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Posts Tagged: '%7Etasha+metz+%28pinkcupcakes%29'

Oct. 10th, 2019



Boooooored outta my mind today. How can you be on a world like this one and literally have nothing to do? It's insane!

Oct. 8th, 2019



It's probably about time I re-join the land of the living, huh?




One of my gal pals that I get naked with is gonna be a freaking porn star!



Parents and Beck
So I got an offer that is a tad hard for me to refuse. Lia Larson, who is a vampire who apparently did porn back in her world, is working with Benjamin Bale on creating a porn studio here. She wants me to be one of her premiere stars! Now, I am 18, and I don't exactly need permission, but I want to know how all of you feel about it before going ahead with the idea.

So... There's going to be a porn studio right here on Galador, and guess who is going to be one of their first stars!

That's right, this girl! I get to share the screen with none other than Lia Larson, herself.

If anyone is interested in joining in, let me know. I can put in a good word for ya.



18 and over

So I'm like crippingly bored. Yes, I know that's not a word. Don't get me wrong, all of the sex is great and I kinda need it because I take after Nana Bo.

... I think I want a job, but I have zero skills.

Oct. 3rd, 2019



Who: Tasha and Hal
What: Saying three magic words
Where: Their place
When: Late September
Warning: It's them so lol

Read more... )







Sep. 30th, 2019



You know? I've been out with a ton of girls... but nothing prepared me for what falling in love feels like. Holy shit, what a feeling.

Sep. 17th, 2019



Anyone else here have siblings out of whack?

I just met Sarah, seems to be mom and Dad daughter from their old timeline before coming here. Turns out I have an older brother as well.

Gem strikes again.


Want to get drinks tonight?

I can use a few.

Sep. 13th, 2019



Maggie, Spencer, Izzie L, Diana, Kylie

Crisis Mode Activated! I need you guys, Ben and Jerry, fluffy blankets, advice, and Friday the 13th on TV.

Sep. 9th, 2019



It's officially beanie weather! Like mother like daughter. [ Inserted is a picture of Tasha and Lux wearing matching beanies ]

Sep. 3rd, 2019



Back to the grind. Good thing I nanny the cutest kids ever.

Aug. 31st, 2019



School sucks, that is all. Let me know where all the parties are going to be at. I'm so down and everything.

Aug. 30th, 2019



Mr and Mrs Weasley

So when would be a good day for me to take off in the near future? I need to make a doctors appointment but wanted to see when would work for you two first before I do. Don't worry, I'm alright. I was born with a heart condition and this appointment, and future ones, are to make sure I stay alright.


Up for a repeat any time soon?


Sup Mags.

[Future kids + Cousins, Brothers, Uncle Sam]

Party at my new place tomorrow. BYOB. Crash if you want. IDC. Just don't break shit.

Aug. 29th, 2019



Dr Jack Damon

Heeey Doc McHottie. Now that you're done with Idol ( you kicked ass by the way ), can you take on a new patient?

Aug. 25th, 2019



I'm in 2019?! This had to be the gem and definitely nothing I did. I mean, it couldn't have been. Could it? Nope, I don't think it was. The gem does stuff like this all the time.

Aug. 22nd, 2019




Okay better. Hiii. I'm surprised because a: I didn't know you were here. B: you're my age now.

Aug. 21st, 2019



GOT THE APARTMENT. Heeeell yeeeees. Riverdale here I come. Hal! You're coming furniture shopping with me tomorrow.



(( backdated to a few days after Ron and Hermione's arrival. ))


Hello, Miss Metz. My name is Hermione Granger. I was recently informed that you were searching for work as a nanny.

My husband and I have a daughter who is two, and a son who is six months, and are in need of someone to care for them while we're at work.

What are your qualifications?

Aug. 19th, 2019



Fashion crisis mode activated!

I need a cute outfit, a bikini and a sparkly dress for two dates coming up. Gal pals from the future ( except you, Mags! ), Kassie, fam! Shopping date TONIGHT!

Dinner on me at the Crashdown Cafe after.


Guess who got herself invited to the Universal Idol FINALE by her blind date before said blind date even happens?! THIS GIRL.

PS: If we don't hear about the apartment by tomorrow, I'm going to go mind influence that woman to give it to us. Cool? I REALLY want it.

Aug. 18th, 2019



I missed the sign up for the dating thing. So I'm going to try this my way.

Hi, I'm Tess.



I've decided that I'm going to try my hand at party planning. My specialty will be weddings. I just love a good wedding. I'm going to have to hire some people to help. Some of the work will just be grunt work setting up for each event.

Charming What do you think of my idea? I thought Regina's party went so well and I had such a good time that I should do this for a living.

I adore you. We should jump on the blind date band wagon, and go on a date pretending we are just meeting. What do you think?

Aug. 17th, 2019



It is SUCH a beautiful day!

Sun is shining, it's warm but not hot, my girl's killing it on Idol, my moms are as awesome as EVAR, and we're finally seeing my dad happy again.

Kinda day that just makes you wanna dance barefoot in the grass.



Filtered to Noah Guerin and his entire family

Hi everyone. So, I know Noah's mentioned me, and I've gotten to know Lita pretty well...

But, I figure it's time I properly introduce myself to you.

I'm Dr. Carly McDonald. I'm absolutely crazy for Noah (and little Avery!), and I'd love nothing more than to get to know you all better.




MAAAAAAGS. I didn't even know you were here and now we're going to go on a date. This is quite serendipitous.

Aug. 16th, 2019



It's FriYAY and I put in an application for an apartment. Who wants to celebrate?

Aug. 15th, 2019



How most people my age probably spent last night:
Dancing, watching movies, playing video games, going on dates...

How I spent last night:
In front of a laptop with my friend looking up all the older women from our time to see if they were hot in the past.

Aug. 14th, 2019



Can't believe no one needs a babysitter! I know all of your future kids so I call shenanigans that no one needs a break now and then. Ugh I guess it's time to look elsewhere. My jar of money isn't going to last forever.


Currently staying at my parents while I look for a place I like. Where'd you end up?


Hi Grammy.


So when can I come give my favorite (and only) Gramps a hug or are you too freaked out?



After talking with The Mrs, I decided that I'd like to volunteer at the new LGBT center. So, who would I need to talk to about making this happen?

Cassie Sandsmark
Hey, babe. How's everything? Haven't heard from you in a while, just checking up on you.

Aug. 12th, 2019



You think it will never happen to me, and then bam punches you right in the face.

So...I'm in the past now, Dad? Calling Oliver Queen? Mom? Calling Dinah Queen.

Bro, you here?



So... both of my girlfriend's parents are here now, and her dad came with a younger version of her and her brother?

Ooooh boy.



The past isn't that bad. I kinda like it.

Seriously, I am not complaining.



Oh come on! You couldn't pull me back to the past after I graduated? Now I have to start all over again! The only good thing about is that I can finally get my apartment.

I know there's a list here at the Welcome Center but I want to do my own call out. I roughly know who all is supposed to be here right now but this is a good way to double-check.

Tasha Matz here and I am seeking out my parents ( Lux and Axel ), brother ( Clark), Grandpa ( Max ), Grandmothers ( Liz and Tess ), and Uncle ( Sam ), Aunt ( Isabel ).

I have a lot more family but let's just start there. Everyone else can chime in.