May 2024



January 15th, 2021



Sanctuary Crew - current and former

Help. Please. I've got a blind date this weekend and I have no clue what to wear or say or do while we're out.



Bowling. Saturday night.

Who's in?



Private to Eddie

Hello Eddie. I thought I'd reach out to you.

I know Blind dates are supposed to be blind. I thought reaching out to you would be a good idea, making the date easier for us. I hope you agree, I want to break the 'blind' part of the date.

I don't usually do things like this. I'm excited to meet you.



I never did think of what I wanted to do for that photo shoot. Then again, the friskiness I was feeling about doing that's gone, too, so... yeah. It's fine, I don't think anyone really needs to see more of me than they already do.

Private to Faye Brown
How are you holding up since the turn of the year?

[Private to Ron Weasley]

I have a date tomorrow. It's from the blind dates that girl set up for people. [/end]

[Private to Kara and Bev]

I've got my first date since getting here tomorrow. His name's Josh. And I'm nervous. [/end]

[Private to Edie]

Could I come over tomorrow and get help from you getting ready for my blind date?



Private to Mathias Randall

Hey, I'm not sure if you saw that I signed up, but I have a blind date tomorrow night.

Amilyn Holdo... she's from Star Wars, right?



I'm not entirely certain what a 'blind date' consists of, but for a chance to possibly make a new friend (or hopefully more), I'll happily jump into the deep end and find out.



OMG! I feel like the happiest, luckiest girl in the galaxy.

I wanted to put something cool or witty here, but AHHHHHH! Fei proposed to me!!!!



Private to Pietro Maximoff
Hi. This is Nancy. Kinda defeating the idea of a totally blind date, but I'm way too nervous of a person to go into this totally blind. Am I being weird?



Heard through the grapevine that there's doctors here that are capable of repairing even the most extreme physical injuries and scars.

Can anyone confirm this information?



Alright everyone, listen up for a minute.

Since the force in general has been pretty damn small so far, I've been running the police for Freedomtown, Sunnydale, Twin Peaks, Castle Rock, and Chicago.

Looks like we're starting to get more cops around here these days, so I'd like to start looking for people to take over as sheriff for the individual cities, minus Sunnydale (where I'll remain sheriff). I'm tired of working so much, dammit. I have a life too, you know (shut up, Parker and Wilson).

If you're already a police officer, and are interested in being sheriff for one of cities I listed, let me know and we'll set up an interview.