May 2024



January 8th, 2021




It is this bitch's birthday, and I fully intend to spend it partying, drinking, and hooking up with questionable people.

Rock N Roll, motherfuckers!!!



Happy birthday to me. I'm planning on celebrating all day.



It's been over a year since the last time I did my cupid thing. I thought it would be nice this month because Valentine's day is next month. I know a few of the couples I set up are still together today and I'm so happy about that.

Just like the last times I've done it please put your name, age, and preference. Don't want to set someone up with someone they won't be attracted to. Just as an example:

Parker Halliwell

Sign up will last until Monday 01/11/2020 and the date will be on Saturday 01/16/2020. You'll receive a text with who you're paired up with and what you two will be doing.

(( ooc - Please use character journal and post individually. There's two sections to make it easier to pair. [under 18 / 18 and over] Please keep the age header in the subject line. Please add player name in text box right under the character info. ))



Ben asked me out! Like, officially. It was so sweet. He said he meant to do it on New Years', actually. Do you want to go shopping this weekend? Maybe we can see a movie after and grab some dinner and just hang out?

Little sister, guess what? I have a boyfriend. Remember Ben, the one I told you about. He was here with me on New Years', too. He asked me to be his girlfriend.

I am not sure how this couple thing works but do you want to do something this weekend? Is there anything here that you have been dying to see that you have not seen yet? We could do it together.



Alright... so Pippa says I have to get out more. I don't know a lot of people. There's Din and Ash and.... well there's a few people. I'm not sure how to get out more.

[ Ash ]




Still no good look a Baby A but I'm thinking it's a boy.



It was weird for fast the gem brings and pulls back certain people. More family was here for what felt like a second. At least they're still together.

[ Addy Carver ]

Are you going to be working tomorrow night?



This place isn't as crazy as I thought when I first got here. Actually enjoying the break from life back home.

[ Thea ]

I talked to the girl that's seeing Rena. I still feel weird that we have kids old enough to date.



text messages; Charlie Bradbury
» I'm going to be training someone all weekend at Hooligans
» Want to stop in for a practice dance?



Hogwarts is here. As in, here here. Do you think we could go to New London and get a tour sometime soon? I have to see it for myself.