May 2024



December 28th, 2020



Feelin' kinda restless and bored.

Wonder what kinda trouble I can get into?



In no particular order, the best things about 2020 for me personally are A) getting the fuck out of Syracuse, B) getting to be part of a proper band for the first time ever and knowing for sure that I wouldn't have to play music alone anymore (which honestly had been a goal of mine from the get go), and C) the Bills winning the AFC East for the first time since I was 4 years old... and for the first time since I really knew what was going on.

Of course, things could change within the next few days, like Rhiannon popping in and saying something like "I've been thinkin' about it, dumplin', and I'd love to be your girlfriend" or something, but as of right now... yeah. Rock on and go Bills.

Oh, and go fuck yourself 2020.



It's only Monday and this week doesn't feel long enough. My sister is getting married Thursday. I feel like there's so much I have left to do to make it perfect.



Ok. So, I was sitting around thinking to myself.

I said, "Self? Why are you so nervous about not making any friends here? You had literally two friends at home, and both are here as well. And nobody's been able to find you even remotely dateable, so it's not like you can be less pathetic, right?"

I mean, I could be. If I started standing on street corners holding a sign that said 'Will Work For Friendship" or something.

Which, TBH, doesn't sound like an altogether bad idea.

ANYWAY. Point is, may as well get myself out there and try making a few friends.

So what do not-at-all-pathetic people do for fun here when they wanna meet people?



Hey hey hey, y'all!

We're gonna be running a New Year's sale at Madhouse Music all next week: all instruments 25% off regular price, all accessories 35% off.

Got a super cool surprise, too - anyone who buys at least $50 worth of merchandise gets a free copy of an exclusive CD called "The Madhouse Sessions", made with the blessing of Full Moon Entertainment. It's some of the best performances FME artists have had on random trips to Madhouse Music.

Speaking of which, I wanna take a moment to say how proud I am of a few of my pals, for the amazing work they did on Universal Idol this season. My homegirl Barb won it all, my unofficial little sisters Bella and Ash were bad-ass as the backing band... y'all were fantastic and I love you all.



I must say, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I got a job, I'm enrolled for next semester in one of the colleges here, and I have a place of my own (that I will pay you back for ASAP, Mom).

Not bad for only being here a month or two.