May 2024



March 30th, 2021



Welcome to all the recent arrivals. I'm Scott Summers, and I'm a volunteer at the Welcome Center. If there's anything I can do to help any of you, please let me know.

Thinking I might head to Ryze tonight, just chill and listen to the music. If anyone wants to join me, that'd be great.



Turkey Neck Soup Day.



It's about time. I thought they were going to keep me in that hospital for another week. I see that there are a few familiar names from home here. Not yet convinced the First Evil isn't here. Giles, can you see this?



Goddammit. Maybe I should've listened to my folks when they told me to go to college instead of just training for wrestling/MMA.

I literally have no marketable skills past kicking bitches really hard in the face.



Looks like the gem decided I was needed back here again...

Looking at the roster and wow has a lot changed. Lot of new names listed, lot of familiar ones gone.

Well, since there's likely a lot of folks here who have no idea who I am, let me introduce myself.

I'm Dr. Priya Patel, and I'm a licensed therapist, psychologist, and psychiatrist.

Hope to get to know everyone soon!



This is... a lot to process. And I'll do that later. For right now, all I care about is the fact that I see my son's name on the register.

Shinji? Shinji Ikari? Are you here? Can you see this?