April 2024



April 14th, 2021



You know, there's only so many times a guy can wake up in new and strange situations before he just starts getting really confused. Or just accepts it and moves on. Not sure which one I'm at currently.

Anyway, my name's Steve Trevor. Is there really a Diana Prince here?



Emily Wilson
Your Highness? I'm Dr. Carly McDonald. Queen Beatrice was just brought to us by Spaceknight Riot, having been injured during their excursion to Monster Island. While the injury looked fatal extremely severe, her healing factor is already doing it's job, and as long as you have someone there who can take care of her, we should be able to release her to you later this evening.

Hi! Hope I'm not seeming too desperate here, but I was wondering if you were free tonight? I get done at work at 7pm and don't have anything planned for the rest of the evening... I still can't believe I'm doing this



Lord Drakkon... your drones worked wonderfully. I am in possession of the video footage and the DNA samples I wanted. You shall be rewarded justly.

Sofia Robbins
The last few days have taken up almost all of my time and I would like to make it up to you, my dear. Anything you would like to do tonight... name it, and it's yours.




Being stabbed through the forehead fucking sucks, y'all.

Seriously. 0/10. Would not recommend.



I guess I'm in need of a new worshiper.




I'm running out of places to put my marionettes and running out of money to make new ones.

No, I'm not going to stop.



So, this is how "heroes" take care of people.

I was brought here moments before I was about to die, betrayed by those I dared to trust. And this is how I'm welcomed to a new world.


Typical humans.




What are you doing later?



I don't know if I will ever get used to how very... large ... this world is.



I can't believe how much I miss Marco.