more presents for their kids than what they got for them?

Dec. 3rd, 2019



Can I go to the Ugly Sweater class in New London this weekend? Please. Prim is going and she is asking Gina to go, too.

Want to sign up for the Ugly Christmas class with me? Prim is going, and Gina might, too.

[Erin, Cassie]
There is an ugly Christmas class this weekend in New London. Do you two want to come?

Nov. 27th, 2019



I know it’s still a month away but can I have a New Years party? Just a few friends.

[Tia, Prim, Tanner, Zoomer, Lila, Erin, Regina, Billy]
I know we still have to get past Thanksgiving and Christmas but if my parents say ok, would you all like to have a New Years party together?

You can bring Tony. And you two don’t have to stay all night if you even can come at all.

Nov. 26th, 2019



Why is growing up so difficult? In all areas of life.

Nov. 16th, 2019


Doing Princess shit on a Saturday be like. [ Picture some sparking 'cause Twilight vamp in the sun hah ]

Oct. 27th, 2019



This nice girl named Lila offered to go trick or treating with me Thursday. Can she come over after school to meet you and you can make sure you will allow me to go?

Oct. 16th, 2019



Jasper is on his way! Finally.

He'll be arriving on Galador soon.

Oct. 2nd, 2019



High school is not at all what I expected so far. It is so different.

Everyone had a date for this dance except me. Sometimes I feel so childish next to all my friends. Even Tia, who is younger than me.

[Mom, Dad]
Can I have a few of my friends over this weekend? Not a lot, but I just need some friend time, away from school.

[Tia, Prim, Tanner, Zoomer]
How is school going for you all? High school is so different. I feel like to low woman on the pole. It stinks sometimes and I miss my friends. Do you girls want to come over this weekend if my parents say ok?

I know you have been busy a lot lately, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over this weekend with a few girls and hang out and catch up? It has been way too long.

Sep. 24th, 2019



I think I am going to start building a fort out of books. Functional and educational.

Sep. 2nd, 2019



Edward, Renesmee (renessie), Jacob (blackwolves)

I think that the four of us should go to dinner. I'm sure Carlisle or Alice won't mind watching little Renesmee for a night.



[Mom, Dad]
Can I go visit Primrose in Arendelle? Prim was at my sleepover, remember the girl with the really light blonde hair?

I asked my mom and dad if I could come over and see your house and goat. I will let you know what she says. Also, you live with your sister. Is Peeta her husband? My mother would like to know who your official guardians are is all?

That movie, Dora, was really cute. I am glad we got to see it together. I can't wait to hang out again.

What are you doing today?

Aug. 28th, 2019


Hello. I’m Edward Cullen. I’m a vampire, and I’m confused. Oh, and hopefully I can find members of my family here too.

Aug. 26th, 2019



Can Tanner come over this weekend? We might go see a movie, too. I think we will go to see Dora.

Also, I was wondering, can we plan a day trip to Disney for a couple of my friends? And you and Aunt Alice and Grandpa, too.

Aug. 14th, 2019



I feel like I should be way more hyper about this place than I am. I dunno... I just feel like I did at home. It's mostly the same. Except now it's get up, go to work, practice my drumming, go out and see superheroes and spaceships flying around, go home, repeat.

Aug. 3rd, 2019



Has anyone seen an Erin Calador? Apparently since I am under 18 I need a guardian in this place and she kindly offered when I contacted a random name at the Welcome Center. If you know her can you let her know I am in the park with a girl named Sally waiting for her? Thank you.

Oh, and hi, I am Jacob Black. Bella, are you really here? Nessie?

Jul. 30th, 2019



[Aunt Alice, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom]
Could we all go into town shopping before school begins? I could spend some time with you all as a family. We haven't done that in so long.

[Older Nessie]
Would you want a self-date? Sort of. I mean, you and I, hang out?



Can Billy come over on (day) this week?

[Erin, Tia, Cassie]
Billy is coming over this week to sing me a song. I like him, still. He doesn't like me like that so why is he coming over?

Jul. 18th, 2019



Where are some fun places to take a vacation?

Jun. 17th, 2019



Last Friday texts

Mom, can I go to a movie with Billy today? As friends? We're seeing Pets 2.

I’ll let you know what my mom says. Ok?

May. 30th, 2019



Can I go shopping with some friends this weekend? Including the boy, Billy, the one we recently met. Please. It's a public place. And a ton of people are always there.

[Erin, Tia, Cassie]
I am going to the mall with Billy this weekend. He's older. Do you girls want to meet me there later in the afternoon and we can all grab lunch together?

Want to meet in the morning at the mall, around 11, and then hang out all day? Maybe catch a movie. Maybe grab some lunch with some of my friends at 12? As if we are normal teenagers.