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Posts Tagged: 'katie+montes+%28katiemontes%29'

Nov. 1st, 2020



Katie's Journal: Halloween I guess

I don't know what number day it is, but I know yesterday was Halloween. Me and Jenny went to a party. So at least no one can say I didn't get out. Yay?

But seriously, I'm not really generally one for parties. The whole "being around people I don't know" thing and being socially inept tends to cause that. But there was something... different about this party. With my friends being who they are, and with me working where I work, people knew my name. In a good way! Instead of saying "hey, you're that chick everyone hates, therefore I hate you too, go fuck yourself," they said "hey, you're so-and-so's weird friend. Nice to see you! Cool costume! What are you supposed to be?"

And I tell them "I'm supposed to be a creepy jar of Hell-Mann's mayonnaise. You could say I'm... A-HEAD... of the game." then they actually laugh.

I can get used to it being like this. I really can. I'm glad I'm here, because now people can take me as I am and not as they want me to be.

Oct. 29th, 2020



Private to Katie Montes, Chloe Van Warren, and Leslie Shay

Girls? I'm all happy and need to gush a little. You around?

Oct. 28th, 2020



Private to Jenny "Lara Blackheart" Prescott

Hit me with a date for our biggest day, you gorgeous girl you.

Oct. 26th, 2020



I feel like most everyone I've met's already gotten sick of me. And like I'm being overly dramatic, for whatever reason.

Maybe I should just stay locked in the apartment for a few days.

Oct. 23rd, 2020



*strums guitar*

Hi, I'm here for the Universal Idol auditions. I'm a few weeks too late? Ah shit.

*sits guitar down*

Uh... I'm... I'm Faye. I like music, and the playing thereof, if you couldn't tell by my guitars or my general... aesthetic, I guess? Honestly, I'll probably find some gigs here and there to support myself. Just...

*picks guitar back up*

At least until Season 3 of Universal Idol, just tell me the place and I'll rock it's roof right off! I've got stuff in the backlogs that I know can get me booked, so LEHS-GO!

Oct. 21st, 2020



Private to Jenny "Lara Blackheart" Prescott

Two questions:

1. Do we want to go to that Halloween/Engagement Party?
2. If so, what do we dress up as?

Oct. 18th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 28

Day twenty-eight.

Wake. Eat. Work. Sleep. Wake. Eat. Work. Fuck. Sleep. Wake. Eat. Work. Sleep.

This has been my process since getting here. Hopefully I can fit "invent interdimensional phone calls to my friends back home" in there one day.

Honestly, I really should have tried out for that Idol thing. There are a few songs I can bullshit my way through. Roundabout by Yes for one, for actual singing stuff. A lot of stuff by Tech N9ne for some quicker chopper rap. There was that one Aaron Lewis song, too, though I don't remember the name to it. It really fit my life until coming here, though...

Eh, I wouldn't have gotten out of the auditions. I can make a mean 3-Meat Treat, but fuck if I can sing.

Oct. 12th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 22

Day twenty-two, I think.

Night eighteen happened... and oh my god, did it HAPPEN. (HIIII MOOOOOOUSE!)

Before that, I finally got that big hangout I've been wanting to do between all the friends I've made here. To say that went better than anyone could have expected would be the understatement of the decade. Like I said before, I've for sure found my people here.

It's been four days and I can't get night eighteen out of my head...

Oct. 8th, 2020



I am so happy with the photoshoot I had yesterday. I'm going to be featured in Shred, a music and pop-culture magazine here on Galador, and they wanted to do a shoot. It made me feel good about myself in a time when I desperately needed it.

Tell me what you think? )



Katie's Journal Day 18

Day eighteen.

There's just not been too much to report recently, much as I hate to say it. It's weird, because while the first two weeks were pretty wild, this third week hasn't been anywhere near as wild. I'm glad for that kinda, because that means this whole situation is starting to become normalized to me. But I'd be lying if I didn't say that for example, it was kinda fun being mistaken for Jyn Erso even after my surgery.

But I want Beatriz to work here, too. I know it's not necessarily what she wants to do, but she'd have a friend here to work with. Plus that way, I can have half of my four besties with me at work. Three if Mouse drops by with her band... and Jenny would complete the set should either said friends want to come by to my apartment, or should Jenny drop by while we're all on the clock.

I dunno, I'm just kinda spitballing.



All I've done is sit around the house and sulk since Victoire left.

Sure, I've had some guests (HI KATIEEEE!), and worked on my music some... but there was lots of sulking involved at all times. Major sulkage.

But I'm supposed to be a mom, a friend, and a rock star, darnit! I can be sad all I want, but I gotta at least try to get out there and have some fun.

If anyone's heading to Ryze tonight, I'm gonna skip the VIP section tonight and mingle. So, if you're gonna be there and wanna say hi, I'm not hard to find!

Oct. 5th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 15

Day fifteen.

I've had the theme to COPS stuck in my head today, so when I get home, I'm gonna watch some old COPS reruns instead of old Sonics games. Surely they'll have it here. They got rid of it to the point you couldn't find it on demand back where I came from...

That... that's it, that's the journal entry for today. Nothing special or remarkable, but then again, that's me in a nutshell.

Oct. 4th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 14 and a half

Day fourteen... and a half, I guess? I dunno. There's probably something a little different than that in the subject line. If not... eh, yeah, day fourteen and a half, I'll just go with that.

Jenny has a job now. She gets to help out Tony fucking Stark. TONY STARK. (read: probably the most intelligent being here.) I mean, holy heck. That's a really big deal. She's gonna be a big deal again. Maybe not to the extent of TONY STARK, but hey, people will recognize her for helping him out.

I never doubted she'd get something like this for a second, though. I hope she assists the hell out of him.

Anyway, back to work I go. I just needed to get that out there.

Ooh, the 2005 Sonics playoff run...



Katie's Journal Day 14

Day fourteen. It's been two weeks finally.

Rachelle's place went well. She's such a pretty woman, honestly. Like, she should be a model on top of all the things she already does. Aside from that, I didn't have to kick anyone anywhere for anything. I was amazed, truthfully.

I wish I had more to talk about after having missed two days, I really do. Uh, I don't know what happened to Beatriz. She's not been around much (if at all) since I offered to show her around town. I still wanna do that, but I have to find her first, which is hard when I don't know where she's been. I was really hoping she'd become part of the little group I've pretty much made here. I miss her.

Past that, all I've really been doing is working, coming back to the apartment, watching old Sonics games (because I can't see new Sonics games even in this new dimension), and eating my highly destructive diet of nothing but my 3 Cs: chow mein, chicken, and coffee. Once I have more money to my name, I can break off of this diet. I'm pretty sure I've lost weight since getting here. I was 135 getting here, I'm probably down to 132. I don't have a scale, or else I'd know.

Oct. 1st, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 11

Day eleven.

As I write in you, journal, I'm learning more and more about both exactly why I'm here and exactly what caused it before I was dropped here on my face. I honestly don't know what to say about either other than I'm sincerely horrified. I also feel at least partly responsible for so many folks here losing their loved ones, because if there's a sort of balance that's supposed to be going on, then there had to be an equal number of people brought in as were taken out. That means me being here is the direct byproduct of someone's untimely purging, and that's incredibly morbid. It makes me sick to my stomach, because my being here cost someone someone else they loved. My being here is the reason that person lay in bed at night, clutching at the spot their family, friend, or lover now used to be.

I'd genuinely give up being here if it meant the person I replaced would be back here and happy. But there's nothing I, a mere human in a sea of folk who could tear my head off without a second thought, can really do other than press on with starting from scratch and doing right by the one I had to have replaced.

Aside from the dwelling upon that, me and Jenny are gonna go and see Rachelle and her folks tonight once I'm off work. I've been living on chow mein noodles, chicken wings, and coffee since getting here, so it'll be nice to have an actual meal for once.

I've also found an appreciation for coffee finally. Like, I get what all the noise is about with it. You still can't make me look at a Starbuck's without screaming "FUCK HOWARD SCHULTZ, HE SOLD OUT MY SEATTLE SUPERSONICS!" though. It's extremely personal between a scorned fan of a team that technically doesn't exist anymore and this massive conglomerate whose reach somehow extends beyond dimensions due to the actions of said conglomerate's owner not being a good basketball team owner. And I wish I were kidding.

Man, that was some mood whiplash. I think I need some coffee before going to work. Maybe I'll see more people that I recognize today. That Star Wars situation was kinda fun a couple days ago.

Sep. 30th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 10

Day ten. Holy macaroni-n-cheese, I've made it ten days in this place without dying. I wonder if we can make it to twenty...

Mouse's place was really nice. I didn't make it in time to see her little one, but I did make it in time for us to see two old guys yelling at one another... and I genuinely wish I were exaggerating when I say that, but damned if that's not exactly what we got. All I could ask at the end was "so that's what schadenfreude is like?" Aside from that, I had fun. Mouse's hospitality even despite her low mood is absolute top-tier. 5 stars, would recommend.

I even gave her a hug at the end, which I don't remember if I'd promised her or not.

Today, however, is a new day. One nice thing about being in this dimension instead of my original one is that Mormons don't drop by my apartment to "spread the word about Jesus Christ" or salesmen don't drop by to try and sell me sponges. It's nice not having to worry about "who am I going to have to be mean to today," you know?

Yeah, sometimes the things I write in you can be really sweet, and other times, they can be inane. Honestly, I'm just giving observations about my time here, especially knowing it has the potential to end at literally any second with no warning. It'd be a real pain in the butt to have to go back home, assuming I live through my being purged.

Sep. 29th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 9

Day nine.

I saw a couple of people from Star Wars walk in today, and for a split-second, I thought one of them was gonna approach me and say "Jyn Erso, is that you?" Then I remembered I don't look like that anymore (having looked as such for 23 years will do that to a girl), and I don't know whether to be thankful that I'm a ghost here, or worried about the actual Jyn-E should she exist here. Last I personally saw of her, she died as the very thing she started the process of destroying completely bodied the planet she was on, but hey... anyone's liable to show up in this place, so there's a little hope I'll come across her eventually.

Anyway, aside from that, this page is gonna be a little short. I forgot to set a day for when me and Beatriz were going to let "the blind [lead] the blind," so I don't fully know when that's going down. I've not heard from Mouse in a minute, and I'm curious as to her whereabouts now. Oh, and my fiancee Jenny (not the one who died getting the Death Star plans to the Rebels, the one who was a wrestler like me) met a gender-flipped Harry... Harrie Potter.



I never properly thanked Rachelle and Jenny for helping me out with that yesterday... thanks, you two.

Sep. 28th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 8

Day eight.

Sorry that I've missed a few days of not writing in you, journal, but you're about to see why I've slacked: I have a job now, officially. I get to see all the faces that decide "I need to go to The End Zone" and take their orders and whatnot. There are actually a few folks I've heard of here and there, but mostly, they don't know I exist past being a waitress. Much like how I don't know them past being people from shows and movies I've seen. Heck, I thought I saw a wrestler who textually "killed" me once, but they were someone else completely. Thank god, but clearly, my culture shock is still there, even if said shock grows ever more acute.

Me and Jenny have an apartment near The End Zone, too. It's like a college dorm, which I'm personally used to, having lived at Georgia Tech for a hot minute, though knowing who-where-n-what Jenny came from, I do worry what she thinks about it. She's been quiet on this thing that I'm putting these journal entries on since we got here.

I'm gonna see about showing Beatriz around town, and maybe seeing if she and Mouse want to hang out after that. I think with them, in addition to Rachelle, I've found good friends. I've found my people, so to speak. I know I can't personally fill any sort of void that any of them may feel, but I can do my best to be as good a friend as I can be to them. This is my second (and possibly last) chance, and I promised myself that I wouldn't blow it should the opportunity present itself.

And I plan to uphold that promise to myself.

Sep. 24th, 2020



Katie's Journal Day 3

Day three out of "honestly I think I should stop counting."

We know where the basic necessities are in this place from this bar now, too. All we need now is a house, really, but that might take a while if the housing market here is anything like it is back home in the United States.

I know my culture shock's wearing off when I'm saying "I'm wondering where the green-headed pyro lady went. I like her, she said she liked me, and we never caught each other's names. Heck, for that matter, what happened to Tifa and Jupiter? And Mouse?" without laughing even a tiny bit. Though, I have a bad feeling that this place is bigger than I have any real grasp upon, and not everyone is going to be as friendly as those four were. As long as none of them recognize me from wrestling then hit me with an ICBM for it, then I think we'll eventually be fine (at least fine once everything's settled and me and Jenny have a permanent roof over our heads).

Oh, and obviously me and Jenny made it to the End Zone. We have food in our stomach, and people to interact with more consistently. So thanks for that, Rachelle. I think the loopiness I was feeling from the faceplant's finally worn off. Obviously I'm still here, so yeah. This isn't a dream, this isn't a concussion-induced hallucination. This is real. This is my life now.

Lord, I'm so melodramatic...

Sep. 23rd, 2020



Ah shit, Katie's done gone and made a journal in her phone

Day two out of however many we're gonna be here for.

I've been having some major culture shock after being able to communicate with people I once thought were entirely fictional. I'm still wondering if it's just that faceplant or if it's all actually real, to be completely honest.

I feel lost, like I don't belong, and honestly, I wanna find a way to go back home. But I have a baaaaaad feeling that this is home now. I already miss the few friends I had back home, as I'm sure they miss me... eh, who am I kidding, they have their careers and other friends to focus on to worry that much about my sudden disappearance.

At least the folks me and Jenny have come across seem civil and not like they wanted to tear my head off, so that's a positive.

If anyone wants to show me around town, so to speak, then I'd welcome it.

Sep. 21st, 2020



Don't quote me on this, but I feel as though I've seen something like this before... I'll have to ask my geek friend with the big tits about it later. If there is a later.

Hi, I'm Katie Montes-soon-to-be-Prescott, but you can just call me Katie. As Jenny pointed out, we kinda just popped into existence in this place. Again, I fell right on my face. That wasn't fun. But now we have phones and while I still don't know what this place is... it still kinda scares me at that... at least Jenny's here, so I have some sense of ground and familiarity in a sea of... uh... floating anonymity, I guess? I'm not too good at being creative like that.

A little background for me, so we can know each other a little, even though I have no idea who I'm talking to or really why I'm talking at all: I went to Georgia Tech, I have what was once called Asperger's Syndrome, and I feel like if this is some kind of survival horror game, I'm gonna die really quickly.

And yes, anime tiddies plz.

Wait, what do you mean "plz" isn't a word...?